Obama: Socialist or not?

So Steve, you mean he's not a Socialist, even though there is conclusive evidence that he is a member of the New Party, which is a socialist party? That as a member of that party he won office, and agreed to work towards their goals?

Obama a socialist? From my european point-of-view, that charge never ceases to amaze, not to mention amuse me :) We have some real socialists here, in fact one of the biggest parties in Finland is the socialist party (Social Democratic Party) and trust me, Obama is nowhere near those folks on the socialist-capitalist - axis, not even the "right wing" of them.
A few more, mostly repeats that I haven't seen anyone refute yet.

  • Campaign workers for Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama are under fire for displaying a flag featuring communist hero Che Guevara
  • received the endorsement of the Chicago branch of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) for an Illinois state senate seat.
  • as a state senator, showed up to eulogize Saul Mendelson, one of the "champions" of "Chicago's democratic left" and a long-time socialist activist.
  • video showing Obama campaigning for openly socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.