Class breakdown

Kong Soo Do

IKSDA Director
Supporting Member
I thought it might be interesting to see how classes break down in the various arts represented here. The following questions;
  • What is the art you teach or train in?
  • How long is your normal class?
  • How many times per week do you train?
  • Is there a warm up period at the beginning of class and if so, how long is this normally?
  • Are there any exercises or physical conditioning in a normal class and if so, how long is this normally?
  • Do you have any type of conditioning/hard body conditioning and if so, how long per class?
  • Do you have forms training and if so, how long per class?
  • Of a normal class, what would you estimate is the time spent in material already covered i.e. mastering previously learned material?
  • How often is new material presented?
Thank you in advance :)
  • What is the art you teach or train in? -- Teach Choy Li Fut
  • How long is your normal class? -- 1 hour at a rec center twice a week, until done at a park on Sundays
  • How many times per week do you train? -- My training not much due to work, but I get my students theirs
  • Is there a warm up period at the beginning of class and if so, how long is this normally? -- 15 minutes of horse stances & stretching, could be more but I don't have time.
  • Are there any exercises or physical conditioning in a normal class and if so, how long is this normally? -- Not for the rec center, kids are too young. At the park... lots of it until somebody pukes or passing out is a real possibility
  • Do you have any type of conditioning/hard body conditioning and if so, how long per class? Lots... each limb of the body & the torso, front & back. 5 to 10 minutes per limb & torso.
  • Do you have forms training and if so, how long per class? -- Rec center about 15 minutes, at the park until they get it.
  • Of a normal class, what would you estimate is the time spent in material already covered i.e. mastering previously learned material? -- All of it.
  • How often is new material presented? -- Daily. There's very rarely something to be considered new after a month or two.
  • What is the art you teach or train in? Bujinkan Ninjutsu
  • How long is your normal class? 2 hours generally.
  • How many times per week do you train? Usually twice, but I think we're getting a new session soon.
  • Is there a warm up period at the beginning of class and if so, how long is this normally? Normally about 15 minutes.
  • Are there any exercises or physical conditioning in a normal class and if so, how long is this normally? Some exercises at the beginning sometimes, but not anything too strenuous.
  • Do you have any type of conditioning/hard body conditioning and if so, how long per class? Not usually, but I've only been training for a year, so it may be included later.
  • Do you have forms training and if so, how long per class? Usually for most of the class, as kata are quite important.
  • Of a normal class, what would you estimate is the time spent in material already covered i.e. mastering previously learned material? It depends quite a bit on the time of year. I train at university, so at the beginning of the academic year there are a lot of beginners who need things going over quite a lot that we will have already done, but later the balance shifts towards new things and away from the basic techniques.
  • How often is new material presented? Usually our instructor throws new things in every session or so, but not as much at the beginning of the year's training.
  • What is the art you teach or train in? Taekwondo, I am a student, my husband is an instructor trainee.
  • How long is your normal class? 1 hour, there are 45min classes earlier in the afternoon to accomodate night-working families and shorter attention spans
  • How many times per week do you train? Classes available 6 days a week, I train 5
  • Is there a warm up period at the beginning of class and if so, how long is this normally? 5-10 minutes of cardio warmup plus 10 minutes of stretching/conditioning
  • Are there any exercises or physical conditioning in a normal class and if so, how long is this normally? As above, during the stretching/conditioning segment, we do pushups, situps, 4 count pushups, single-leg balances, squats, etc - varies from day to day
  • Do you have any type of conditioning/hard body conditioning and if so, how long per class? We offer additional classes (1 hour) in circuit training and body toning
  • Do you have forms training and if so, how long per class? Every class, but the duration varies based on attendees and what knowledge they already have/need
  • Of a normal class, what would you estimate is the time spent in material already covered i.e. mastering previously learned material? We review several times throughout class, with drilling basics before graduating to new material and reviewing old forms before practicing current ones
  • How often is new material presented? Each student receives new material (forms, 1 steps, techniques) each week, but the instructors really try to present at least new combinations in each class. The instructors work to challenge each student at each class, even if it is mostly review material.
I thought it might be interesting to see how classes break down in the various arts represented here. The following questions;
  • What is the art you teach or train in? EPAK Kenpo
  • How long is your normal class? Scheduled for 45 minutes, actual length, usually 90 min
  • How many times per week do you train? 2 to 4
  • Is there a warm up period at the beginning of class and if so, how long is this normally? No, because, the bad guy on the street won't give you time to warm up
  • Are there any exercises or physical conditioning in a normal class and if so, how long is this normally?see above
  • Do you have any type of conditioning/hard body conditioning and if so, how long per class?
  • Do you have forms training and if so, how long per class?Generally one class out of 4 is forms
  • Of a normal class, what would you estimate is the time spent in material already covered i.e. mastering previously learned material? idk, a third?
  • How often is new material presented? As needed by each individual
Thank you in advance :)
You're welcome
I thought it might be interesting to see how classes break down in the various arts represented here. The following questions;
  • What is the art you teach or train in?
  • How long is your normal class?
  • How many times per week do you train?
  • Is there a warm up period at the beginning of class and if so, how long is this normally?
  • Are there any exercises or physical conditioning in a normal class and if so, how long is this normally?
  • Do you have any type of conditioning/hard body conditioning and if so, how long per class?
  • Do you have forms training and if so, how long per class?
  • Of a normal class, what would you estimate is the time spent in material already covered i.e. mastering previously learned material?
  • How often is new material presented?
Thank you in advance :)
1) Judo, BJJ, NO GI Submission Grappling
2) 1 hour to 1 hour and a half
3) 3 times per week
4) Yes - about 20 minutes
5) Part of the warm up - stretching - excercise
6) Not really - I only teach children
7) No forms at all - I'm not a fan of Kata
8) Sometimes - 15 minutes or so -- other times, none at all
9) For newbies - there is new material on a regular basis.
I thought it might be interesting to see how classes break down in the various arts represented here. The following questions;
  • What is the art you teach or train in?
  • How long is your normal class?
  • How many times per week do you train?
  • Is there a warm up period at the beginning of class and if so, how long is this normally?
  • Are there any exercises or physical conditioning in a normal class and if so, how long is this normally?
  • Do you have any type of conditioning/hard body conditioning and if so, how long per class?
  • Do you have forms training and if so, how long per class?
  • Of a normal class, what would you estimate is the time spent in material already covered i.e. mastering previously learned material?
  • How often is new material presented?
Thank you in advance :)

