One class a week for six months


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
I have the opportunity to teach martial arts for a PE class at the High School that I teach. The class is an elective that meets during a 90 minute block class once per week for six months. I don't know if it will continue on and become another class, which presents some difficulties in presented a traditional karate curriculum. That said, my idea is to focus on a small piece of my curriculum and teach it very well. For example, I may just take one empty hand or weapon kata, teach all of the basics, all of the applications, the form itself, and drill the hell out of it until the students can do it in their sleep.

It'll be a good experiment, because from what I've read, this is actually a very authentic way of teaching karate. This is the way I think that karate was taught before it was stylized and standardized. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out. Anyway, what do you think? What would you do if you were in my position?
My Sifu does this for an After school program at one of the local elementary schools. He loves it. You may want to have a friend or student handy to use as a dummy, or just to back you up.
Just before I got out of the Army, one of the SSG's was a Black Belt in something, and was starting to teach his art during PT once a week, everyone loved it.
Good luck and have fun!
I’d be cautious about drilling the hell out of them till I seen what they were like. They’re kids in a school, some may just think this is an easy way to spend 90 minutes a week, and will only ever go through the motions.

I guarantee though that there will be some who will take to it like ducks to water, and will become perhaps life long MAists.

You may need to keep changing it up just to keep it interesting.

Sounds like a great opportunity though.
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Thanks for the feedback. I've flipped back and forth from offering depth or breadth to the students. The good news is that among the students at my school, there are a lot of martial artists...and most of them are dying to take the class. So its a good bet that a few BBs from other styles will be in the class. It's a high school and these are upper class students.
Hello, What would any NEW or beginning
student or any NON-training person wants to learn?

Keeping things simple, (NO kata is needed here)...

Things you can teach your mother to defend herself...that she can this level to your classes...

Make plans..beginning to end...specfic topic or defense techniques that anyone can use. remember and learn easly...HISTORY is good to teach too....

Let them really learn more..they need to sign up in a martial art classes..

Teach simple throws (judo) too! How to roll and fall-keep chin in!

You can show/teach them many techniques...and focus on 3-4 most important ones you want them to six months

and Verbal (non-escalating) language...RUN too!

Key tarkets..maybe better to learn to hit at...than learning how to hit?

Read the Gift of Fear...great info's here....Instincts..and when to fight back...

Keep things simple...after all..only six months...


PS: Biting...scatching, pinching..etc....and any other stuffs...if you find it interesting to teach...they will find it interesting to this well..!
Hello, What would any NEW or beginning
student or any NON-training person wants to learn?

Keeping things simple, (NO kata is needed here)...

Things you can teach your mother to defend herself...that she can this level to your classes...

Make plans..beginning to end...specfic topic or defense techniques that anyone can use. remember and learn easly...HISTORY is good to teach too....

Let them really learn more..they need to sign up in a martial art classes..

Teach simple throws (judo) too! How to roll and fall-keep chin in!

You can show/teach them many techniques...and focus on 3-4 most important ones you want them to six months

and Verbal (non-escalating) language...RUN too!

Key tarkets..maybe better to learn to hit at...than learning how to hit?

Read the Gift of Fear...great info's here....Instincts..and when to fight back...

Keep things simple...after all..only six months...


PS: Biting...scatching, pinching..etc....and any other stuffs...if you find it interesting to teach...they will find it interesting to this well..!

I agree with "still learning". I would highly suggest staying away from teaching katas / drilling the same things, as that will get boring really fast, your class rep will become poor, etc. Definitely show them different kicks, hand strikes, points of hitting, and joint locks / throws if possible.

This definitely is a great opportunity, there is also a martial arts / self-defense class that just got started at my HS, right after I graduated, of course. -_-

As you're well aware of, there will be students that are highly interested and want to learn as much as possible, while others that are there just to waste time. My suggestion, for the sake of learning, would be to engrave some sort of useful information into their heads that they will remember that might possibly save their life one day, be it physical/verbal/emotional.

Good luck and have fun!
I think that teaching a kata is a good idea, but it will get boring very quickly to kids, unless you mix it up a little. My suggestion would be let them get the kata down and then teach bunkai. Let them see what it is they're learning and how it would be used. You can spend thewhole time teaching one kata and all the bunkai and let them play with it.
I think that teaching a kata is a good idea, but it will get boring very quickly to kids, unless you mix it up a little. My suggestion would be let them get the kata down and then teach bunkai. Let them see what it is they're learning and how it would be used. You can spend thewhole time teaching one kata and all the bunkai and let them play with it.

That pretty much sums up one of my ideas. When you start to practice the real basics associated with the kata, the ones that actually let you perform the bunkai, things get interesting really quick.
Teach kata. This is the root of your main art, is it not?

Teach a section of kata and then get into the application of those movements. Let them see what the art is all about. Work that untill they have it and teach another small section of the kata. Pick kata that is not to basic, something that will challenge them
Are you teaching this solo or do you have assistants that are willing to help?

If you have previous students then you can work out a routine so the high school kids will have a better idea of the techniques.

Will you grade mainly by attendance or use a final as well?

Anything to keep the workout fun? Games?

Do you have a website the students can go to for more info? Or know a place where they can go to for more info.

Will you do any scenario work?

Tell the kids about the predator/prey mentality?

Any idea how to handle discipline issues?

Hope these questions give you some food for thought.

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