Sooooo, you have ridden a fit and tallented race horse on an open track? Nope, no skill needed there. :shrug:
Nah no skill at all, no dedication watching your weight, no riding out early every morning on the gallops, no fitness needed, no talent. Anyone can do it can't they Lori? ROFLMAO at the horse doing the work!
Inject steroids eh, I that's a serious allegation to make, ATC. If I made that allegation about TKD Olympic people you'd be howling. Perhaps you'd like to take that allegation to the British Racing Board, I think they'd be happy to take compensation from you for false allegations and libel.
My daughter has worked for leading racehorse trainers for nearly ten years now,having ridden and worked with horses from age three, she'll happily tell you about working with race horses and how it's one of the most dangerous jobs going. She's had two serious accidents, one where she was caught in the starting gates when the horse reared, she was saved by one og the loaders quick reasctions when he scooped her up and out and again she was injured when a horse caught it's headcollar in it's stall, as she went to realese it the horse spun and crushed her against the wall, half ton of horse pinning her to it. if the horses were that clever that wouldn't have haven't and they wouldn't need jockeys.
We don't go telling you that TKD is easy and doesn't need any work done by its people so don't you dare tell us who are far more knowledgable than yourself, who works in horse racing and who doesn't. My daughter has also trained and broken in horses for the Royal Dubai Racing club in Dubai where they valued her experience and knowlege but it would seem yours is greater? Don't disrespect something you clearly know nothing about and use it as an anology for martial arts, oh and my daughter does them as well, she's done karate since she was 8 and now fights amateur MMA.
for Lori...Katie on Always Cruising.