I'd be careful about this, I have a friend who has this and it has affected him big time. From what he tells me it mimics other diseases and has settled into his organs, he's got it in his lymph nodes, heart, lungs etc. etc. It has messed him all up. However I've heard of other people who have it and don't have similar problems.
Right, I'm one of the lucky ones. I have no symptoms, it was detected because of dark spots on my chest x-ray during a recent physical. I have reduced lung capacity, but no other symptoms. My sister had it and had to take steroids and she had real problems, including having to have an emergency tracheotomy at one point. I have been through the lung biopsy and the pulmonary specialist says no treatment for me, it will go away on its own. Besides, if you have diabetes, the treatment for sarcoidosis will put your blood sugar through the roof. So it's either no treatment for the sarcoid, or get ready to have your feet chopped off and go blind from the blood sugar spikes. Not happy either way. I'm very lucky to have no symptoms and require no treatment for the sarcoidosis.