Having a predatory killer instinct mentality is far more important in being a warrior than physical skills and physical fitness

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People tend to believe what makes them feel better about themselves, and it's easy for incels to believe a guy - even a goofball from reality TV - that tells them that they are the victims of an injust world.
I mean aren't they the victims of an unjust world? They were bullied by all of society. The bullies attacked them while everyone just laughed, joined in, and didn't help them. Everyone was also the enablers of the bullies which prevented incels from fending off their bullies.

Like what do you want me to do? You want me to dehumanize incels as pure evil creatures that needs to be sealed in some area and never get out? You're saying that it's all incels fault for their suffering?

No! Their worst offenders are the enablers of their enemies.

You're just telling bullying victims and social outcasts to lose their guards and when that happens, you stab them in the back and their cycle of suffering repeats.

No. You're not doing that to self-respecting bullying victims. If I was a bullying victim, I will never let that happen.
I won't deny that hybristophilia exists but it's really not that hard to get people (including women) to take photos with you and portray yourself as an "alpha male", especially if you've been on reality TV and/or give them money or visibility on social media. The problem is less with those women but with the people that believe it gives Tate any credibility at all (no personal offense meant).

People tend to believe what makes them feel better about themselves, and it's easy for incels to believe a guy - even a goofball from reality TV - that tells them that they are the victims of an injust world. They start talking about "alpha males" and "beta males" and to blame women or society for their sexual frustrations, a bit like what conspirationists do. If a "beta" doesn't get laid, it's because women are attracted to those psychopathic alpha males, and are too stupid to pay attention to the "nice guy" in front of them. Those ideas give the "betas" easy excuses for their sexual frustrations. And since they don't have the social/sexual experience to contradict those ideas, they lap it all up. Guys like Tate attract incels, not women, and make a business out of it.

There are alternatives. You can find lots of resources, including online, on how to be more successful in your social life or, generally, be a better man. There are better role models than Tate to emulate out there. But those paths involve getting out of one's basement.
Dude? Basement? Really? Who the love even lives there? Basements are disgusting and full of spiders. The stereotype that loser social outcasts live in basements is honestly just that! A stereotype! A silly stereotype.

Demonizing and blaming loser social outcasts again for every bad thing? You do realize that incels do not automatically mean weirdo loser hermit shut-ins but just mean people who are unsuccessful at social life and sex life, right?

Why do you hate social outcasts so much like what have they done to you? You're starting to sound like a bully enabler.
Dude? Basement? Really? Who the love even lives there? Basements are disgusting and full of spiders. The stereotype that loser social outcasts live in basements is honestly just that! A stereotype! A silly stereotype.

Demonizing and blaming loser social outcasts again for every bad thing? You do realize that incels do not automatically mean weirdo loser hermit shut-ins but just mean people who are unsuccessful at social life and sex life, right?

Why do you hate social outcasts so much like what have they done to you? You're starting to sound like a bully enabler.
Seriously think you’d be better off talking to a therapist than a martial arts forum. It’s clear you’ve got some issues about something and maybe a therapist will help you with that. All the best
I won't deny that hybristophilia exists but it's really not that hard to get people (including women) to take photos with you and portray yourself as an "alpha male", especially if you've been on reality TV and/or give them money or visibility on social media. The problem is less with those women but with the people that believe it gives Tate any credibility at all (no personal offense meant).

People tend to believe what makes them feel better about themselves, and it's easy for incels to believe a guy - even a goofball from reality TV - that tells them that they are the victims of an injust world. They start talking about "alpha males" and "beta males" and to blame women or society for their sexual frustrations, a bit like what conspirationists do. If a "beta" doesn't get laid, it's because women are attracted to those psychopathic alpha males, and are too stupid to pay attention to the "nice guy" in front of them. Those ideas give the "betas" easy excuses for their sexual frustrations. And since they don't have the social/sexual experience to contradict those ideas, they lap it all up. Guys like Tate attract incels, not women, and make a business out of it.

