I'd like to address a couple points about Steven Jones and his latest farcical flights of fancy.
Finding Iron oxide and aluminum in a tower built from steel with an aluminum facade is not unexpected.. On top of that, there's nothing in this paper that's not been restated before in previous articles.
This is a total recycle. They found Iron oxide (rust, the “red chips”
and Aluminum. As already noted, all elements were present in large quantities in the WTC buildings.
Finding iron oxide and aluminum from the Twin Towers is like finding water in the ocean i.e. fully expected.
Also, the article’s reference to “Danish Chemists” is misleading.
Here's the actual article itself; published again at the Bentham Open Journals, a vanity publishing outfit based in... wait for it... Pakistan.
Notice who the authors are…
Authors: Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, STEVEN E JONES, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, Bradley R. Larsen.
("truthers" all)
This is a rehash of Jones’ thermite theory that has been completely debunked already, and every one of the "authors" are members of various conspiracy groups and have had previous theories shot down in flames.
Google the names. While the OP tries to imply that this "group of chemists" are an independent study group, they are not.
The publisher is a pay to play vanity journal. (Open Chemical Physics Journal is the same company)
The only condition you must meet to publish in it is to send in your check.
The owners of the journal cannot even provide a who-is of the peer reviewers. (“peer review itself is just the first step in authentication anyway).
They are not even aware of the content they allow to be published. They just cash the checks. It’s a boiler room operation out of Pakistan. Jones himself has already been caught manipulating data to fit his “theory”. For example…
In Steven Jones' PDF "Answers to Objections and Questions", to support his claim for Sol-gels/Thermite he states:
"One molecule, described by the EPA's Erik Swartz, was present at levels "that dwarfed all others": 1,3-diphenylpropane. "We've never observed it in any sampling we've ever done,"
However when you look at the link he uses
You find out Mr. Jones edits out the VERY next line which states
"He said it was most likely produced by the plastic of tens of thousands of burning computers."
Apparently, Jones felt this was not important enough for his readers to know. This just one of the deceptions he used, including photos and false claims about thermite “devices” that didn’t exist then, and still don’t.
He seems to be being a bit more careful here, calling the substance “thermitic material” which means simply, any substance that burns… Then his group goes into fantasy land about “Nanotechnologically produced “super-thermite”, a substance that only exists in theoretical research and his imagination. In fact, although a patent was issued in the late 90's for "nanothermite" full research on manufacturing and developing true nanothermite only began in 2008 under a program being funded by the DOD. Jones willingly confuses nano thermitic materials, used to enhance explosive reaction, and "nanothermite".
Here is the spectrographic signature for both military (top) and commercial thermite…
Element Weight % Atomic %
Carbon 5.18% 15.34%
Aluminum 24.78% 32.66%
Titanium 70.04% 52.00%
Element Weight % Atomic %
Carbon 5.13% 15.33%
Aluminum 23.50% 31.23%
Titanium 71.37% 53.44%
Below is a composite of the spectra from page 8 of Dr. Jones paper for the red dust and the spectra for thermite.
The spectra for thermite extends only to 5 keV. Perhaps Dr. Jones is talking another, imaginary flavor of thermite, but he is using the elements found in thermite as he stated in the OP.
I would think a more reasonable hypothesis is that the trace amount of titanium observed in the samples came from another source. I'm sure among the computers and other office equipment in the WTC, titanium was present somewhere.
Or maybe from here?
"Titanium commercial aerospace requirements (including engine components such as blades, discs, rings and engine cases as well as airframe components including bulkheads, tail sections, landing gear, wing supports and fasteners) can account for a substantial proportion of the mass of modern aircraft, for example:
The four engines alone on the Airbus A380 use about 26 metric tons (57,000 pounds) of titaniumBoeing (including both the airframes and engines)
B787 – 134 metric tons (295,000 lb) of titanium
B777 – 59 metric tons (130,000 lb) of titanium
B747 – 45 metric tons (99,000 lb) of titanium
B737 – 18 metric tons (40,000 lb) of titanium"
The "red chips" are iron oxide, commonly known as rust, as has been shown in several other studies. There is nothing new in this "study", just an attempt to try another angle. After being laughed at for his "angle cuts" and imaginary "bundling devices" as well as his use of misleading photos he now is coming back with a new "find" that has been known about for years.
If you want evidence, reconcile the fact that there was no thermite severance of the steel columns. Literally thousands if not tens of thousands of pounds would be required as well as access to columns buried behind concrete walls while people were present in the buildings. Thermite burns vertically, not at an angle or horizontally. Also reconcile the fact that, if you continue to mistakenly think thermite is an "explosive", (which he seems to imply in his description of “nano thermite), why is there no evidence of such explosions left i.e. broken windows for blocks around, barotrauma, etc.
Regardless of what Jones and his misled gang find, the fact remains that there was no sign of thermite or explosive severance on the recovered steel, nor was there any other evidence of it's emplacement. This argument has been made over and over before; go do a search for it. It's the conspiracy peddling side that's yet to actually deal with the real evidence.
The elements that Jones reports finding have already been discovered by other WTC dust surveys, who for the most part don’t seem surprised by their presence. It seems that, in all cases, there are other WTC sources that can deliver far more of these elements than you would ever see from thermite/ thermate.
There’s also no clear evidence that the suspect elements are available in proportions that match what you’d expect from a thermite/ thermate reaction. And some products you might imagine would be produced, aren’t there at all.
Proof of thermite/ thermate, then? No. Just assumptions, and avoidance of alternative explanations for the presence of these elements. That’s just fine when you’re telling an audience what they want to believe, but convincing anyone conversant in the fields of explosives/incendiaries detection is going to take considerably more evidence than is displayed here. And that is disregarding ALL the logistics and problems of a "controlled demolition" in the first place...