Obama calls fluke over fake controversy

I dont care why she wants Birth Control I do care that she expects me to pay for it. I do care that people think its ok for the Govt to order a private company to provide a service for free. If shes upset with her health care policy go to her health insurance company and lobby them to change keep the Govt and the Tax payer out of it. Better yet if you want contraception paid for don't go to a religious school. Whats her financials look like? She says she cant afford it how do I know. Does she go to bars on the weekend? Does she have a cell phone? If I want something I cant afford I have to make choices of getting rid of other things I dont go crying to the Govt to give me, give me, give me.
I dont care why she wants Birth Control I do care that she expects me to pay for it. I do care that people think its ok for the Govt to order a private company to provide a service for free. If shes upset with her health care policy go to her health insurance company and lobby them to change keep the Govt and the Tax payer out of it. Better yet if you want contraception paid for don't go to a religious school. Whats her financials look like? She says she cant afford it how do I know. Does she go to bars on the weekend? Does she have a cell phone? If I want something I cant afford I have to make choices of getting rid of other things I dont go crying to the Govt to give me, give me, give me.

This may seem to be the same issue-and a real one- but it has nothing to do with Rush being a big, fat doody head, fatuous liar, hypocrite, mysoginist, who should just have a nice warm cup of STFU. :lfao:

In fact, though, the law of the land is that insurance will be provided, and where it's provided it will cover contraception. This really shouldn't (in my opinion) be an issue for a religious institution-I have insurance that covers abortion, but it's never been used to pay for such a service.
Oh for pity's sake.

That's her entire testimony. I don't know what you're reading, ballen, but you're wrong.

Show me where she mentions her own situation once.

So she had no reason to even testify its all heresay evidence. She should have not even been there.
So she had no reason to even testify its all heresay evidence. She should have not even been there.

If, in fact, it were a matter of offering testimony as evidence in a trial, this would be true, but it doesn't apply to Congressional testimony at all.....
The Federal government is in the Health Care business. I don't like it, but they are despite there being no explicit authorization in the Constitution for this. People are fine with it however. As such, since the people have for decades allowed the Federal government this excess of power, they have no right to suddenly stop and complain 'we don't like it when you don't do what we want'.

The Federal Government is setting requirements for what Health Insurance will cover. As such, if you want to play in the insurance game, you play by their rules and regulations. If your belief system says 'no family planning' that's fine. Don't use it. I'll never have a hysterectomy or a pap smear, but my plan includes it somewhere. My wife will never have her prostate checked....that whole she aint got one, but mines covered. Family planning is part of health care and should be included in any -insurance- plan.

The Federal Government, now being in the health care regulation business and the business regulation business set minimum standards. If you want to operate a business, you comply. Period.

That's the game. Don't like it, don't play.

Or demand a government that complies with the full literal interpretation of the Constitution....then whine when your unemployment, social security and medicaid goes away.

As to "tax payers" covering it, I'm missing that demand. Too much small print. Can someone quote her alleged demand that tax payers subsidize birth control?
I dont care why she wants Birth Control I do care that she expects me to pay for it. I do care that people think its ok for the Govt to order a private company to provide a service for free. If shes upset with her health care policy go to her health insurance company and lobby them to change keep the Govt and the Tax payer out of it. Better yet if you want contraception paid for don't go to a religious school. Whats her financials look like? She says she cant afford it how do I know. Does she go to bars on the weekend? Does she have a cell phone? If I want something I cant afford I have to make choices of getting rid of other things I dont go crying to the Govt to give me, give me, give me.

Misogynists of the world unite.

Birthcontrol can have a multitude of therapeutic uses for a great many things that hamper women in their reproductive age.
Disabling cramps are one, skin problems another, and yeah...the lady who got cysts on her ovaries.
So you are saying that women are not entitled to receive medication and to covered by their health insurance. Wow, just wow.
I dont care. I could care less if she just likes the taste. It is none of my busniess it does not concern me until you expect me to pay for it.

