olympic coverage

the thing is to score in olymic tkd there has to be "trembling shock", in other words you have to visibly move or displace your movement...sort of way to make sure your actually kicking with power instead of just playing tag....it's harder to get that kind of power with a punch, at least within an olympic format...

blocking is allowed, but evasion is key word...no need to block if they don't hit...

i was impressed with what one of the commentators said...when he was discussing the rules..."no punching to the head, punching to the midsection is allowed, no hammer fists, no knifehands...nothing you learn in the art of tae kwon do...this is the sport of tae kwon do"
Bignick, thanks for pointing that out with the commentator. It's nice to know that someone will differentiate between the art, and the sport.
did u guys watch the gold medal fights last night?? they were pretty cool...
littlespree123 said:
did u guys watch the gold medal fights last night?? they were pretty cool...
I've recorded all the televised fights. I'll have todays gold medal matches up no later than tomorrow morning :)
sweet deal...you're the goto guy on this one...i was in class during this morning's matches and forgot to tape them
Bad News :( I didn't get the right stuff recorded. Some stupid field hockey got recorded instead. I'm mad. As a result, I'm taping much longer segments instead of must the time block that is scheduled for the matches. I missed out on Nia, but I'll get Stevens matches if it kills me :/
I found out what happened with the match (Nia's). the NBC Olympics site listed the timeframe to be between 9am and 10am on the west coast, and it didn't actually show till almost 1pm on the west coast, and then only showed rounds 2 and 3.

Great Coverage there NBC! What, was the Badminton Gold Medal match more important??????? Sheesh...
New Vids on the site! I have placed the 4 Welterweight Prelim matches that were shown on the site. This includes Steven Lopez's match, as well as Karami of Iran. I'll get the Gold medal matches up once they are recorded :)
watching the greek woman mystikadous(not even close on the spelling)...she's impressing me...she's got a killer jump back kick
bignick said:
watching the greek woman mystikadous(not even close on the spelling)...she's impressing me...she's got a killer jump back kick
No doubt about that! I like her style. I use the same counter kick, but mines not nearly that good ;) I think she got screwed by the scoring though.
The content you are about to read is a spoiler view at own risk

This just in from the nbc olympic website: Steven Lopez Wins Gold again !!!!!!!!!!!!:-partyon: :CTF: :asian: :flame: :uhyeah:
It wasn't aired was it? I was watching CNBC and they showed the China/Greek Women's match, showed previews of Lopez then cut to volleyball...
really frustrating. I didn't get the women taped since I set it to 12:00 that is what was stated as the schedule not ll:45!! TW
TKD USA said:
This just in from the nbc olympic website: Steven Lopez Wins Gold again !!!!!!!!!!!!:-partyon: :CTF: :asian: :flame: :uhyeah:
Way to be a spoiler.....LOL Once they play the match, it will go up on the site. Have you checked it out yet?
They put the Lopez match on Telemundo. It was right after the women's.
What cable channel is Telemundo? Commentary in Spanish? Missed that one too - hope, TKang, you got it. Jeesh, all I got was the first day. TW
Grrrrrr....WTF!!!!! I didn't get it on Telemundo, because they didn't say it would be on Telemundo. It's supposed to be on CNBC. What are these NBC F*tards thinking? Hopefully it will still show in the CNBC coverage. They showed the womens match, and said that Lopez's match would be shown later in the coverage.
I have my tv on CNBC now, but volleyball is booked solid in the nbc listings through the afternoon, usually they mention the sport if it is going to be shown. But not much has been aired right (or easy to tape). Arrghhhh!
Feel like sparring right now. TW