On dealing with KenpoPhobes

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Sami Ibrahim

Green Belt
Jan 11, 2017
Reaction score
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Not everyone who is/was involved with or associated with Kenpo is really destined for success in Kenpo. I mean these KenpoPhobes do not have any faith in Kenpo, they are future Kenpo failures in the making, learning only the surface motion with only the most shallow understanding of the art. These are the future critics of Kenpo, the ones who will quit sooner or later because they can't seem to make any real progress because they have already convinced themselves that all Kenpo is impractical, watered down or whatever. These are the ones who always paint with a wide brush when discussing their perceived problems with the art, never taking responsibility for their own short comings.

If you are new to the art of Kenpo, please take the time to check the source of information when it comes to Kenpo, if the person offering you insight is someone who "used to study" Kenpo but quit and now has a head full of opinions about the art, keep in mind this is a KenpoPhobe, someone whose entire journey in the art of Kenpo was as a destined failure, not to be confused with Kenpo practitioners who cross reference or cross train. How much worst if the person in question has spent more than half a life time failing in Kenpo before quitting. This art is not for everyone and is definitely not for KenpoPhobes.

Now if you're like me, you take sadistic pleasure in taking any statement made by a KenpoPhobe and cut away the generalization, clarifying their failure to be something unique to them. For example, this technique sucks becomes I am sorry to hear that your still having problems understanding that excellent technique, I would recommend a qualified instructor for you but I see that you quit Kenpo years ago lol. Now, if you do this they feel like it is a personal attack and so you can expect personal attacks back ranging from questioning your lineage to questioning your sanity, one thing you can rest assured they won't ever do is actually discuss the original topic in any further detail since they have no idea that the topic goes much deeper than their shallow understanding.

Please tread with care around the manure spewing from these faithless dogs who are failures in Kenpo and want to convince us that the problem is with the art (really they are subconsciously trying to convince themselves that they are not failures). Take your insight from those who are successful with the art not those who are critics of the art, from the critics learn to identify how they came to reach dismal failure and avoid their mistakes.
For example, this technique sucks becomes I am sorry to hear that your still having problems understanding that excellent technique, I would recommend a qualified instructor
I'm not a Kenpo guy, but I'm curious... are you saying that if a Kenpo practitioner doesn't like all the techniques in the system, and I understand that there are ALOT of techniques in EPAK , that they are a KenpoPhobe, and cannot make the technique work for them? Do you personally like all the techniques? Do you find all the EPAK techniques to be excellent? And if not, does that make you a KenpoPhobe?
I'm not a Kenpo guy, but I'm curious... are you saying that if a Kenpo practitioner doesn't like all the techniques in the system, and I understand that there are ALOT of techniques in EPAK , that they are a KenpoPhobe, and cannot make the technique work for them? Do you personally like all the techniques? Do you find all the EPAK techniques to be excellent? And if not, does that make you a KenpoPhobe?
I can't answer for samu, but most of the epak techniques follow a set of guidelines. It's fine if you don't like techniques, but understand the reasoning behind them. It's a different thing if you try the technique, don't bother understanding why it's useful, and claiming the kenpo sucks because the techniques you never explored fully suck, which j think are the 'kenpophobes'
Not everyone who is/was involved with or associated with Kenpo is really destined for success in Kenpo. I mean these KenpoPhobes do not have any faith in Kenpo, they are future Kenpo failures in the making, learning only the surface motion with only the most shallow understanding of the art. These are the future critics of Kenpo, the ones who will quit sooner or later because they can't seem to make any real progress because they have already convinced themselves that all Kenpo is impractical, watered down or whatever. These are the ones who always paint with a wide brush when discussing their perceived problems with the art, never taking responsibility for their own short comings.

If you are new to the art of Kenpo, please take the time to check the source of information when it comes to Kenpo, if the person offering you insight is someone who "used to study" Kenpo but quit and now has a head full of opinions about the art, keep in mind this is a KenpoPhobe, someone whose entire journey in the art of Kenpo was as a destined failure, not to be confused with Kenpo practitioners who cross reference or cross train. How much worst if the person in question has spent more than half a life time failing in Kenpo before quitting. This art is not for everyone and is definitely not for KenpoPhobes.

Now if you're like me, you take sadistic pleasure in taking any statement made by a KenpoPhobe and cut away the generalization, clarifying their failure to be something unique to them. For example, this technique sucks becomes I am sorry to hear that your still having problems understanding that excellent technique, I would recommend a qualified instructor for you but I see that you quit Kenpo years ago lol. Now, if you do this they feel like it is a personal attack and so you can expect personal attacks back ranging from questioning your lineage to questioning your sanity, one thing you can rest assured they won't ever do is actually discuss the original topic in any further detail since they have no idea that the topic goes much deeper than their shallow understanding.

Please tread with care around the manure spewing from these faithless dogs who are failures in Kenpo and want to convince us that the problem is with the art (really they are subconsciously trying to convince themselves that they are not failures). Take your insight from those who are successful with the art not those who are critics of the art, from the critics learn to identify how they came to reach dismal failure and avoid their mistakes.
Umm sorry but you seem to be one of those who believes kenpo is the be all and end all of martial arts...it's not its got its weaknesses and some of the techniques simply do not work for people no matter who trained them. Lee wedlake hates the techique circling windmills and he hates the set 2s and he was trained by ed Parker but since he doesn't like a techique are you saying he didn't get trained properly then? Get a grip your post makes you extremely arrogant. Not all of kenpo is ineffective but some of it is. Some of it physically doesn't work for some people and if you go around saying that everything works and it's all perfect then you're the one failing your students telling them that.

