One-step sparring combinations


Master Black Belt
Hey all,

I'll be going for my 2nd Degree test soon, and I need to demonstrate 6 personalized one-step combinations. (3 for right-handed attacks, and 3 for left)

Our system (Chun Kuk Do - "The Universal Way") highly encourages students to personalize these defenses. They're mostly a form of kata, less a type of self-defense scenario. (Mostly because your partner throws one stepping center punch and then holds still.) So there's a mixture of brutal and pretty, as well as a combination of close range, a long-range techniques.

Takedowns are popular, as well as joint locks and traps. From my 1st degree test, I got the reputation of being able to come up with "unique" one-steps, since I had a wide range of styles to demonstrate. The testers are looking for a repeat performance.

So, I have a favor to ask. Is there anyone out there willing to share their favorite one-step combination with me? If you want to include your style with the description, I'll be happy to give credit where it is due. Even if you don't want to type up the whole thing, at least your favorite opening block/counter, and your final lock/takedown would be helpful.
OK will try! Warning though I'm not good at descriptions! We don't have set defences either though it seems in TSD we should (?) Am also doing it in English to save confusion. You are in left fighting stance and hes punched with his right arm

Outside to in block with your left arm grabbing his forearm with your hand
Holding on to it turn clockwise so you can right elbow to his back (right side ribs) then rapidly - right elbow to the back of his neck
move your right arm over his head and across his throat
your right leg behind his right leg (back of knee to back of knee)
push the arm thats across the throat so he falls over your leg.
At this point if in practice let go of his arm, if for real don't!

Just frightened the dog trying it out in my sittingroom, no not on the dog lol. Hope it reads as I did it!
Good luck! i wish I had some advice.

The only thing I don't like is preparing combo's for one steps. I feel that you need to do what comes first instead of having something pre-arranged. The fear is that most students become robots.
You train Chun Kuk Do, isn't that Chuck's art?

I wish you luck and I apologize but I have nothing much that I can give you via the web.

Could try something similar to Hebei Style Xingyiquan Wu Xing - piquan (Hebei Style Xingyiquan 5 elements - splitting fist) but it will take a lot of typing and explanation to make it work as Xingyiquan with the proper stepping so a modified version might be easier (WARNING: I am better at live demo than typing it out)

Let see if a left punch step in with your right leg and do a right arm block palm facing you (at about eye level) but think of it more like an uppercut (fist not open palm - in Xingyi attack is defense) so in all honesty you could take that block right down their arm and hit them in the face. But if you are staying with piquan as you step with your right leg block with your right hand, Bring your left leg forward and at the same time open hands bring your left hand in to something like an x-block wrist touching wrist palms facing you at about eye level, left hand on the inside. By the way the left foot has not touched the ground during this movement. Turn right palm out to push the attackers fist down, or grab it to pull him towards you. At the same move the left hand up slightly turning the left palm out facing your attacker. Now to make thing more complicated your left foot has not touched the ground nor has it really stopped moving while all this is going on it continues forward as dose your left palm which (to simplify it a bit) becomes a palm strike to your attackers face,

Actually left or right punch by the attacker really doesn't matter it will work either way it is just a difference in the palm strike actually either hitting him in the face or hitting him in the ear. And one last thing the strike is pretty much coming from your center do when it is all done it is about the height of your eyes and right in from of your nose.

To give you some idea the first thing here is Piquan
this is pretty cool.

Only being a blue belt in SKK i dont have a lot of stuff to go on but ill give it my best.

My favorite block to use is just a simple hard forearm block. It has the power and surface area to block almost any attack and when using it to block the other persons forearm/leg it can stun them a little and leave them open for a quick attack of multiple strikes. I do that and then finish it of with a hook kick to the side of the head (great when in close) or a side thrust kick for the power.

Here's one we do. As a whole, it's not great self defense (though I like the first two moves). It looks cool though and is definitely a more advanced technique. Make sure your partner can take a fall.

You and you rpartner start out in a left foot forward fighting stance (standerd boxing stance). he steos forward and through a straight punch with the right hand.

You step out and to the right with your right (rear) foot and execute and inside block/strike to the extended forearm (looking to do ultimately deflect the punch and do as much damage as possible to the limb.

You then do a tiger mouth strike with your chambered left hand to your partner's throat. make a 'C' shape with your thumb and fingers (liek you're holding a glass) and strik with the webbed area betwee thumb and index finger. At this point you should be right foot forward slightly to th eopposite side of where the person punched.

Turn to your right on your right foot so that your back is to the opponent (yeah, I know...theoretically, he has a broken arm and cannot breahte :D ) and strike to the rear with your elbow into the solar plexus.

