Martial Artist Defeat Diabetes Community Action Program........
My wife and I are looking at this program for our school.
MADDCAP™ Objectives
This program will:
• Help manifest the martial arts philosophy into the daily lives of your students.
• Teach life-saving information about diabetes and its prevention
• Provide an opportunity for participating Martial Arts schools to make presentations in local schools about diabetes
• Empower students to take community action in their own self-defense
• Develop activities that will generate the interest of the local media, government and general public
Year One
• Conduct outreach to Martial Arts schools
• Train 250 martial arts instructors about diabetes and its prevention who will form the core of MADDCAP™ instructors
• The 250 MADDCAP™ instructors will educate 10,000+ martial arts students about diabetes and its prevention (40 students per instructor)
• The 250 MADDCAP™ instructors will conduct 2-4 presentations in community based schools about diabetes and its prevention (500 – 1000 total presentations to groups of 30 – 100 for a (total of 15,000 – 25,000 students)
• Each participating MADDCAP™ school will conduct one fundraising event to support the MADDCAP™ program (total of 250 events). Funds will be donated to DDF to defray program material development and future improvements to program
Year Two
• Train an additional 250 martial arts instructors about diabetes and its prevention who will add to the community of MADDCAP™ instructors
• The 500 MADDCAP™ instructors will educate 20,000+ martial arts students about diabetes and its prevention (40 students per instructor)
• The 500 MADDCAP™ instructors will conduct 2-4 presentations in community based schools about diabetes and its prevention (1000 – 2000 total presentations) to groups of 30 – 100 for a (total of 30,000 – 50,000 students
• Each participating MADDCAP™ school will conduct one fundraising event to support the MADDCAP™ program (total of 500). Funds will be donated to DDF to defray program material development and future improvements to program
• Conduct outreach to martial arts students who have participated in the MADDCAP™ program to recruit them to be student leaders in their community
• Recruit and train 250 student leaders to deliver MADDCAP™ presentations to student groups and undertake community action projects
• Conduct 250 student leader presentations to average of 30 students (total 7500 students)
To register for the
MADDCAP™ Program follow the link and enter your contact information into the form and be sure to select MADDCAP from the drop down menu. You will receive a welcome kit via email within 24 - 72 hours.