On dealing with KenpoPhobes

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on a bunch of factors that you could play with.

So mabye one is better because he is bigger ir spent more time training. Well they are not secrets we can ajust.

You could let them punch kick or grapple.

You could play around with the protections. So headgear no head gear.

But yat the end you would have more of a definitive answer than tying yourself up in false logic.
If you can make it work, it being Kenpo against a skilled and resisting opponent you have attained at least some level of functionality. If you cannot make it work and blame the choreography or the written outline you have failed in functionality.

Why is making it work because kempo works. And not making it work the fault of the individual?
to define "making it work" would fall into a few general categories. assault prevention & response, self defense in a semi consensual fight (ie bar fight) competition ...competition would fall into a spiral of further categories of mma, point fighting ect. the approach someone takes to solve any of these combative problems is going to be determined by their underlying philosophy. it is all together possible that ones internal philosophy would not be in accord with the philosophical precepts and approach of the art , namely for this discussion kenpo.
in your comments there is also a presumption that every person given the right teacher and enough time can effectively apply kenpo to every single category of human combative behavior. again this is nonsense.

I think your correct I didn't factor in schools that emphasise point sparring and think of it as a combative problem but I did factor in the possibility that they are being taught Kenpo by someone who I jokingly call a faithless dog or someone who themselves learned the art from someone who eventually fails at Kenpo. People thought it was illogical that someone spends years learning Kenpo with legends like Mr Parker or one of his protégé, attained high rank, taught the art for years could be on the journey to failure but it does happen.
on a bunch of factors that you could play with.

So mabye one is better because he is bigger ir spent more time training. Well they are not secrets we can ajust.

You could let them punch kick or grapple.

You could play around with the protections. So headgear no head gear.

But yat the end you would have more of a definitive answer than tying yourself up in false logic.

Makes sense if I wanted an answer to the question of which individuals are more skilled but it would prove nothing in terms of the art as whole
Makes sense if I wanted an answer to the question of which individuals are more skilled but it would prove nothing in terms of the art as whole

Wait. If you are succesfull it is because of the art.

Isnt it?

If you can make it work, it being Kenpo against a skilled and resisting opponent you have attained at least some level of functionality.
Perhaps had I not been so arrogant in my inital OP approach I could have simply asked politely that people limit their criticisms of the entire art in all its myriad of manifestations to only their personal experience with whatever aspect they are taking issue with but something tells me that would not have stirred the Kenpo board back to life.
Wait. If you are succesfull it is because of the art.

Isnt it?

If you can make it work, it being Kenpo against a skilled and resisting opponent you have attained at least some level of functionality.

While you do owe a thanks to those who have preserved the kenpo flame before passing it to you, the success is yours just as the failures are yours and yours alone.
I don't even know what you are talking about, now, but we don't punch anything like a boxer, and for good reason.

Doesnt matter how you punch. Punch anyway you want. That is the point. You will either get toweld up or you wont.

But you wont be able to fall back on excuses.
Your really can't blame the teacher if your claiming to be smart enough to know what you're taught is not effective because you can apply the same smarts to finding quality instruction.
While you do owe a thanks to those who have preserved the kenpo flame before passing it to you, the success is yours just as the failures are yours and yours alone.

The difference between a system that works and one that doesnt is going to have an effect on that.

We are trying to work out how to determine if the system is sound.

We cant just say Kempo works. because we dont really know.

We need to say Kempo works because a whole bunch of evidence that shows it works.

No if we get a whole bunch of kempo guys and test them against a whole buch of boxers. Saying one or the other just happened to have more talented individuals is a bit of a stretch.
Doesnt matter how you punch. Punch anyway you want. That is the point. You will either get toweld up or you wont.

But you wont be able to fall back on excuses.
OK first of all, the Kenpo 5 people are all about that boxing. How is boxing superior to what they are learning?
Your really can't blame the teacher if your claiming to be smart enough to know what you're taught is not effective because you can apply the same smarts to finding quality instruction.

I can. And I do. Experience has made me smart enough to find quality instruction. And I gained that by training with poor instructors.

And If they are out there doing a poor job. Why cant I blame them?
OK first of all, the Kenpo 5 people are all about that boxing. How is boxing superior to what they are learning?

So there is an easy way to find out which method is better.

Get a bunch of kempo guys and a bunch of boxers. And even these kempo boxers. And test them and see which one is better.
So there is an easy way to find out which method is better.

Get a bunch of kempo guys and a bunch of boxers. And even these kempo boxers. And test them and see which one is better.
In general, boxers just do that one thing, so, it would follow, they are a little better. Boxing is not the best way to fight, believe it or not. But, yeah, they punch stuff a lot.
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