old school/clasic tkd

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I think you'll find many tkdists dont use/understand korean terminology. We had a thread about it here once and I was surprised how many people dont use korean language in their dojang.

I sure you are 100% correct :) I'll suggest that it might be good to know though if you want to debate a Taekwondoin on what is and what is not correct in regard to Taekwondo, of course maybe not, what do I know.
You know, maybe I'm crazy, but it seems to me that maybe, just maybe, your posts would be better received if you left out the condescension, arrogance and general rudeness. You know, talk TO people instead of AT them or DOWN to them.
Just my opinion...

Sent from my iPhone using TapaTalk.

Well Mark, I really don't care how you, or Ralph receive my post, in my humble opinion. I am not here to win fans or to win you or Ralph over to anything, I am here to discuss and see what we can discover, you and Ralph are the ones who likes to argue for arguments sake, because I have never seen either of you offer any facts in any discussion on Taekwondo, in my humble opinion of course. And if you want to talk about condescension, arrogance and general rudeness, it was you who called me "condescension, arrogance and general rudeness" look in the mirror, in my humblest of opinions.

Please get back on topic and not derail the thread.
Thank you. Ive been saing this for ages. I may not agree with people but I always try not to lower myself to sarcasm and condescending remarks. Mastercole obviously takes offence to the fact I said his views are only 'opinions'. Now, Id love to think that because mastercole has many years experience in tkd that what he says is gospel, BUT, my instructor has 42 years experience in tkd, is a black belt in 2 other arts and has trained in various countries all around the world and yet his 'opinions' differ greatly to mastercole's. Im not saying my instructor's opinions are more correct or more accurate, but this proves that all people will have their own take on martial arts based on 'their' experiences. People become condescending when they believe their opinions are gospel and someone dares disagree with them. If you know everything, then why come here, this is a place to learn.

I don't want you to agree with any of the facts, or opinions that I post here and present. But I don't post much opinion, I post a lot of facts, complete with documents, photos, vidoe, etc to back up the facts. Actually, I know that you will ignore them, but I am not posting them for you, you can just argue, that's cool, that's what you do best, in my humble opinion. I am posting this stuff for the folks that will get a benefit.

Please get back on topic :)
I don't want you to agree with any of the facts, or opinions that I post here and present. But I don't post much opinion, I post a lot of facts, complete with documents, photos, vidoe, etc to back up the facts. Actually, I know that you will ignore them, but I am not posting them for you, you can just argue, that's cool, that's what you do best, in my humble opinion. I am posting this stuff for the folks that will get a benefit.

Please get back on topic :)
you may want to point me in the direction of a thread where I debated anything that is 'fact'. I will debate when people say kukkiwon is the best form of tkd, when someone says 'sport' tkd translates to real self defence, when people say kukkiwon GMs owe it to students to give out kukki certs, when people say punching shouldnt be scored in olympic tkd, when people say olympic tkd has been a positive for tkd, when people say kukkiwon has 'standardised' tkd, when people suggest 'independent' clubs arent as good as kukki clubs, when people say 2 year black belts are a good idea, when people say kids should have black belts etc etc. All of those things are a matter of OPINION, there is no fact. I am more than happy to debate those things on a friendly level and always point out that my views are opinion only. When it comes to factual things such as dates, places, times, notable tkdists past and present, kwans, lineages etc you will find I rarely comment as I really couldnt care less about those topics. You may not believe me, but I respect your opinion, sure I dont always agree with it, but I value the opinions of experienced tkdoin. Your off sider used to debate with me, and was forceful with his opinions and extremely rude and eventually gave me the old "to me you are dead" line. You, on the other hand have consistently disagreed with me (which is understandable considering our differing backgrounds), but have for the most part done your best to stay respectful and have helped me with information I have seeked. Just because we disagree doesnt mean we need to sink to the level of your mate. I hope we can continue to debate our differences without it getting personal. Sorry for the rant. And I agree, lets get back on topic
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you may want to point me in the direction of a thread where I debated anything that is 'fact'. I will debate when people say kukkiwon is the best form of tkd, when someone says 'sport' tkd translates to real self defence, when people say kukkiwon GMs owe it to students to give out kukki certs, when people say punching shouldnt be scored in olympic tkd, when people say olympic tkd has been a positive for tkd, when people say kukkiwon has 'standardised' tkd, when people suggest 'independent' clubs arent as good as kukki clubs, when people say 2 year black belts are a good idea, when people say kids should have black belts etc etc. All of those things are a matter of OPINION, there is no fact. I am more than happy to debate those things on a friendly level and always point out that my views are opinion only. When it comes to factual things such as dates, places, times, notable tkdists past and present, kwans, lineages etc you will find I rarely comment as I really couldnt care less about those topics.

