monkey said:
Im so glad you saw the video but no skill was told of.& Robert Lee just saw some of my jkd seminars I can say (he did not say or try any defermation.)Yes I showed original 1981 as well as state rep & a current Master & Guardian.As far as life time over it-No it was to be renewed with Remy every year nottake advantage of his passing.1999 was the latest my ranks were up dated.Now I see you failed to also note I had signed pictures from Tom bolden-Inosanto-Allen Joe-Tom Tackett & many more as well as other ranks of other arts that dont require yearly up grade.& hold rank in Doce Pares and other arts as well.
This part: "As far as life time over it-No it was to be renewed with Remy every year nottake advantage of his passing.1999 was the latest my ranks were up dated."
Remy A. Presas died in August 2001.
You stated that your certificates were to be renewed every year.
That is a 2 year gap, therefore one may conclude that they were expired at the time of his passing.
Additionally, it has been my experience that those organizations that require certificate renewal issue new certificates upon renewal. They do not "white out" and change the date. Based on my offline discussions with several Modern Arnis instructors, this was the case with Remy.
Either way, waving old certs with white-out on them is a questionable action, and one which will get some well deserved public scrutiny. Why didn't he issue you new ones, with the correct dates then?
So, continuing to answer the "Who Is" question:
You are the California Representative for George Mazek's "Modern Arnis International Ju-Jitsu Karate Association",
Some definitions for you too Tom:
Lie / Liar:A lie is a statement made by someone who believes or suspects it to be false, in the expectation that the hearers may believe it. Thus a true statement may be a lie if the speaker thinks it is false. Fictions, though false, are not lies. Depending on definitions, a lie can be a genuine falsehood or a selective truth, a lie by omission, or even the truth if the intention is to deceive or to cause an action not in the listener's interests.
Fraud: An intentional misrepresentation, concealment or omission of material fact done with the purpose of deceiving another which causes detriment to that person.
Libel: Libel is written defamation; untrue words written down as opposed to said aloud.
Slander: False and defamatory spoken words tending to harm another’s reputation, business, or means of livelihood. Slander is spoken defamation; libel is published.
Defamation: Injury to a person's character, fame, or reputation
by false and malicious statements.