Nudity And Swear Words


Black Belt
Every society has its own taboos and regulations, even modern societies. For example in the Western world it is taboo for men to wear skirts (and women wearing pants in the past as well). However as a general rule most taboos have no laws regarding them. For example a man can wear a skirt legally and not be prosecuted, although they will be publicly stared at, laughed at, and sometimes condemned.

However there are a few subjects our public has no tolerance of which are probably not even bad at all in reality. One of the most famous of these are the use swear words in the media. Words like the 'f' word, the 'sh' word, and in some cases *** and the 'b' word have to be bleeped out. This is especially seen on national TV and many public outlets. Most Internet forums have these rule too, including Martial Talk ;).

But the truth of the matter is none of these words are really bad. Of course it would be foolish and disrespectful to use such words around your boss, business partners, teachers, or anyone else you are not chilling with. Then again so would words such as crap, stupid, anal, ect. The truth is that the main swear words have no more of a disrespectful tone than any other in reality. It would be equally disrespectful to yell at your boss saying "Screw you!" or "Sexual intercourse you!" as with yelling "**** you!" So why are these censored then? I understand that some people think society needs "protection" against "unpleasant disrespectful words" but why don't we censor other swear words such as stupid, idiot, screw, intercourse, or whatever on TV too? And why do we care about these words so much? After all they are just words! Who knows, maybe in some other country the 'f' word means something positive ;).

Another very silly taboo law is nudity. What is wrong with nudity? A lot of people like to equate nudity with pornography but that is a false comparison arising from the idea that nudity=sex. Our ancestors lived for thousands of years with no clothes and in these societies it is natural. Many cultures today are tolerant of naked people as in many it is a norm.

One common reason why people ban nudity is that many believe people can't control themselves when they see penises, vaginas, breasts, or testicles. However this clearly has not been how our ancestors have lived in the past. Our ancestors and many societies today see covering your penis as no worse as covering your feet or elbows. It is almost as if our society thinks it is unnatural to wear clothes. In reality though Nature did not design us for clothes. Rather, clothes are designed for us. They do help us survive in colder climates but there is nothing wrong with not wearing them.

Perhaps a major reason why our society has such strong taboos against nudity as an okay thing is the Judeo-Christian-Islamic idea that we are supposed to wear clothes because the creation story says that not wearing clothes is shameful. This probably is true to a certain extent.

Don't get me wrong though, I am no nudist and prefer wearing clothes to....well....not wearing clothes. But I don't see the problem with nudity. Sexual organs are just body parts. That is all they are. Covering them is really no different than covering your knees or hands.

There are many other silly taboo laws in our nation too that I haven't gotten into. Another one is the drinking age higher than the legal age (an age you can vote, run for mayor and other political offices, go to war and die, make contracts, marry, smoke, ect.), Don't Ask, Don't Tell is also another silly law (who gives crap if you are homosexual as it shouldn't effect military performance). I can go on and on but you get the point I hope :).

This post edited for profanity and trying to by pass the filters
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sheldon bedell mtmod

** Re-Edit - to preserve the context of the conversation as well as the profanity circumvention rules of MartialTalk, the words in blue have been provided by this moderator. Please read rules on profanity circumvention - G Ketchmark / shesulsa, MT Sr. Moderator**
Kane said:
Another very silly taboo law is nudity. What is wrong with nudity? A lot of people like to equate nudity with pornography but that is a false comparison arising from the idea that nudity=sex. Our ancestors lived for thousands of years with no clothes and in these societies it is natural.
there could be 2 reasons to this
1. either they didnt mind having an erection all day long
2. OR since women didnt wax or shave they looked like 'crap', so they didnt care

(i hope i didnt offend anyone here.. im only kidding)
Kane said:
But the truth of the matter is none of these words are really bad. Of course it would be foolish and disrespectful to use such words around your boss, business partners, teachers, or anyone else you are not chilling with. Then again so would words such as crap, stupid, anal, ect. The truth is that the main swear words have no more of a disrespectful tone than any other in reality. It would be equally disrespectful to yell at your boss saying "Screw you!" or "Sexual intercourse you!" as with yelling "**** you!" So why are these censored then? I understand that some people think society needs "protection" against "unpleasant disrespectful words" but why don't we censor other swear words such as stupid, idiot, screw, intercourse, or whatever on TV too? And why do we care about these words so much? After all they are just words! Who knows, maybe in some other country **** means something positive ;).

If those words weren't really bad then why is it "foolish and disrespectful to use such words around your boss, business partners, teachers, or anyone else you're not chilling with..." ???
True that tonal inflection does play a part in how you're swearing but a swear word is still a swear word irregardless according to that societies laws and moral values and standards.

Same goes with nudity and how it's portrayed. It's a fine line but again society is the one that draws the line. Where the line is depends of course on the society. What's art and what is porn? What's decent and what's obscene? All depends upon where you live and who you live with.

I've got friends that I swear around, and I've got friends that I don't swear around. Some call this having a double standard. Well, maybe it is and maybe it isn't... I call it respecting the ones that don't use that language by NOT using it. If they're NOT offended then okay, I'll swear at my (own) discretion. I've a friend who isn't at all offended by swearing , but I'll be damned if I can recall him using it at all.

