
  1. P

    What is my biological age range from these pictures ?

    I am curious about what you guys think of my biological age compared to my chronological ( to reveal later) ? Face photo : Full body photo :
  2. O

    Authenticity of Learning Wing Chun via a Screen

    Hi guys! Just discovered this forum and decided to talk about a thing and what I want to ask you all here. First off, authenticity. Where I live here in South East Asia, specifically in the northern area, there's really no legit Wing Chun teacher, as most practice MMA, Taekwondo and Aikido...
  3. Sawyer Mallory

    Where to buy 100% cotton or hemp Uniforms

    I have been looking for a good place to buy high quality uniforms made of cotton or hemp. If any one knows where to find something like that, please let me know! :)
  4. Sawyer Mallory

    Whip chain

    Does anyone know of a good place to buy a whip chain? I have seen the ones online, and I was wondering if there was a more premium seller out there. Thank you for your help.
  5. Sawyer Mallory

    Hapkido weapons

    Does anyone know of a place where I could buy Made in Korea Hapkido weapons? Thanks for your help!
  6. Ivan

    Looking to buy a makiwara

    Can anyone recommend a good makiwara, and maybe drop a link? I need it to be free standing. I can't nail it on the ground or the wall. I have a looked at a few online, but I read the reviews and they are extremely varied, so I was hoping you guys could give me some good recommendations given...
  7. R

    Online martial arts courses

    Hey there everyone! Just wanted to get your thoughts on something. What are your opinions on learning martial arts from an online course, as opposed to at a class or gym? How far can you get learning purely from online videos and so on? And can online courses be a useful supplement to in-person...