I always love it when the left and their sympathizers call for taking people off the air. Rush, Beck, Hannity, Fox cable news,...yes, the left truly are the fairest of the land, and forgiving as well. I remember when Maher got in his trouble after 9/11 and I'm sure if you look back on Ed Shultz when he called Laura Ingraham a slut, the right wing media types supported their right to be on the air and never called for them to be taken off the air. I also love it when they protest so loudly when Ann Coulter or David Horowitz go to college campuses that Coulter and Horowitz need private security to keep them safe. Throw on that the glitter bombs and the pie throwing and you just get a great big picture of people who value free speech and the ability of people to express their opinions. Yes, the left and their fellow travelers are soooo tolerant.