monkey said:
To break it down for you Jose Presas y Bonco taught Ernesto the family art.Remy did not learn the family art but had some Balintawak-doce pare-karate-jujisu-& i think some panandata which explain the staff work that he tought to Kelly Wardon & gave Datu for.My raks simply state 1-I had time under Jose 2-I had time under Remy 3-dont denounce others as they had time & broke off or never joined some club or Assosiation.There are many out there who had privaotes,This will not ever exclude their skills or ranks.Semianrs are not the only way or good way for rank.It intent was for studentds of the teacher of that school to see who tought his/her.That was it but later become a money & easy rank thing.
Tom you are wrong yet again.
GM Remy Presas had part of the family art, maybe not all of it, but enough to add it into what he later called Modern Arnis.
I agree that when he would fight or spar seriously with you he used his Balintawak which a Rocky will state is mostly Moncal and some Maranga influence.
As to the rest I cannot speak about all he studied, but I will answer what I know.
As to saying I should not discount you.
Ok Tom I am the Supreme Grand Mejestico Puh Bah of Modern Arnis, I have can get a cert for it, but let us not even bother with that. You are going to question my title are you not? In particular if you have never heard of seen me. I also come on board and start telling everyone that they are all wrong and ONLY I KNOW he Truth. Drop some names and make some references to a long time ago and expect that no one is still alive or is around.
This has happend before and in other arts as well, but the problem is that these little gorths of truth become so large that they no longer resemble truth at all.
Then assume I type so bad that NO ONE and I mean NO ONE can read your posts with jsut one pass. They have to read it many times and try to understand who the heck you are replying to be it in the current thread or in another thread totally different form where you post.
You do not represent yourself well.
You do not answer questions but with names and claims.
There are those who have stated you are wrong both here and on the Ninjutsu forum. You are fast loosing any possibility of respect you might have left.
I say this because if you were truly around and did train with these people then maybe just maybe you might have something to offer.
Yet it is you who first makes claims that others should not have titles or who are they, and then you get all defensive when people do nto know you and do nto accept your answers of see my video and look who I trained with.
Go slow, type your reply, even type it in Word and use a spell checker. Experss yourself coherently and concisely and maybe just maybe people will begin to understand you.
PS: No excuse about age and or eye site. My Dad who is afraid of Computers, is now able to get online and type slowing and be able to send a message or even buy a stock or two. He is 65 going on 66. He goes slow, he does not rush, he takes his time. Try this and maybe it will help.