You've obviously got yourself all upset about your silly assassination comment. Who are you to tell people they're failures at it and by the way that word kenpo phobes...you do realise that means they're scared of kenpo...if someone hates kenpo that's their choice I don't care makes no difference to me if they love it or hate it it's non of my business you need to stop getting so upset
I've been told by two high ranking, highly respected Kenpo Masters that they dislike certain techs, and admit that all the techs are not 'logical" for self defense. These men were trained by Ed Parker Sr. KenpoPhobes?
I've been told by two high ranking highly respected Kenpo Masters that they dislike certain techs and admit that all the techs are not 'logical" for self defense. These men were trained by Ed Parker Sr. KenpoPhobes?
Agreed anyone who says they love every single technique are either liars or have a cult like worship of the art. Sure all techniques can give you principles and ideas to work with but as an actual base techique there are some that simply do work as the base as they're written and that's fine because its about taking bits of each one and using them as tools but you simply can't say they all work. There are 154 kenpo techniques and 10 forms no one in their right mind can like every single one of them
Kenpos a great art but it doesn't all work plain and simple call me a failure or whatever you want but it doesn't and I've been training for 10 years and never met a single person who likes every technique including 7th and 8th dans
Saying someone who doesn't like Kempo after trying it was "a destined failure" is ludicrous. Their opinion is based on their experience. No art is right for everyone, and no art is perfect, even for its ideal audience.
These are the future critics of Kenpo, the ones who will quit sooner or later because they can't seem to make any real progress because they have already convinced themselves that all Kenpo is impractical, watered down or whatever.

How much worst if the person in question has spent more than half a life time failing in Kenpo before quitting.
Let me see if I'm understanding this correctly ...

There are people who spend half a life time training in Kenpo, but they never make any progress because they had already decided from the beginning that Kenpo doesn't work? Nevertheless, they devote years and years to practice of the art because ... they hate it so much they want to prove it doesn't work, I guess?

I'm sure that makes all kinds of sense. People, without coercion or social pressure, typically spend years devoting their free time, money, and hard work to activities that they think are worthless from the outset, right? Doesn't everybody do that?

I don't care one way or another about Kenpo, but I think your understanding of human nature might need a little work.
Funny how the op has now completely disappeared after posting this and not replied to anyone's comment
Not everyone who is/was involved with or associated with Kenpo is really destined for success in Kenpo. I mean these KenpoPhobes do not have any faith in Kenpo, they are future Kenpo failures in the making, learning only the surface motion with only the most shallow understanding of the art. These are the future critics of Kenpo, the ones who will quit sooner or later because they can't seem to make any real progress because they have already convinced themselves that all Kenpo is impractical, watered down or whatever. These are the ones who always paint with a wide brush when discussing their perceived problems with the art, never taking responsibility for their own short comings.

If you are new to the art of Kenpo, please take the time to check the source of information when it comes to Kenpo, if the person offering you insight is someone who "used to study" Kenpo but quit and now has a head full of opinions about the art, keep in mind this is a KenpoPhobe, someone whose entire journey in the art of Kenpo was as a destined failure, not to be confused with Kenpo practitioners who cross reference or cross train. How much worst if the person in question has spent more than half a life time failing in Kenpo before quitting. This art is not for everyone and is definitely not for KenpoPhobes.

Now if you're like me, you take sadistic pleasure in taking any statement made by a KenpoPhobe and cut away the generalization, clarifying their failure to be something unique to them. For example, this technique sucks becomes I am sorry to hear that your still having problems understanding that excellent technique, I would recommend a qualified instructor for you but I see that you quit Kenpo years ago lol. Now, if you do this they feel like it is a personal attack and so you can expect personal attacks back ranging from questioning your lineage to questioning your sanity, one thing you can rest assured they won't ever do is actually discuss the original topic in any further detail since they have no idea that the topic goes much deeper than their shallow understanding.

Please tread with care around the manure spewing from these faithless dogs who are failures in Kenpo and want to convince us that the problem is with the art (really they are subconsciously trying to convince themselves that they are not failures). Take your insight from those who are successful with the art not those who are critics of the art, from the critics learn to identify how they came to reach dismal failure and avoid their mistakes.

wait a minute i resemble that remark!!!!
may i ask how many years you, Sami have been studing kenpo?
i would be more than happy to debate you on this and yes sure we can.get into the discussion deeper, are you willing ?
...."one thing you can rest assured they won't ever do is actually discuss the original topic in any further detail since they have no idea that the topic goes much deeper than their shallow understanding".

i personally find kenpo is not for me. there are some small aspects that i do like but as a complete system its not for me. however we will have to define what era of kenpo we are going to debate. the art has undergone some drastic changes over the years and from organization to organization.
your post while mildly entertaining shows an evident lack of understanding of other arts. how many other arts have you trained in Sami? are you guilty of the same phobia you describe because you are not a master of those other arts?
Some of us have lives, and don't hover over our computers, every moment. o_O
What kind of life is that? Disconnected from your computer - can you really call it living? :)

Honestly, that's probably one of the benefits I get from martial arts training - a period of time when I'm not concerned about anything going on online. At least until we get the technology for brain implants connected to the Internet. Then I'll probably be running software to analyze my performance while I'm sparring. I'll be like the Borg - you can only defeat me a given way one time and then I'll have added the necessary countermeasures to my database.
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