Reach over your left shoulder and grab your opponents head. Drop your left knee so your are kneeling with the right knee up. your left leg should step back between opponenets legs if possible. Pull the head straight down with you throwing said person over your shoulder. If they don't take the throw it gets ugly for them.

Again, I like the first two moves as quick nasty strikes. I'm not fond of turning my back to a guy I'm not holding in some fashion...but it's a cool throw regardless.

Reach over your left shoulder and grab your opponents head. Drop your left knee so your are kneeling with the right knee up. your left leg should step back between opponenets legs if possible. Pull the head straight down with you throwing said person over your shoulder. If they don't take the throw it gets ugly for them.

don't you mean -reach over your RIGHT shoulder-

says at the beginning. am i wrong? seems better to me. must be a typo.?

Not a typo, lessee, step right, block, strike with left, Spin LEFT (I think I may have said right before), elbow. Reach over left shoulder (or whichever shoulder the head is located :) ). Kneel and throw.

Gawd, I sound like that old Daffy Duck cartoon where he played Robin hood...Thrust parry spin, thrust HAH!
OK will try! Warning though I'm not good at descriptions! We don't have set defences either though it seems in TSD we should (?) Am also doing it in English to save confusion. You are in left fighting stance and hes punched with his right arm

Outside to in block with your left arm grabbing his forearm with your hand
Holding on to it turn clockwise so you can right elbow to his back (right side ribs) then rapidly - right elbow to the back of his neck
move your right arm over his head and across his throat
your right leg behind his right leg (back of knee to back of knee)
push the arm thats across the throat so he falls over your leg.
At this point if in practice let go of his arm, if for real don't!

Just frightened the dog trying it out in my sittingroom, no not on the dog lol. Hope it reads as I did it!

That seems to make sense to me! I'll print it out and try it at home this weekend. I like the block/spin combination right off the bat. If fits my style.
Good luck! i wish I had some advice.

The only thing I don't like is preparing combo's for one steps. I feel that you need to do what comes first instead of having something pre-arranged. The fear is that most students become robots.

They're mostly to show that we understand range, body mechanics, targets, and takedowns on a willing partner. Similar to kata, but with partner. We do the sparring after, and then nothing's pre-arranged.
You train Chun Kuk Do, isn't that Chuck's art?

I wish you luck and I apologize but I have nothing much that I can give you via the web.

Could try something similar to Hebei Style Xingyiquan Wu Xing - piquan (Hebei Style Xingyiquan 5 elements - splitting fist) but it will take a lot of typing and explanation to make it work as Xingyiquan with the proper stepping so a modified version might be easier (WARNING: I am better at live demo than typing it out)

Let see if a left punch step in with your right leg and do a right arm block palm facing you (at about eye level) but think of it more like an uppercut (fist not open palm - in Xingyi attack is defense) so in all honesty you could take that block right down their arm and hit them in the face. But if you are staying with piquan as you step with your right leg block with your right hand, Bring your left leg forward and at the same time open hands bring your left hand in to something like an x-block wrist touching wrist palms facing you at about eye level, left hand on the inside. By the way the left foot has not touched the ground during this movement. Turn right palm out to push the attackers fist down, or grab it to pull him towards you. At the same move the left hand up slightly turning the left palm out facing your attacker. Now to make thing more complicated your left foot has not touched the ground nor has it really stopped moving while all this is going on it continues forward as dose your left palm which (to simplify it a bit) becomes a palm strike to your attackers face,

Actually left or right punch by the attacker really doesn't matter it will work either way it is just a difference in the palm strike actually either hitting him in the face or hitting him in the ear. And one last thing the strike is pretty much coming from your center do when it is all done it is about the height of your eyes and right in from of your nose.

To give you some idea the first thing here is Piquan

Yeah, that's "Chucks" style. About a year and a half ago, I got to be the "punching dummy" (what is the term I see here often, the "uke?") for a friend of mine during a 5th degree promotion ceremony. We were on stage in front of about 300 black belts, and about 8 ft. behind us sat Chuck and Aaron Norris. That was a little intimidating. He is in person what he seems to be, just a confident, nice guy. He also looks almost exactly like my instructor, Chip Wright (Mr. Norris' Stunt double), which led to a shock one day when I though it was my instructor standing behind me, then I turned around and realized it was Mr. Norris.

I really like that opening. We have one that is similar, but this is different enough that it would look exotic. Perfect!
Here's one we do. As a whole, it's not great self defense (though I like the first two moves). It looks cool though and is definitely a more advanced technique. Make sure your partner can take a fall.

You and you rpartner start out in a left foot forward fighting stance (standerd boxing stance). he steos forward and through a straight punch with the right hand.

