Really. Facts, eh? Rational consideration of historical events, eh? Really.
Here's a little number I picked up from some snothead (and believe me, "Snothead," is the nicest thing I'm thinking) named Cassidy, on the "Serendipidity," site whose link was just posted. Look on their home page, under the heading, "Zionism."
"The world is under siege by a European hierarchy of banking families, at the top largely Jewish, the money changers and money lenders of history. They are already the richest people on earth but it is not enough. They have a Faustian Grand Plan. They mean to own or control everything of value on earth. Their weapons: MONEY and DEBT — and Washington."
Just sort through the stuff on Zionism. Looks sorta reasonable, untill you sift through to this crap.
Here is a little something from another of Mr. CassidyÂ’s little missives, off-site:
“…for the rest of the century Zionism "steered" America...particularly Washington. A continuing series of Jewish bankers and financiers have "had the ear" of all American presidents since World War I. In the early 1930s, Zionism demanded "regime change" in Germany; Hitler had to go. He stood in the way of Zionist exploitation of Germany, its property, its economy, its finances, etc. (insert Rothschild) just like the Federal Reserve System installed in America exploits the American people who unknowingly pledged all of their property and wealth, public and private, to the Federal Reserve which is owned by European Jewish banking families (insert Rothschild).
Today, in America, a tiny fraction of the populace, Zionists, own or control between one third and one half of the nation's total private wealth while millions of Americans are laid off and fifty million live in poverty. They dominate the finances of the nation. Remember Rothschild's motto, "Let me control the money of a country and I care not who is in power."
How did Zionism do it?
First, a national animosity for Germany had to be generated in America over decades by boycotts and propaganda (and corresponding sympathy for Zionism). Done! (The super-merchandisers super-promoted the slaughter of their own people into a Holocaust, ignoring the millions of murdered Gentiles as inconsequential.)”
--Donald Cassidy
But I expected to find it, once I got on the site. The code's right there up front, as in Pat Buchanan's speeches...secret cabal...bankers...international banks...conspiracy...hidden elite...that's what these types always go back to.
Gee, why am I dubious about these wacked-out conspiracy theories? Read 'em, fer crissake.
Here's a little number I picked up from some snothead (and believe me, "Snothead," is the nicest thing I'm thinking) named Cassidy, on the "Serendipidity," site whose link was just posted. Look on their home page, under the heading, "Zionism."
"The world is under siege by a European hierarchy of banking families, at the top largely Jewish, the money changers and money lenders of history. They are already the richest people on earth but it is not enough. They have a Faustian Grand Plan. They mean to own or control everything of value on earth. Their weapons: MONEY and DEBT — and Washington."
Just sort through the stuff on Zionism. Looks sorta reasonable, untill you sift through to this crap.
Here is a little something from another of Mr. CassidyÂ’s little missives, off-site:
“…for the rest of the century Zionism "steered" America...particularly Washington. A continuing series of Jewish bankers and financiers have "had the ear" of all American presidents since World War I. In the early 1930s, Zionism demanded "regime change" in Germany; Hitler had to go. He stood in the way of Zionist exploitation of Germany, its property, its economy, its finances, etc. (insert Rothschild) just like the Federal Reserve System installed in America exploits the American people who unknowingly pledged all of their property and wealth, public and private, to the Federal Reserve which is owned by European Jewish banking families (insert Rothschild).
Today, in America, a tiny fraction of the populace, Zionists, own or control between one third and one half of the nation's total private wealth while millions of Americans are laid off and fifty million live in poverty. They dominate the finances of the nation. Remember Rothschild's motto, "Let me control the money of a country and I care not who is in power."
How did Zionism do it?
First, a national animosity for Germany had to be generated in America over decades by boycotts and propaganda (and corresponding sympathy for Zionism). Done! (The super-merchandisers super-promoted the slaughter of their own people into a Holocaust, ignoring the millions of murdered Gentiles as inconsequential.)”
--Donald Cassidy
But I expected to find it, once I got on the site. The code's right there up front, as in Pat Buchanan's speeches...secret cabal...bankers...international banks...conspiracy...hidden elite...that's what these types always go back to.
Gee, why am I dubious about these wacked-out conspiracy theories? Read 'em, fer crissake.