Your 100% right. Wow, what the heck was I thinking. But, you know, I think we might want to get back on topic. See this argument that you and Mark want, it's going to draw in the MT referees and they don't like all this getting off topic/arguing stuff, plus, it's messing up Manny's thread. So if you can, get into some FACTS, or not, just some opinion about whatever you think, but it might be best to stop concerning your self with me so much, even though I post all this disturbing information that causes a jumble in some people minds and shakes their beliefs, uh, not yours of course, and again, this is all my in my under qualified and under experienced opinion. What do you think? Good idea eh? I think it's a good idea, so I'm going to kind of ignore you and Mark so we all don't get into trouble :), and get on with Manny's old school thing.
Your 100% right. Wow, what the heck was I thinking. But, you know, I think we might want to get back on topic. See this argument that you and Mark want, it's going to draw in the MT referees and they don't like all this getting off topic/arguing stuff, plus, it's messing up Manny's thread. So if you can, get into some FACTS, or not, just some opinion about whatever you think, but it might be best to stop concerning your self with me so much, even though I post all this disturbing information that causes a jumble in some people minds and shakes their beliefs, uh, not yours of course, and again, this is all my in my under qualified and under experienced opinion. What do you think? Good idea eh? I think it's a good idea, so I'm going to kind of ignore you and Mark so we all don't get into trouble :), and get on with Manny's old school thing.
sorry I just edited my previous post as you were posting, you may want to give it a read.
I pretty much agree with this. My teacher GM Dae JIn Hwang was from Jidokwan ( I think ) and he never spoke about "traditional" Taekwondo. By by the way, does anyone recognize my teacher's name? I think he was well known a long time ago?

/Markku P.

That name sound familiar. There are so many masters that went around the world it's amazing. Is he still around, do you communicate with him or any of his seniors? My roots are Jidokwan and I am actually a member.
That name sound familiar. There are so many masters that went around the world it's amazing. Is he still around, do you communicate with him or any of his seniors? My roots are Jidokwan and I am actually a member.

He is not active anymore and I have moved away from Finland where he is located. He is the founder of Finnish Taekwondo. By the way, I found this from "modern history of Taekwondo"

"Ji Do Kwan's distinguished difference from other schools was mainly based on Kyorugi (sparring). When Taekwondo tournaments became active from the beginning of the 1960's to the 1970's the Ji Do Kwan distinguished itself. The major representatives were Lee Seung Wan, Cho Jum Sun, Hwang Dae Jin, Choi Young Ryul and more."

Sorry if I am off the topic..I was just curious :)

/Markku P
He is not active anymore and I have moved away from Finland where he is located. He is the founder of Finnish Taekwondo. By the way, I found this from "modern history of Taekwondo"

"Ji Do Kwan's distinguished difference from other schools was mainly based on Kyorugi (sparring). When Taekwondo tournaments became active from the beginning of the 1960's to the 1970's the Ji Do Kwan distinguished itself. The major representatives were Lee Seung Wan, Cho Jum Sun, Hwang Dae Jin, Choi Young Ryul and more."

Sorry if I am off the topic..I was just curious :)

/Markku P

Oh, now I know who you are talking about! I saw his photo in one of the Taekwondo Jidokwan Annual Yearbooks.
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