Obama calls fluke over fake controversy

Rush is great, and he is a great communicator. Going along to get along has gotten this country in the mess it's in now. Someone has to say stop the spending, stop the tax increases and live up to the constitution. That is his message and "Reaching across the aisle," isn't cutting it. All that does is increase the spending, increase the taxes and grinds down the constitution. They have come for Rush's sponsors before, they will again and the biggest fools will be the one's who stop advertising on his show. There are a lot more people who will stop buying their products because they caved to democrat pressure groups. Conservatives are used to the tactic now, and they won't just sit back and watch it happen. Those sponsors will loose more by dropping Rush, and create openings for the sponsors on his advertising waiting list.
Thanks for the list elder, it made calling them in support for Rush much easier.
Just finished calling and e-mailing the silly people who canceled their ads. Thanks again elder.
This is why Andrew Breitbart was so important.


On February 24, news broke that television show host Bill Maher pledged one-million dollars in support of the re-election of Barack Obama. While noting that the pledge makes Maher one of Obama’s largest dollar supporters, the story also notes Maher’s “disdain” for Republican politicians.
Bill Maher Pledges $1 Million to Obama-Backing Super PAC
The donation makes Maher one of the largest single donors to the Priorities USA Action PAC, behind Dreamworks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg, who contributed $2.1 million, ABC News reported. The PAC raised $4.1 million in 2011.
It’s no surprise that he pledged money to Obama’s reelection cause. The HBO host has never hidden his agenda or concealed his disdain for the current GOP frontrunners. (Maher signed his $1 million dollar check with the words “kicking ***.”)
It’s both well known and extremely well documented that, in the not so distant past, Maher’s disdain has manifested itself in his name calling directed at former Alaska Governor and 2008 Republican Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin.

Less than a year ago, in March of 2011, Maher called Palin a “dumb tw*t,” as reported here by the Daily Caller. On March 29, 2011, the Caller also reported that Maher called Palin the “C-word.”
The facts above suggest that, as it is acting only now, when it involves a conservative and the GOP, the Post’s seemingly lofty call for civility in discourse– as well as a voice in who politicians, or political parties may align with — is subject to the charge of being driven by an egregious double standard, if not political ideology.
We call on the Washington Post’s editors to note these facts and elaborate on why it is only acting now and only with respect to a right-leaning perceived offender. To not do so will leave many with the clear impression that the editorial board of the Washington Post is little more than an extension of the Left and the Democrat Party.

Hmmmm...Thank you Andrew Breitbart and your guys for bringing this out. Since elder is in such a state over Rush using the Slut, word, will he now call for the obama campaign to return the 1 million dollars given by the twit Bill Maher for all the things he said about Sarah Palin. Will he cancel his subscription to HBO.

Will all those rising up in a rage about fluke cancel their hbo subscriptions...hmmmm...
No, there is nothing wrong with calling a self admitted tramp a whore, or a prostitute or a slut.
There is nothing wrong with correctly and accurately labeling things.
But, in Newspeak, you aren't labeling them correctly...
Isn't Maher one of those asses that runs around screaming that he is woefully undertaxed? He managed to find his check book to contribute to a political campaign, it is a shame he can't be bothered to write a check to the treasury, since he is so undertaxed...
I really hope that someone will go through the list of democrat donors who gave large sums of bribes/campaign contributions to obama and what they may have said about conservative women. I can hear a vast sound of campaign cash leaving the obama campaign. What's good for the goose and all that...

Will people, who wailed and gnashed their teeth over Rush's comment, now start canceling their HBO subscriptions to protest Bill Maher, now that a new standard in polite discourse has been set?

Just to repeat the highlight of the above post...
The facts above suggest that, as it is acting only now, when it involves a conservative and the GOP, the Post’s seemingly lofty call for civility in discourse– as well as a voice in who politicians, or political parties may align with — is subject to the charge of being driven by an egregious double standard, if not political ideology.
We call on the Washington Post’s editors to note these facts and elaborate on why it is only acting now and only with respect to a right-leaning perceived offender. To not do so will leave many with the clear impression that the editorial board of the Washington Post is little more than an extension of the Left and the Democrat Party.

Thanks again Andrew Breitbart and your band of happy warriors.
Hmmm...I may just have to call back those sponsors who cancelled on Rush and ask them if they advertise on any networks that accept HBO advertising....
Ive never listened to him but I do listen to Talk Radio and they did play the clips of what he said. HE even said later in the Same show that he didnt think Fluke was a Slut at all. But thats not in any of the news stories. Howard Stern calls woman way worse where is all the outrage? Oh wait he voted for Obama.
Stern's a shock Jock, and not the undisputed leader of anyone's political party.
And obama is the president of the United States. Should he really accept money from bill maher or any other hollywood type or liberal supporter who has publicly smeared conservative women. For example, ed shultz, anyone?
While she might not have the "right" to dictate what her insurance covers, doesn't she have the right to advocate on her behalf for things she believes in? I don't know much about this particular situation, but it's clear that by law her insurance dictates what it covers. But how is she or anyone wrong for voicing her opinion in support of her position. And if she is persuasive enough to influence laws, perhaps she will have had some power over her insurance coverage in that way.

Or in other words, what has she done that isn't within the scope of any citizen of our country?

Sent using Tapatalk. Please ignore typos.
While she might not have the "right" to dictate what her insurance covers, doesn't she have the right to advocate on her behalf for things she believes in? I don't know much about this particular situation, but it's clear that by law her insurance dictates what it covers. But how is she or anyone wrong for voicing her opinion in support of her position. And if she is persuasive enough to influence laws, perhaps she will have had some power over her insurance coverage in that way.

Or in other words, what has she done that isn't within the scope of any citizen of our country?

Sent using Tapatalk. Please ignore typos.

Ah, you have to ask?!
(like, you know Viagra is covered, even to convicts and felons...)
When guys do it it's politics, when gals do it it's because they are sluts......

But if Limbaugh’s actions demand a boycott—and they do—then what about the army of swine on the left?

During the 2008 election Ed Schultz said on his radio show that Sarah Palin set off a “bimbo alert.” He called Laura Ingraham a “right-wing slut.”

Keith Olbermann has said that conservative commentator S.E. Cupp should have been aborted by her parents, apparently because he finds her having opinions offensive. He called Michelle Malkin a “mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick.” He found it newsworthy to discuss Carrie Prejean’s breasts on his MSNBC show. His solution for dealing with Hillary Clinton, who he thought should drop out of the presidential race, was to find “somebody who can take her into a room and only he comes out.”

Left-wing darling Matt Taibbi wrote on his blog in 2009, “When I read [Malkin’s] stuff, I imagine her narrating her text, book-on-tape style, with a big, hairy set of balls in her mouth.” In a Rolling Stone article about Secretary of State Clinton, he referred to her “flabby arms.”

Complain to their sponsors.

I don't listen to either of those windbags. Do I need to get offended over something I did not hear?

Neither one of them is worth the bother.
And I think they do prove my point very nicely how the chauvenist element is omnipresent.
Can't argue with a woman, put her down.
Nothing new to see here....