Misogynists of the world unite.

Birthcontrol can have a multitude of therapeutic uses for a great many things that hamper women in their reproductive age.
Disabling cramps are one, skin problems another, and yeah...the lady who got cysts on her ovaries.
So you are saying that women are not entitled to receive medication and to covered by their health insurance. Wow, just wow.
I dont care. I could care less if she just likes the taste. It is none of my busniess it does not concern me until you expect me to pay for it.

Dude-that's so totally not the issue, and just more evidence of your having succumbed to fatuous, odious, fallacious, misogynistic Rushism......:lfao:

You're not paying for it. The Catholic Church is.....:lfao:
If you actually Listen to what Rush really said he specifically said he wasnt calling her a slut. But as you said where is the fun in the truth.

Rush's offenses go on forever . Ridiculing Fox's Parkinsons symptoms, calling Amy Carter ugly, calling Chelsea Clinton "the White House dog," calling the just-deceased Jerry Garcia "just another dead doper," the list goes on and on. What troubles me most about this latest offense is that he flat-out lied (and continues to lie) about the content of Fluke's testimony. And his followers continue to repeat these lies in defending him. It really doesn't matter what one's position is on the contraceptive coverage issue. The things he said last week (repeatedly) are hideous and indefensible. And they are only the latest in an unfortunately long career of such offenses. I don't think Rushy can smarm his way out of this pickle, though. By the end of next week, his Imus-type fate will be sealed-as near as I can tell, he's been dropped by 10 advertisers and one radio station so far, and it doesn't show any sign of letting up.......:lfao:

Apropos of Breitbart, btw, that's as good as dead. :lfao:
If you have issues with the Catholic church paying for birth control, no matter the reason, then okay. I don't agree with you and also ask that you get your facts straight, but that's a perfectly valid opinion. Calling this woman names and slandering her and what she said in order to play politics is just plain disgusting. There is no spin in which this behaviour or its' defense is acceptable.
I dont care. I could care less if she just likes the taste. It is none of my busniess it does not concern me until you expect me to pay for it.

But you would expect the insurance to pay for medication that affects your wellbeing. Pain meds, blood pressure, anti depressants....the sutures to keep you together....the littel blue pill....

But now...no BC....
I know you don't care. You only hear birth control and shut down your mind.
As Tez puts it, some guys just love to chain women to the hearth, barefoot and pregnant....
Dude-that's so totally not the issue, and just more evidence of your having succumbed to fatuous, odious, fallacious, misogynistic Rushism......:lfao:

You're not paying for it. The Catholic Church is.....:lfao:
No the insurance company is and if they have to pay the bill because the Govt says so then guess what everyones rates go up to cover the new cost including mine. So Yes Im paying for it since I pay health insurance.
No the insurance company is and if they have to pay the bill because the Govt says so then guess what everyones rates go up to cover the new cost including mine. So Yes Im paying for it since I pay health insurance.

You pay for your insurance, but your employer pays the bulk of it-especially if (and I'm not sure I'm remembering right) you're a cop.

My rates will go up as well-I saw that coming with the shape Obamacare took-if you think everyone's rates are going up, just wait until he gets reelected and it's set in stone-it's a huge boon to the insurance companies: pick one from column A, and once from Column B-pick Column C if you have preexisting conditions, etc., etc., etc., and Catholic institutions are going to have to take the route of Fordham University, where students pay more for insurance that offers those services the Catholic Church would withhold, as part of their tuition. Ditto Catholic hospitals.
Seems like dancing to me. That was just the 1st 3 pages

Ah, I read that parcel of gubbins as a mighty dollop of chain-yanking for those here of a Republican persuasion. My primary reaction was to think it was a bit naughty to tease you poor fellows so.

I didn't for a second think that it was anything that would be said to the relatives of the departed - that would be 'grave dancing' and simple bad manners to boot.

