Senior Master
Daniel, how many times have I told you, being level headed in a no no...How do you mean? The sport itself (technically WTF Sport Taekwondo) or all of the nonsense that goes with being in the olympics?
Well, the olympics are huge business. Not only in terms of money, but in terms of political favor trading.
No, many people in the world do not care about the olympics. Most in the US really don't. It's full of sports that we don't recognize played by amateur athletes that we've never heard of. The sports that we do recognize and follow generate no interest for us because we already know that the best players aren't playing in them; they're in the pros and the game schedule in US professional leagues is such that going to the olympics would actually hurt the athletes. I am sure that people in other countries have similar observations, the only difference being that the sports and athletes they've never heard of are different than the ones that we've never heard of.
Unfortunately, in amateur sports, the olympics have been for a very long time the only real means of large scale recognition.
Which America? North, Central, or South?

You have to be one of the few on here that I actually enjoy discussing things with. Even when we disagree it is always personable.