There are alternatives. You can find lots of resources, including online, on how to be more successful in your social life or, generally, be a better man. There are better role models than Tate to emulate out there. But those paths involve getting out of one's basement.
Dude, again, not all manosphere believers are loser timid socially-awkward social outcasts. Many of them are just right-wing traditional average good-quality males who are sick and tired of modern dating, promiscuity, and hook-up culture and these males want traditional faithful housewives which are a dying endangered female species.
Seriously think you’d be better off talking to a therapist than a martial arts forum. It’s clear you’ve got some issues about something and maybe a therapist will help you with that. All the best
And you're the type to blame everything on bullying victims instead of their bullies and the enablers(all of society) of the bullies. LOL!
Seriously think you’d be better off talking to a therapist than a martial arts forum. It’s clear you’ve got some issues about something and maybe a therapist will help you with that. All the best
I don't need to talk to a therapist. It's better to make nihilistic peace with a cruel unjust world rather than pay some greedy narcissistic know-it-all stranger to half-assedly make feel better but don't care about me. Also, I get to save money.
People tend to believe what makes them feel better about themselves, and it's easy for incels to believe a guy - even a goofball from reality TV - that tells them that they are the victims of an injust world.
The world is indeed unjust.

The world is not fair and humans deep down are selfish.

If you think the world is fair and that humans are pure good angels, then you're some childish easily-manipulated kid living in a fantasy.
I am here to say that killer instinct is the ultimate element in creating great fighters.
I am here to say that killer instinct is the ultimate element in creating great fighters.

Peace to, young man.
Want to add, I've known several straight up pencil neck nerds who would fight back. They might've gotten beat up some but after a couple of times fighting back the bullying stopped. You just had to be willing to take a little thrashing to stop the bullying. And even the evil alpha males get thrashed from time to time so there's that in common. Anyway, picking on the weak is just a holdover from the animal world. The weak are a liability to the herd. They're often eliminated by their own pack/herd. Not saying it's right in humans. But nowadays, kids get arrested for fighting. So the victims don't fight back and the bullying continues. Used to be you got bullied, you fought back, maybe got beat up but the bullying stopped. It got handled.
Just because someone doesn't have the killer instinct doesn't mean they have to get bullied. There were lots of us that got teased for being a little weird. But we fought back so the teasing stopped. I got beat up a couple times in school. Oh well. That's life. It didn't last long. I'm not that tough and don't enjoy hurting people but sometimes you just gotta put it on the line.


Yes, laugh. That's a bullying tactic against betas and social outcasts. You're just showing to me that you don't take me seriously just because you think that I am a beta male loser and not because you think that what I am saying is absolutely false.

Thanks for proving my point that indeed society loves evil alpha tough guys but hate weak but good timid beta males.
You are entertaining yes, timid? no. Beta? Not sure what that really means. I think that you might be having a psychological issue. Do you take medication? Have you been diagnosed? Do you have a mental healthcare professional to seek help? I’m being serious now. At first I thought you were a troll, but now I think maybe there is more to why you are so invested and upset.
WHAT?! Are you saying to me that girls will love and have sex with bullying victims? Delusional! No! Women hate and do not respect beta male social outcasts who can't stand up for themselves. The fact that you think that the beautiful model cheer squad leader will love the nerd is beyond delusional and insanity. She won't respect him and will hold him in absolute disdain just like what most girls like her do in real-life. That's what always happens.That's real-life! I don't know what you're talking about.

And this phenomenon goes on even after highschool. Highschool is just a sneakpeak in what happens in the outside adult world.

Again, here are proof:

The phenomenon of "nice guys finish last" is a fact of life that most rational people have accepted a long LONG LONE time ago. This nihilistic but logical belief vastly predates the black pill, the red pill, Andrew Tate, and all of the manosphere world.

But in regards to the manosphere, I don't think you know a decent amount of info about them. Because you keep calling all manosphere as blackpillers when blackpillers(incels) are just one of multiple branches in the manosphere. There are also the red pill, MGTOW, etc.


