Obama calls fluke over fake controversy

I always love it when the left and their sympathizers call for taking people off the air. Rush, Beck, Hannity, Fox cable news,...yes, the left truly are the fairest of the land, and forgiving as well. I remember when Maher got in his trouble after 9/11 and I'm sure if you look back on Ed Shultz when he called Laura Ingraham a slut, the right wing media types supported their right to be on the air and never called for them to be taken off the air. I also love it when they protest so loudly when Ann Coulter or David Horowitz go to college campuses that Coulter and Horowitz need private security to keep them safe. Throw on that the glitter bombs and the pie throwing and you just get a great big picture of people who value free speech and the ability of people to express their opinions. Yes, the left and their fellow travelers are soooo tolerant.
Ive always been told the C word was the worse thing you can call a woman. But I guess its a matter of personal preference on what offends YOU more. Funny thing is nobody seemed to care when Palin was called a dumb *** c_nt. Hmmm Go figure.

As for calling men an equally offensive name I guess men have tougher skin I cant think of a single thing you can call me that would set me off. Ive been called pretty much anything you can think of so I dont know names just dont bother me.

derogatory name for a female body part. Big whoop. Same as the slut/skank/whore thing.
Again, can't deal with what the woman has to say, insult.

And no, there is no equivalent for males.
And it has nothing to do with skin thickness, it has to do with the manner in which a term is used.
And? what ever woman she is talking about at Georgetown is just as close as the same Target 9 bucks a month not 84 like she says it costs.

OK she gets reduced cost lawschool ata top school in the country and now she wants more more more more more.

Which of the 27 brand name formulation female hormone pills does it replace? Is it the correct formulation for the suppression of, oh, say ovarian cysts? Does it interact appropriately with her body? Have any proof that the doctors didn't try the generics first? Not all formulations can be replaced by generics, and generics are not always precisely the same as the brand name formula... they just 'pharmacologically equivalent' active ingredient.

Not covering these things is going to eat the insurance companies alive in the long run. The price of one unplanned pregnancy carried to term covers a decade or more of hormone pills... not to mention all the money pumped into the unwanted kid once they're born. The price of one cyst removal can cover up to 3-4 decades of hormone pills. I'd have to dig through the bills to see the precise cost, but I'm pretty certain that early detection and a lifetime of hormone pills would have cost less than my fiancee's fibroid surgery.
Actually elder, you are more of a Colonel Nicholson in this whole thing.
Which of the 27 brand name formulation female hormone pills does it replace? Is it the correct formulation for the suppression of, oh, say ovarian cysts? Does it interact appropriately with her body? Have any proof that the doctors didn't try the generics first? Not all formulations can be replaced by generics, and generics are not always precisely the same as the brand name formula... they just 'pharmacologically equivalent' active ingredient.

Not covering these things is going to eat the insurance companies alive in the long run. The price of one unplanned pregnancy carried to term covers a decade or more of hormone pills... not to mention all the money pumped into the unwanted kid once they're born. The price of one cyst removal can cover up to 3-4 decades of hormone pills. I'd have to dig through the bills to see the precise cost, but I'm pretty certain that early detection and a lifetime of hormone pills would have cost less than my fiancee's fibroid surgery.

does not take much digging, I am guessing even a short hospital stay with OR time runs easily into 20K, not counting any follow ups. A kid costs 10K, when all goes well...
That's a heck of a lot of pills.

Oh, and upon removal of stuff like ovaries...eventually you have to suck it up and pay for hormone replacement....

Kind of strange, from an economic point of view not to cover BC as insurer....
the government has no right to tell an insurance company what they can or can't cover or what they have to cover. That it has reached that point of just accepting that premise is just all around bad for individual freedom.
derogatory name for a female body part. Big whoop. Same as the slut/skank/whore thing.
Again, can't deal with what the woman has to say, insult.

And no, there is no equivalent for males.
And it has nothing to do with skin thickness, it has to do with the manner in which a term is used.
How offensive a word is cant be judged its a personal thing. There is a woman i work with that would freak out even hearing the c word. She wont even spell it out. She says C you next tuesday its highly offensive to her. On flip side slut does not bother her at all. I asked my wife she said none of it bothers her she could care less what she is called. That may be because she was also a cop for 6 years and has been called alot of names. So for you slut is bad but for others not so much. Me i dont care its just a word it cant hurt you. My point is dont get outraged when Rush says it but give others a pass because oh they onky called Palin a name i dont like her so its ok.
And your point? She said she had no access and she lied. There is access. So now they not only need to cover BC they need to cover EVERY kind made? They dont do that for any drugs.

Which of the 27 brand name formulation female hormone pills does it replace? Is it the correct formulation for the suppression of, oh, say ovarian cysts? Does it interact appropriately with her body? Have any proof that the doctors didn't try the generics first? Not all formulations can be replaced by generics, and generics are not always precisely the same as the brand name formula... they just 'pharmacologically equivalent' active ingredient.