I teach Bando.
A normal class lasts about 2 to 2 1/2 hours.
My class meets once a week.
A typical class begins with warm-ups aimed at preparing the body for training that night; this is usually 15 to 20 minutes, including a joint warm-up as well as some other calisthenic or other specific exercises. Conditioning the body and weapons depends on what we're working; it may be dedicated, or it may be the result of simply training with a partner. We sometimes practice forms; other times it's drills and/or sparring exercises.

All belt ranks train together, so there is often some sort of review for some students and new material for others.
  • What is the art you teach or train in? --Tae Kwon-Do
  • How long is your normal class? --1-2.5 Hours, Depending on if you want to take the 4:30-6:00 Class, the 6:00-7:00 Class, or Both.
  • How many times per week do you train? --Four.
  • Is there a warm up period at the beginning of class and if so, how long is this normally? --You Warm Up before Class. If you dont, its Your Body thats at Risk, and your Choice to make it that way.
  • Are there any exercises or physical conditioning in a normal class and if so, how long is this normally? --Not so much During the Class itself. The Class Teaches the Martial Art. Anything else is Fully Detailed to do in Your Own Time, Before Class, or Whathaveyou. Methods of Both are Provided to You, however. And it is Strongly Encouraged. And Again, its Your Risk if you dont do it.
  • Do you have any type of conditioning/hard body conditioning and if so, how long per class? --Same as the Above.
  • Do you have forms training and if so, how long per class? --There is Forms Training. However, it takes a bit of a Back Seat. Except on the First Tuesday of Every Month. Then it Consumes the Whole Class. Otherwise, About 10 Minutes, unless it becomes the Focus of a Class. In which case, 20-30.
  • Of a normal class, what would you estimate is the time spent in material already covered i.e. mastering previously learned material? --This is Impossible to Estimate. But everything you Learn as a White Belt, is still Practiced to and with Black Belts. You are Encouraged to Avoid anything which could be considered Indirect (In other Words, Fancy), unless it is due to an Opportunity allowing for it; And to Focus on Inflicting Maximum Injury in Minimal Time - But also to Exercise Control, on Where You Inflict Injury, and how much Force you put into it. Enough about that though - I could go on for a while.
  • How often is new material presented? ​--Whenever youre Ready to Learn it.
Cy, I quite like the way you worded the bit about white belt material. we, too, practice and retain and continually improve upon all material from white belt up, black belts included. If a black belt cannot correctly perform ALL the forms from white thru current rank at testing, that black belt does not advance, same for all the other ranks in between. :-)
Cy, I quite like the way you worded the bit about white belt material. we, too, practice and retain and continually improve upon all material from white belt up, black belts included. If a black belt cannot correctly perform ALL the forms from white thru current rank at testing, that black belt does not advance, same for all the other ranks in between. :-)