You step out and to the right with your right (rear) foot and execute and inside block/strike to the extended forearm (looking to do ultimately deflect the punch and do as much damage as possible to the limb.

You then do a tiger mouth strike with your chambered left hand to your partner's throat. make a 'C' shape with your thumb and fingers (liek you're holding a glass) and strik with the webbed area betwee thumb and index finger. At this point you should be right foot forward slightly to th eopposite side of where the person punched.

Turn to your right on your right foot so that your back is to the opponent (yeah, I know...theoretically, he has a broken arm and cannot breahte :D ) and strike to the rear with your elbow into the solar plexus.

Reach over your left shoulder and grab your opponents head. Drop your left knee so your are kneeling with the right knee up. your left leg should step back between opponenets legs if possible. Pull the head straight down with you throwing said person over your shoulder. If they don't take the throw it gets ugly for them.

Again, I like the first two moves as quick nasty strikes. I'm not fond of turning my back to a guy I'm not holding in some fashion...but it's a cool throw regardless.


That's almost move-for-move with what I had just decided to do for one of my right-handed attacks two days ago. The only practical difference is that I had a side-kick instead of the throat strike. I'll have to try it this way. But I do like that kneeling takedown over the shoulder. I knew going into this test that that was one takedown I would definitely do.
How about a gunting/split entry?
Opponent straight punches with the right
Step the left foot to 10:30, left inward block, right inward hammerfist to the bicep
Right hand keeps contact with the arm and collapses down against your chest trapping his arm there.
Left palm heel to the chin, going through the target, then grab his left shoulder or lapel, lever your forearm against his neck
Left knee to the kidney/spine, as you step down twist to your left taking the opponent down, keep control of his right arm with your right, so that he lands on his left side
Kneel on his head (preferable mastoid/jaw) with your left knee, on his ribs with your right, and control him with a sitting armbar more weight on the head is better, your partner will appreciate it. :wink:
I'm going to be trying out the others too, cheers! I haven't got the sort of mind that very good at making up my own moves for one step so I really appreciate others efforts!
I dont know if you are still looking for new one step techniques but I have Modern Farang Mu Sul training sheets from white belt to blue belt with 40 or 50 of these type of techniques: from striking combinations to striking and grappling or joint lock combinations with take downs and finishes, I can pass on to you in word format. More than happy to pass them on to any one who is interested. These techniques are based out of aka: Farang Do, Farang Kwan, Hwarang Do, Farang/Tae Kwon Do, Hwarang/Hapki Do, so they are very widely applicable. give me a email address and I will send them to you.

I dont know if you are still looking for new one step techniques but I have Modern Farang Mu Sul training sheets from white belt to blue belt with 40 or 50 of these type of techniques: from striking combinations to striking and grappling or joint lock combinations with take downs and finishes, I can pass on to you in word format. More than happy to pass them on to any one who is interested. These techniques are based out of aka: Farang Do, Farang Kwan, Hwarang Do, Farang/Tae Kwon Do, Hwarang/Hapki Do, so they are very widely applicable. give me a email address and I will send them to you.


Oh yes please! You have PM! sounds brilliant :supcool:
Opponent stepping with right foot and punching with right hand.

Step in slightly with your left foot, block the punch with a left outer forearm block, while simultaneously executing a right palmheel to the nose. Immediately follow that with a right elbow strike to the left side of the head, pull through, then come back with a right forearm strike to the brachial plexus origin pressure point on the opponent's right side of the neck. Finish by hooking the back of the neck with the right hand and yanking his head down to meet a right knee strike.

Can be modified as a weapon defense as well. Assuming he has a stick, block and counter up to the brachial stun. At that point, your left arm is still in contact with his right forearm. Instead of going for the knee strike, do a disarm of some sort, your choice. Never leave a weapon in the bad guy's hand.
Thanks for all of the great ideas, guys. I like all of them.

I figured it was time to return the favor, so here's one of my favorites:

Attacked with the left hand, stepping forward with the left foot.

1. Outside block with the right hand, while stepping forward with the left foot.
2. Web-hand strike to throat with the Left hand, while pivoting to a back-stance
3. Throat grab. (thumb next to windpipe, middle finger under the jaw by the ear)
4. (While holding the throat with the left) cross-elbow to temple with right elbow
6. Back-knuckle to their right side temple
7. One-handed arm bar on their left hand. (Hard to describe using text, you can do a standard arm bar if you prefer, just leave out step #8.)
8. Reverse punch to jaw with your left hand.
9 Take to the floor to finish

It's a lot of small steps, but it actually moves very fast, and you have control from the very beginning. #'s 1,2, and 3 are almost one movement.