TAGB Red Belt One Step Sparring


White Belt
Hi, long time lurker here,

For my 2nd Kup grading we do one step, we have to come up with our own defense and counter attack and do the same on both sides,

I am struggling to think of correct combinations that demonstrate my ability and knowledge any suggestions?

Below is what I am currently doing.

One hand: simultaneous palm block to the elbow and upset fingertip thrust to the groin

One foot: grasping hooking block followed by a hooking kick - I am not happy about this one as I feel it is too simple

One hand one foot: outward block holding the wrist followed by a downward elbow strike on the opponents elbow followed by a knee strike to the solar plexus

One foot one hand: evasion inward crescent kick with the wrist as my target followed by a palm strike to the nose

My concern is that these need to show suitably advanced techniques whilst still following the format set out by my instructor I am not allowed to do takedowns but I want it to show both powerful and aesthetic techniques

Thanks Samantha
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When I learned Hapkido, there were some students who practiced the easy techniques as much as they could, so they could use them on testing. They were allowed to do so as the rules for testing were that one had to do three techniques out of seven taught for a specific defense, or one of two if only two were taught, and the student could pick. They were the ones who suffered for not knowing well, the other techniques.

I always learned them all. I spent more time on those I considered more difficult, to ensure I had mastered them all. When testing time came, I simply reacted to the attack, using a technique I had learned. I did try to do the more difficult ones when testing. I never wanted to feel I didn't know all the techniques well.

You are the one in your school. We are not. You know what your instructor(s) will be looking for on tests. You know which defenses are considered more difficult at your level of training. Do those, and do them correctly. You will pass and probably be complemented afterwards.

Let us know how is goes. I bet you will be complemented if you do the ones considered more difficult, assuming you do them well. I am sure you will do just that. You sound like a person who cares to do well.
Not sure how your instructors want it. But ours say test time is showoff time. Use your best, most powerful, and most advances techs.
And there is no simple or easy one. A plam heel is a great strike or block if done correctly with both precision and power. That's what testing is all about showing your best.
grading time is for showing what you have learned, emphasis on the techniques you do best.

As for composing your own onesteps, consider that you have to have a logic flow of moves. Does the defense match the initial attack, and do the counter attacks flow from the initial defensive setup.
The logical flow of movement, as Granfire mentions, is important. Stepping back further, consider what is your strategy, and let that guide your way. If you are a smaller person developing movement to deal with a larger/more powerful person, your approach would be different from a larger person. As you continue to train you will learn more and more what suits you. If you know that now and stay within that, the movements you develop will probably be both functional and personally useful.
One foot: grasping hooking block followed by a hooking kick - I am not happy about this one as I feel it is too simple

Thanks Samantha

Don't worry about something being too simple, if it works, it works. Remember that One-step is supposed to mimic a Self defence situation, and if it you can disable an attacker with something simple, then go ahead, also, it's more important that the actual technique is performed fluidly, correctly, and with power. Play to your strengths, if this is a technique that works well for you then make sure that you get it in there!
Try to use some kind of Spinning Technique at the end to finish, if you want to show off.
For example; Palm Strike > Spinning Knife Hand.

Make the start the Functional Part. Then add in the Fancy. That way youre demonstrating both.

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