Old School British Jiujitsu Clip!

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
Here is an old school British Jiujitsu clip. The demonstrator
is a remarkably efficient practitioner.

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It looks kinda wierd seeing a nice well dressed lady in high heels performing good techniques and throwing a bigger man to the floor. Ususally you get used to seeing them wearing a thick Gi and bare feet. She looks so harmless and weak...go and judge abbok by its cover hee hee.
Other than that a very good clip thanx.
Hello, That was fun to watch. When you see someone makes it so simple..you know they have master it.

Jiujitsu/Judo.....great stuff to learn, and very effective on the streets.

Thank-you for sharing that video clip............Aloha
The clip's age in and of itself was neat. Of course, the best part was seeing the practitioner exhibit such elegance before, during, and after applying the techniques. Very cool.