To say (for yourself) that this swear word or that dirty picture is "okay" is just right for you. It may not be right for someone else. I think an intelligent human being would know how to respect that.

said... with all due respect... :uhyeah:
Shirt Ripper said:
"Nudity and swearwords"

I'm for 'em!
no man
think about it again
remember the population that is overweight
the population that is pretty hairy (if you live in socal you probably have met persians before so you know what i mean :D )
and most importantly those who dont even shower!
Wow! Talk about taking on the BIG issues! *grin*

I think there are a lot of forces at work. Part of it is the concept of Class or Station. We in the West have a very strong notion of "appropriateness" and attach the observation of that to one's class and station in life. If one curses and is bawdy then they are of a lower class than people more refined and gracious.

It's all poppycock of course! (Staying with the Victorian theme her folks! *grin*) The traditional heirarchies of our society are getting pulled down by things like the Internet and the greater affluence of our middle class. We no longer assign status to breeding and lineage as much as we do to celebrity and conspicuous wealth. You can swear all you want as long as you have the dough.

I think the agencies that we created to enforce moral standards like the FCC are finding themselves under siege. They are fueld by the outrage of the "Moral minority" who think that displaying nude images will push the entire population into hormone fueled hedonism but they are finding it increasing hard to police this when technology offers so many ways to disperse the content.

When I was travelling in Europe I was impressed about how liberal they were about nudity. Not only were nude beaches fairly common but several times I drove by bill-boards which were displaying bare breasts. And why not!?!?!?! So much of Art is dedicated to the human form and celebrating it's beauty.. when it's not all hairy and overweight that it! *lol*

What I am really confused by though is that here in the US nudity is taboo but violence is ok. You can't show a nipple on the superbowl but you can show someone getting their head blown off in a gunfight.

I am thinking the folks at the FCC must have some interesting Christmas Parties...

In the words of George Carlin "There are no bad words, there are bad thoughts and bad intentions, but no bad words".

Meaning swear words often have a negative connotation. Just look at the difference in the phrases "we ****** last night" and "we made love last night". The latter phrase implies a more intimate and tender act, hence the word love implying a relationship. Where as the former phrase omits any information about the people involved, it only describes the act. I'm not saying either is correct or incorrect, just looking at semantics. This is one narrowly focused example, and the easiest to show.

The theory in censure of 'bad' words is not in the censure of speech itself, but rather the negative connotations associated with certain words and phrases.

** I would like to state that I am not for censure, just pointing out how I see it.
MA-Caver said:
If those words weren't really bad then why is it "foolish and disrespectful to use such words around your boss, business partners, teachers, or anyone else you're not chilling with..." ???

Agrarian-patriarchal hierarchical values that our society is still having trouble casting aside. You'll notice that almost all these censorships are in some way related to the natural human body and its natural products (fornication and defacation). It's symptomatic of the archaic vilification of sensuality and (especially) women.

Personally, I think the West has been trying to jettison these ideas for the past three hundred years or so, but the Pat Robertsons and Jerry Falwells of the world make it pretty damn difficult to do. It also doesn't help that a Bronze Age literary document that many Westerners hold to be the literal "word of God" (the Bible) pretty much supports this archaic social structure.

I consider such censorship to be a sociocentric defense mechanism, but that's just me.

Kane said:
But the truth of the matter is none of these words are really bad.
There are no bad guns either; but who wants one aimed at them?
Kane said:
Another very silly taboo law is nudity. What is wrong with nudity?
People like me are bad enough clothed; you would be offended to see me naked.
Kane said:
Another very silly taboo law is nudity. What is wrong with nudity?

Well Kane the only problem with nudity is I wouldn't get anything done during the day if I were nude, all those throngs of women clustered about just to get a view would be very distracting! LOL, as if; I would have to hand out air-sickness bags instead. I don't personally find nudity "wrong" or "pornographic" in any way, but still feel that while it has its place, it is NOT out in the general public here in the West. Our culture (and in some places, climate) isn't condusive to nudity and while other cultures have zero problem with nudity in public places, we do. Are they wrong for viewing things different? No that would be silly trying to apply our social view on a different culture. By the same argument are we wrong for holding our views, No. Just differing views.

Would I have a problem working in my garden nude while singing "The rodeo song" by: David Allen Coe, not in the least, but the neighbors would have a problem with it, so I don't.
All this is well and good for y'all but how do you want your children treated. Who gets to be naked in front of your daughter and what are you comfortable with that person saying.
I know from time to time Bruce Lee had a few colorfull words.May it be in dismay-or kidding-or angry.John Lennon often used colorful words to get a point across.I have cought my self time to time & try to renew ways that reflct that moment.Time is short & how we live it is up to us.But,dont you think that you should be the best you can.How can we be looked up to if we utilise words that may hurt-slander-offend or even make fun of .The martial artist is to have Honor-selfcontrole-peacefull intent.We can not function as a self if anger takes over.heres a quote from Yoda(Feel the force-let your feelings flow & the force flows with in you.)

If you really wanted to wear a dress, you could have done so without the pretense and distraction of starting a thread about taboo. You're on a computer, so noe of us would be able to tell...well, at least not without your inadvertent admission.

So throw on a mumu over your merry widow, toss back a shot or two of your favorite spirits, and just enjoy your own wierd self. We got yer back.



Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:

If you really wanted to wear a dress, you could have done so without the pretense and distraction of starting a thread about taboo. You're on a computer, so noe of us would be able to tell...well, at least not without your inadvertent admission.

So throw on a mumu over your merry widow, toss back a shot or two of your favorite spirits, and just enjoy your own wierd self. We got yer back.




An old saying... "On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog."