On being tested by non-martial artists

After being asked a few times (over the years) if I could block their punch. I turned it around and answered "sure I will, if you can block mine first." They seemed to realize how stupid their question was.
I've never been tested that way myself, but my friend and training partner had a coworker come up from behind her and lift her in a bearhug saying, "what would you do now if I was a bad guy?" She told him, and he dropped her really quickly.
I've never been tested that way myself, but my friend and training partner had a coworker come up from behind her and lift her in a bearhug saying, "what would you do now if I was a bad guy?" She told him, and he dropped her really quickly.

No excuse for that type of childish behaviour, she should have just showed him what she could do.
No excuse for that type of childish behaviour, she should have just showed him what she could do.


Friends have done this 2 times when I was younger.
They didn't ask but just startled me from behind, trying to be fun.
One guy had half an idea of what to expect so he jumped away immediately and my fist passed by his head. the other guy didn't, but I recognized him and pulled my punch enough so that he didn't go KO.

Personally, I hate it when people do that. It is a sign of immaturity.
"What would you do if i"-BAAM
"OK then what about"-BAAM
Then explain to them all about pre emptive striking in M/Arts LOL

This reminds me of a story an Instructor told me once,
During a Seminar break held in a public park, A bloke aproached the Instructor and very politely intro'd himself, the conversation quickly went to techniques as he wasnt really convinced with the drills they were doing, So he wanted the Instructor to show him what he would do against a "real jab-cross"..
Without hesitation the Instructor said "sure, no problem".
The bloke went to lift his hands - BAAM lol, He then proclaims "Hey, I didnt punch yet!"
The Instructor says "Yes, thats right"


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