But it's up to you how you react - after all I am not the arbiter of your conscience or, indeed, your sense of the absurd.
Rush's offenses go on forever . Ridiculing Fox's Parkinsons symptoms, calling Amy Carter ugly, calling Chelsea Clinton "the White House dog," calling the just-deceased Jerry Garcia "just another dead doper," the list goes on and on. What troubles me most about this latest offense is that he flat-out lied (and continues to lie) about the content of Fluke's testimony. And his followers continue to repeat these lies in defending him. It really doesn't matter what one's position is on the contraceptive coverage issue. The things he said last week (repeatedly) are hideous and indefensible. And they are only the latest in an unfortunately long career of such offenses. I don't think Rushy can smarm his way out of this pickle, though. By the end of next week, his Imus-type fate will be sealed-as near as I can tell, he's been dropped by 10 advertisers and one radio station so far, and it doesn't show any sign of letting up.......:lfao:

Apropos of Breitbart, btw, that's as good as dead. :lfao:


So do hosts on the left as well why no outrage? Why didnt anyone call for boycotts when Palin was called a C-nt or Laura Ingraham was called a right wing slut? You only care because it was RUSH and now you have a "Got You". You dont care about Fluke or what she was called you care that it was RUSH that said it. IF you cared about civility you would not be going after a dead man and you would be holding everyone accountable not just Rush but you have proven you dont care you only care because Rush does not fit your political views. Your either against all jerks or your not.

So do hosts on the left as well why no outrage? Why didnt anyone call for boycotts when Palin was called a C-nt or Laura Ingraham was called a right wing slut? You only care because it was RUSH and now you have a "Got You". You dont care about Fluke or what she was called you care that it was RUSH that said it. IF you cared about civility you would not be going after a dead man and you would be holding everyone accountable not just Rush but you have proven you dont care you only care because Rush does not fit your political views. Your either against all jerks or your not.

Olbermann and Maher do NOT get a pass from me. I'm really only familiar with the one Maher incident, and I think it did cost him some fans and credibility.

They get a pass, though-because nobody listens to them. :lfao: If a pundit makes a rude noise in the vastness of cyberspace/radioland/tvland, and no one is there to here it, did it make a sound? :lfao:

And you keep bringing up Breitbart, who is as dead as disco, dead as any old dance, dead as Betamax,dead as 8-tracks, dead as an old newspaper.

news, man. Let it go. :lol:
You pay for your insurance, but your employer pays the bulk of it-especially if (and I'm not sure I'm remembering right) you're a cop.
Correct and every year I pay more and more because the city is broke. I went from paying about 180 a month 5 years ago to a little over 400 a month starting in July of this year.

My rates will go up as well-I saw that coming with the shape Obamacare took-if you think everyone's rates are going up, just wait until he gets reelected and it's set in stone-it's a huge boon to the insurance companies: pick one from column A, and once from Column B-pick Column C if you have preexisting conditions, etc., etc., etc., and Catholic institutions are going to have to take the route of Fordham University, where students pay more for insurance that offers those services the Catholic Church would withhold, as part of their tuition. Ditto Catholic hospitals.

I agree which is why I will be voting for anyone but Obama to try to keep it from taking effect. I would hate to see what Obama has planned next when he does not need to worry about getting elected again.

So do hosts on the left as well why no outrage? Why didnt anyone call for boycotts when Palin was called a C-nt or Laura Ingraham was called a right wing slut? You only care because it was RUSH and now you have a "Got You". You dont care about Fluke or what she was called you care that it was RUSH that said it. IF you cared about civility you would not be going after a dead man and you would be holding everyone accountable not just Rush but you have proven you dont care you only care because Rush does not fit your political views. Your either against all jerks or your not.

I can somewhat agree to this post. However, if none of us ever called any left wing persona on any BS they ever said (which is not the case), how would that make what Rush said any more acceptable? Why can't you say that it was unacceptable, full of lies, and he should not have said it?

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