Numbering BB Certificates?


Senior Master
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
North Augusta, SC
How does everyone's school number black belt certificates, if at all?
The schools I came through did not number them in any way, just date them, but I know many styles use a number system to show the order of who got rank and who would be in lineage to a system.
It couldn't be a simple 1,2,3 setup since someone who gets a 2nd dan would outrank one who has a 1st dan, regardless of the dates.

The format we use is letters indicating our association, then a number indicating dan rank, and then a number indicating nth person to receive that rank - so, for example, my IV Dan certificate says YCTA-4-008.

The ITF uses - or at least, used, when we were still with them - a very similar system, but the letter indicates country, then a number indicating dan rank, then a number indicating nth person to receive that rank in that country - so, for example, my III Dan certificate from the ITF says A-3-873, meaning that I am from the USA, was awarded a III Dan, and was the 873rd person in the US to receive that rank.
We number certificates, but just in order. Standing is by rank and then by date of rank within common ranks.

It's always good to explicitly designate one's successor, clearly and publicly--not implied by numbering. People can become inactive yet still be high-numbered!
I have actively participated in TKD and Japanese Karate. Both use numbering in BB levels.
We receive our BB (the physical entity) at end of the BB test. Then 1 year later we receive the certificate. Thus, defacto, the rank is date based.

I think this works very well. It reinforces the immediate physical part: I have a black belt. While waiting a year for the certificate helps reinforce the intellectual aspect of "you have a lot to learn yet, pilgrim".

Hope this helps.
It's always good to explicitly designate one's successor, clearly and publicly--not implied by numbering. People can become inactive yet still be high-numbered!

You're defenitely right about that, particularly since many times the successor is not always the highest ranked.
I remember one kempo style that actually has a special black belt and whoever owns that belt is the head of the style, kind of like a king's crown. I thought it was a silly idea at the time, but then I saw a few styles where people were arguing over who has head of it.

The easist way we found was to use the date.......example - 010608 = month,day and year. The rank will be someplace else on the certificate.