Also, not all of manosphere are timid loser ugly midget social outcasts. Many manosphere believers such as MGTOW are just average males who hate modern dating and promiscuity and want traditional housewives as oppose to liberated promiscuous entitled females.

Seriously, do you really think that humans are some pure angels with souls?

Humans are not divine beings created by God because there is no deity or any god(I am a scientific atheist). There is no supernatural. There's only the physical natural world. Science and the universe doesn't care about your feelings.

Humans are not divine angels. Humans are just biological primate apes who evolved from much earlier primitive prehistoric primate apes and all non-human apes have social hierarchies ruled by alphas. These alphas are the strongest in their tribes and command everyone in their tribes. These alphas also have the most female mates and are desired by all females of their species. So humans are also hierarchy-based societies ruled by alphas since humans are also primates and apes.

Also, stop saying that I am bullied by highschool athletes. You're just proving my point that beta males are dismissed and disrespected by all people such as you and that people such as YOU worship alpha male thugs. You're just saying to me that you don't take me seriously because I am a "loser bullied beta male" and that you will always believe confident alpha male thugs no matter the info they say including infos that are downright FALSE and DELUSIONAL.

Also, you're being discriminatory. You automatically dismiss all bullied social outcasts and bullied timid people as dumb just because they are not tough and attractive.

Honestly, that's a very retarded move from you given the fact that history's greatest scientists aren't professional athletes or tough guy alpha males but are... well... NERDS and are proud NERDS.

You judge people based on their appearance.

So you're dumb.
Help. You need help man. Please seek it.
I won't deny that hybristophilia exists but it's really not that hard to get people (including women) to take photos with you and portray yourself as an "alpha male", especially if you've been on reality TV and/or give them money or visibility on social media. The problem is less with those women but with the people that believe it gives Tate any credibility at all (no personal offense meant).
If the women in Tate's entourage are only there as a result of "selling out," then that's all the more reason for the women outraged by Tate to call them out.

I don't personally believe that the women make Tate credible, but I do believe that they make him appear credible. Young men wouldn't be listening to Tate if he didn't have those women around him. I can't be the only one who sees this. Once again, women outraged by Tate's message, for whatever reason, are ignoring this.

People tend to believe what makes them feel better about themselves, and it's easy for incels to believe a guy - even a goofball from reality TV - that tells them that they are the victims of an injust world.
Except Tate doesn't tell his audience that they're victims or that the world is unjust (outside of his arrest). His message is more along the lines of "Man the f*** up, you p****."

They start talking about "alpha males" and "beta males" and to blame women or society for their sexual frustrations, a bit like what conspirationists do. If a "beta" doesn't get laid, it's because women are attracted to those psychopathic alpha males, and are too stupid to pay attention to the "nice guy" in front of them. Those ideas give the "betas" easy excuses for their sexual frustrations. And since they don't have the social/sexual experience to contradict those ideas, they lap it all up. Guys like Tate attract incels, not women, and make a business out of it.
So I had to separate the bolded part from the rest.

There's a difference between "black pill" and "red pill."

Incels are black pill. They're the guys who believe that their lives are determined by their genetics and their neurology, and that there's nothing that can be done about their situation. That's not Tate's audience. They see Tate as a con artist, like everyone else. That's the non-bolded part.

For the bolded part - Tate is "red pill." He believes - or at least purports to believe - that action can be taken to improve the situation of the sexually frustrated, such as "learning game," going to gym and building an attractive body, financial success, etc.

There are alternatives. You can find lots of resources, including online, on how to be more successful in your social life or, generally, be a better man. There are better role models than Tate to emulate out there. But those paths involve getting out of one's basement.
You mean these role models aren't meeting these guys where they are, like Tate is? They're making guys "get out of their basement" to find them, unlike Tate?

We live in a day and age now where, for anything to be perceived as "the truth," is has to be harsh. That's what Tate is offering.

As far as non-toxic advice... if it's anything that's been promoted in 90's rom-coms, that's probably what led young men to the state that they're in now. If "be yourself" and "be nice" is part of the advice, well... we're back to the "nice guy" problem.
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