Not covering these things is going to eat the insurance companies alive in the long run. The price of one unplanned pregnancy carried to term covers a decade or more of hormone pills... not to mention all the money pumped into the unwanted kid once they're born. The price of one cyst removal can cover up to 3-4 decades of hormone pills. I'd have to dig through the bills to see the precise cost, but I'm pretty certain that early detection and a lifetime of hormone pills would have cost less than my fiancee's fibroid surgery.
It is only bad because Rush said it and they can use it to attack him. They look the other way when that slob clinton was president, and when that slob kennedy was senator not to mention all the other jerks they ignore because they vote to give them government goodies. It is a fake controversy and conservatives will hopefully say "Enough," and support Rush. The time of letting the left target our guys and letting them remove them from office or attack their sponsors needs to end. Enough with giving in to lefty intimidation, support Rush, Hannity, Coulter, Horowitz and all the other Coservatives targeted by the left.
Now for one of my favorite cultural warriors...Andrew Klavan...on the fake fluke controversy...

I want to comment on the commotion over Rush Limbaugh’s use of the word “slut” to describe law studentSandra Fluke. Fluke, as you know, argued before a house congressional committee that women need taking care of. That is, if they should take it into their fluffy little heads to have sex with someone, they can’t be expected to manage the consequences all by their little selves. Someone else has got to pay for their contraception – preferably a big strong man like Barack Obama. Barack Obama has lots and lots of money. Chicks dig that. In fact, he’s so powerful, he just took the money from other people. What a turn on for girly girls like Sandra!

Anyway, Rush called her a slut, probably hoping that that sort of ungentlemanly behavior toward women would land him a show on HBO like that super cool Bill Maher, who called Governor Sarah Palin the c-word (whatever that is) and entertained guests who fantasized about raping Michele Bachmann. If only Rush could get a show like Bill Maher then he could be bitter and irrelevant too – probably the only things missing from Rush’s life.
So now the left is calling for Rush’s head and the right is arguing hotly that the left says equally misogynist things and even sometimes dumps their women into the water and then leaves them there locked in a car to drown while they go back to their hotel to chat with their friends and call their lawyer. And yet a leftist killer of women can go on to become the Lion of the Senate, and even a piece of work like James Carvillewho implied one of his boss’s sexual harassment victims was trailer trash gets a network gig. Hey, maybe Rush was trying to get a network gig like James Carville!

Oh yeah. Before we were talking about sluts, we were talking about contraception and about how every girl should get her contraception paid for. Dinner too. And flowers. They like that.
But notice something no one is talking about? Try and think what it might be. Correct! It’s the First Amendment of the Constitution. Which Barack Obama shredded by insisting religious institutions pay for what he thinks they should pay for instead of what they believe they should pay for. Also the free market. Which Barack Obama illegally violated by using the power of government to tell private insurance companies what services they have to provide.
Actually elder, you are more of a Colonel Nicholson in this whole thing.

Hardly. The veil's been lifted for me. I've seen the man behind the curtain.

There is no "the left."

There is no "the right."

The more you look at it, the more you recognize that both side's puppets have their strings pulled by the same puppetmaster.

Luckily, my house is paid for, I have a pretty big boat and an airplane, and piles of food and bullets.

So I just don't care, except for occasionally winding up people who are married to their "side" in these discussions.

Oh, and pointing out the facts, which are pointedly ignored in the interest of the truth-a most galling and appalling application of the 68 degree rule.

EDIT: Flattered, though, to be compared to David Niven....
Actually, it's not David Niven or even Sir Alec Guiness, but the character Colonel Nicholson.
And your point? She said she had no access and she lied. There is access. So now they not only need to cover BC they need to cover EVERY kind made? They dont do that for any drugs.

Unless you're interested in wasting money, you cover enough to get the job done, because the alternative is massive expenditure. Covering only the cheapest generic is not good policy. For anyone.
This thread is making me laugh now. The two prevailing arguements for Rush is slut isn't that bad of an insult and/or people on the left insult women so what's the big deal. Here's the bare bones...Rush called a young woman names and slandered both her and her testimony. That just isn't acceptable and I would and have said that when similiar thing were said by other than Rush. Making excuses for his behaviour is the same as condoning that behaviour.

If someone in the left says something as vile and no one says anything, then by all means call us on it. However, blaming this young woman for Rush's lies and slander is maronic.
Quite so, Lun :nods:. Also, politics should be a matter of intelligence and reason, mixing compassion and self-interest in equal measure, not baseless emotion and dogma. That's the problem I see with all the claptrap that gets linked to here and called political commentary - it's lowest-common-denominator gutter tripe in the main and it appals me that so many seem to use it as a reference to decide where their political opinions lie.

That is something that needs to be repeated in every thread that appears in this particular sub-forum of the site.

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