Oh, "that" art


MTS Alumni
This is the General martial arts forum. Each of us train in a specific art or, in some cases, arts. When I first came to this forum 5 years ago what I knew about ANY art would have fit into a thimble and that included the art that I was currently studying. As time has passed I have increased my knowledge both of my own art and the sub styles of it but also of the many different arts around the world. I've had many preconcieved notions obliterated and had flashes of insight about my own art from talking to practitioners of arts that, on the surface, don't resemble mine at all. So, what is the crazy man rambling about?

We have at our disposal here on MT people from just about every art you could ever want to discuss. The trouble is that far too many folks never stray very far from their "home" arts forum. Browse, ask, discuss. I challenge each of you to go to a forum for a style that is outside the realm of what you know and take part in threads there. We have a thread in the aikido sub that, thanks to non-aikido members, has grown into a great discussion with outlooks that might never have crossed the mind of most aikido-ka. Think TKD is just sport? Go to the forum and ask questions. Think tai-chi is just slow motion exercise? Go, ask, learn.

Martial Talk offers each of us a chance to grow, learn, discard prejudice toward other arts and sometimes make a new friend or two. Take advantage of ALL of the resources this site has to offer.

OK, the crazy man will stop rambling now. See ya 'round the forum.:wink:
Ok crazy man I will go to a different forum tonight and ask some question. Thanks some of us need a kick in the *** once in a while.
No thanks. I tried it and didn't like it. I am too set and narrow minded in my own little world to really give a crap about other martial arts. I don't box having no desire to have some one standing close to me trying to punch what few lights I have out. , I don't like to roll around on the ground with other hot sweaty men (wrestling and MMA), ewwwwww. I don't like to stand against another person and see how hard I can punch them in the chest (Karate), I don't like to dance around and wave my arms around and think that I am actually doing martial arts (Kung Fu). I don't like to throw techniques and pull everything so I don't hurt anyone because that is bad and not traditional (non contact Karate, Taekwondo, name a style, ect). I like to kick and I like to punch, hard. Period. That's it, no more and no less. So, no thanks. When I can no longer do that is the day that I stop.
I would ask about other arts, but, there isn't room in my widdle head for that right now...
I test for third brown in less than a month and that is about all that is in my head now...
I think it is a good idea to learn from the other arts as you progress.

I am a little spoiled though. Every Dojang or Dojo, ect I have ever trained at has been a "MMA" school.

By MMA school I don't mean the cage fighting that has taken the MMA name.

I mean schools that are MMA, in that they teach a few diffrent Martial arts in the same school.

When I took Tae-Kwon-do. My Korean teacher actualy taught Traditional TKD and Hapkido at the same time.

The school I am in now. Teaches a blend of Isshin-ryu and Judo and Ju-jitsu if you opt to train in that.

The major style is Isshin-ryu (a style of Okinawan karate) Focusing on punches, open hand techniques close to the body, and kicks towards the lower body. A good style for an older guy like me that just is not limber enough for the high kicks of a TKD style any longer. . When people ask which style I am currently studying I would say this one. It is the core style in what we learn.

Throws, take downs and such we get from Judo. And we have an optional Ju-jitsu program you can take to learn grappling techniques.

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