As a Wise Man once said;
"True Skill Is Best Demonstrated With The Most Basic Of Techniques." *I didnt Quote this 100% Accurately. I cant find the Book I Originally Read this in; I Think it doesnt say Demonstrated. It says Shown, or Portrayed, or something. But you get the Idea.

  • What is the art you teach or train in? --I have not taught in about 10-12 years, but I studied and taught Hapkiido.
  • How long is your normal class? --1 to 2 hrs. In Korea, the noon clase had to be shortened to accomodate work schedules.
  • How many times per week do you train? --I trained five to six. I taught 3 to begin with, but cut it back to 2.
  • Is there a warm up period at the beginning of class and if so, how long is this normally? --Absolutely essential! We began with stretches, some cardio, and kicks, also break falls.
  • Are there any exercises or physical conditioning in a normal class and if so, how long is this normally? --As above, stretches, cardio, kicks (both for control, practice, cardio and memory enhancement). In a two hour class, depending on the number of students, it could go to 30 or 45 minutes. Everyone gets to count repititions for pushups, situps, fist clamps. After beginning stretching/warmup and kicks together, students line up for focus pad kicks, both individual kicks and combination (up to ten at a time) kicks.
  • Do you have any type of conditioning/hard body conditioning and if so, how long per class? --Well, our stretching, pushups, situps, kicking, are all conditioning and stamina enhancing. Practicing the techniques is of necessity body conditioning as well.
  • Do you have forms training and if so, how long per class? --No forms in my style of Hapkido.
  • Of a normal class, what would you estimate is the time spent in material already covered i.e. mastering previously learned material? --Class and student dependent. We tended to accelerate teaching and then after a set of techniques is learned, they are gone over and over until test time. Since higher belts are teaching newer students, you are constantly revisiting techniques already learned (used to be common in MA, maybe not any more).
  • How often is new material presented? ​--Every class. Three new techniques every class until the set for the next class have all been learned. Then you continue to refine your skills until test time.
  • What is the art you teach or train in? Train in both Shotokan Karate and Aikido, I don't teach
  • How long is your normal class? 1-1.15hrs Karate & 1.5-2hrs Aikido
  • How many times per week do you train? --Currently once a week in both, however from this week I'm upping my Karate to 2 sessions a week and in a couple of months that'll rise again with an extra session once a month as I train for my black
  • Is there a warm up period at the beginning of class and if so, how long is this normally? --Absolutely essential! Karate normally consists of various jumping, stretching, leg swings etc.. roughly 10-15mins. Aikido starts out similar but with more emphasis on wrist pushups, crunches, core work. then moving onto stance switches and ukemi/breakfalls
  • Are there any exercises or physical conditioning in a normal class and if so, how long is this normally? In both, Karate: pushups on fists on wooden floor, impact conditioning; a lot of younguns in the class so dont do a lot. Aikido: wrist pushups (on the backs of your wrists instead of your hands, then swapping inside to out. impact conditioning, breakfall techniques over bokkens and various wrist stretches/exercises.
  • Do you have any type of conditioning/hard body conditioning and if so, how long per class? As above really, part of the class/warmup. cant really put a time on it
  • Do you have forms training and if so, how long per class? If you mean Kata, in Karate it depends. sometimes it'll be most of the lesson, other times it wont but there is always some included. Moreso for me at the moment as my Sensei likes testing me and making sure I know every Kata. In Akido what we call forms we do 80% of every lesson. but this is more going through techniques. I've not done any Kata yet but I think there is some albeit limited. There is a sword Kata.
  • Of a normal class, what would you estimate is the time spent in material already covered i.e. mastering previously learned material? Depends on the class. we are always revisiting the early Katas and basics. I help my instructors to go through this as im far ahead of the rest of the class so i dont often have a training partner of the same level other than one of the instructors. Often though one of them takes me aside and I do all my stuff with him. its a bit annoying but it works out better as i get plenty of 1 to 1 training :)
