Also, on a cultural note, do you mean Football (Soccer in USA), or American Football. I'm assuming NOT American football, since as far as I know, their only kick is a punt, suitable for the groin, not the ribs, really. Can you explain what you mean by a Football kick that can attack the torso? I know NOTHING of sports, so I'm a bit out of my depth here.
Aussie rules
If you mean by cross kick, what I mean by stomp kick, we are completely in a agreement here. If physical self-defense is to be taught, that's probably the second best leg technique to include. Some might say that a blade-edge side kick to the knee is easier for the average newbie, but that's a more preference-based conversation. For several reasons, I am with you, and prefer the stompy-cross kick thing.
Yes I mean stomp cross kick.
Yes - the element of surprise that the intended prey fights back is very useful.Can we safely agree that the average aggressor does NOT feel intimidated and or cautious of his (or her) prey?