  • How often is new material presented? ​Most of the time. Depends on the class. Sensei always tried to include something new each week. We do spend a lot of time concentrating on the basics however for the reasons above. But then, without basics where would you be :) Doesnt hold me back though, I need to remember the earlier Katas and when we do basics I do my level of basics. i.e. an 8th kyu student may just do a head punch, but i'll be expected to do a head punch, 2 body, front kick and side kick. My sensei also delights in telling me to do the kata backwards!! man that gets confusing! :D
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  • What is the art you teach or train in? Train in Kun Tao Dumpag
  • How long is your normal class? 1.5 hours on Tuesday and Thursday, 2 hours on Saturday
  • How many times per week do you train? see above
  • Is there a warm up period at the beginning of class and if so, how long is this normally? 1/2 hour or so, depends on who is leading the warmups
  • Are there any exercises or physical conditioning in a normal class and if so, how long is this normally? we mix in kettlebell exercises during our warmups
  • Do you have any type of conditioning/hard body conditioning and if so, how long per class? occasionally, maybe for 15 minutes or so
  • Do you have forms training and if so, how long per class? we don't have forms
  • Of a normal class, what would you estimate is the time spent in material already covered i.e. mastering previously learned material? 75-80% of the class. We are constantly reviewing and refining previously learned material.
  • How often is new material presented? Variations to previous materail and new material is presented every class.
  • What is the art you teach or train in? BJJ and kickboxing
  • How long is your normal class? About an hour
  • How many times per week do you train? Two times (Sunday and Thursday night)
  • Is there a warm up period at the beginning of class and if so, how long is this normally? Yes, about 5 minutes.
  • Are there any exercises or physical conditioning in a normal class and if so, how long is this normally? Yes, about 10 minutes.
  • Do you have any type of conditioning/hard body conditioning and if so, how long per class? No, at least not yet.
  • Do you have forms training and if so, how long per class? No
  • Of a normal class, what would you estimate is the time spent in material already covered i.e. mastering previously learned material? 10 minutes-ish.
  • How often is new material presented? Usually we learn something new each class.
Our class is pretty dynamic so the stated times are not exact. Sometimes we'll do kickboxing, sometimes BJJ (one night is kickboxing the other is BJJ). We usually have a warmup followed by some instruction then we try out what we just learned. That sometimes is followed by some "circuit training" which includes various heavybag exercises, plyometrics and other strength training exercises. It's all a great workout for me and a ton of fun.
  • What is the art you teach or train in? Hwardo. Combination MA including mostly TMAs
  • How long is your normal class? 45 minutes. Once a month 1.5 hours when we include ground work
  • How many times per week do you train? 2
  • Is there a warm up period at the beginning of class and if so, how long is this normally? 5-7 minutes of stretches & calisthenics
  • Are there any exercises or physical conditioning in a normal class and if so, how long is this normally? Half of our classes are mostly conditioning. Striking padded and hard targets with power. We have "centers" set up around the dojang where we work on power, speed, accuracy, reflexes or a combination of them. Everyone leaves these classes sweaty and sore.
  • Do you have any type of conditioning/hard body conditioning and if so, how long per class? Hand conditioning before class for Black Belts: Knuckles, Knife Hand & Fingers. At the end of classes we will normally do some intensive Core exercises.
  • Do you have forms training and if so, how long per class? Very few forms, all of which are weapons. Usually only lasts 10 minutes or so, and not every class. We learn the forms in class, but it's better to perfect at home.
  • Of a normal class, what would you estimate is the time spent in material already covered i.e. mastering previously learned material? Blackbelts & beginners train in separate classes, so most of our class is reviewing and perfecting techniques.
  • How often is new material presented? Maybe once a month we will be introduced to something new. But it is usually a new way to apply a fundamental we have already learned.

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