Now Learning Tracy's Kenpo!


Green Belt
Well, not the whole package, but . . .

Although our primary focus is learning the Art and Science of Mook Jong (ASMJ), we have recently been afforded the treat of learning some Kenpo techniques. Those of you in Tracy’s Kenpo may be familiar with Sifu Joseph Simonet and Miss Addy Hernandez at KI Fighting Concepts in Wenatchee, WA. Over the past few class sessions, Sifu Joseph and Miss Addy have been teaching a bit of Kenpo and showing us how it relates to our curriculum of ASMJ.

Although Sifu Joseph does from time to time show us some of his Kenpo stuff (HOLY CRAP can that guy move!), it was fun to actually work on a couple of specific techniques – “Darkness” and “Headlock” A, B, and C. Way fun!

I watched a few Kenpo videos on YouTube earlier today and immediately recognized Darkness when I saw it demonstrated in the middle of a string of other techniques. Sifu Joseph has mentioned the possibility of doing a Kenpo only class every now and then. I think everyone in class agreed that that would be a blast.

Anyway, just wanted to share how much fun it was to learn a few new moves from a style we don’t normally practice. I’ll be checking out a lot more Tracy’s style videos on the net. If you could point me to some of your favorites, I would really appreciate it.

Bring on Tiger and Crane! :)
I trained in Trace kempo a couple of years loved it. Great fighting style.
Supplement that with some ground work, and muay thai basic. You can really rock and roll.
You won't regret practicing this. It is very versatile. I have been exposed to it myself a little, and is an amazing system!
You will also not regret training with Mr. Simonet. "Mr. Lights Out" as he is affectionately known since the summer gathering.
Ed Parker and the tracy Brothers were devote Morman, I have read a lot of there traditions of the original art were influenced from there beliefs.
Yea thats where I got it, is it not true. I do know they were all Morman including. william Chow. Hech all of the North shore was converted.

This is a more recent article by Will Tracy, the earlier one, now not published on the web, was distinctly more.... inflammatory. The older article did say that Mr. Parker changed the belt wearing method and something about "drawing the hand across the body" to be similar to Mormon Temple ritual.

Ed Parker and the tracy Brothers were devote Morman, I have read a lot of there traditions of the original art were influenced from there beliefs.

Will Tracy does write about how Ed Parker's mormon beliefs influenced his kenpo -even going so far to say that some of it became ritualized into American Kenpo.

However, when you say that the mormon beliefs influenced "their" kenpo I am not certain that you can make that inferrence. For example, Tracy practitioners never wear the knot of a belt to either side. It is always worn in the middle.

I have never heard Al Tracy incorporate his faith into any of his seminars, writings, dvds, etc. In fact, I think that he makes a conscious effort to steer away from such topics.

Will Tracy does write about how Ed Parker's mormon beliefs influenced his kenpo -even going so far to say that some of it became ritualized into American Kenpo.

However, when you say that the mormon beliefs influenced "their" kenpo I am not certain that you can make that inferrence. For example, Tracy practitioners never wear the knot of a belt to either side. It is always worn in the middle.

I have never heard Al Tracy incorporate his faith into any of his seminars, writings, dvds, etc. In fact, I think that he makes a conscious effort to steer away from such topics.


I agree.
Will Tracy does write about how Ed Parker's mormon beliefs influenced his kenpo -even going so far to say that some of it became ritualized into American Kenpo.

However, when you say that the mormon beliefs influenced "their" kenpo I am not certain that you can make that inferrence. For example, Tracy practitioners never wear the knot of a belt to either side. It is always worn in the middle.

I have never heard Al Tracy incorporate his faith into any of his seminars, writings, dvds, etc. In fact, I think that he makes a conscious effort to steer away from such topics.


I also agree 100%.

I have been around Mormon Bible Thumpers and "we are the way" disciples. I know what they are like, and I've had "others" in the martial arts attempt to "convert" me.

Neither Ed Parker, Al Tracy, or Will Tracy EVER preacher Mormonism to me in all the years I knew them (37 years for Al, 15 years for Ed).

They all did teach great Kenpo Karate, and very good Martial Arts Business strategies and tactics.

I owe a lot to all of them for those practical and valid teachings.

Dr. John M. La Tourrette
I have been around Mormon Bible Thumpers and "we are the way" disciples. I know what they are like, and I've had "others" in the martial arts attempt to "convert" me.

Neither Ed Parker, Al Tracy, or Will Tracy EVER preacher Mormonism to me in all the years I knew them (37 years for Al, 15 years for Ed).

They all did teach great Kenpo Karate, and very good Martial Arts Business strategies and tactics.
I'm glad to hear that none of those mentioned preached to you. I've been LDS for the last 7 years - I haven't seen any "Mormonism" in the kenpo I learned and I didn't see any kenpo in the temple.
I was trying to find few things and talking on youtube bout things that when I was younger I would hear.

Most of the first level people could not get past Mr. Parker and he would not teach them everything making sure he would be the Grandmaster. I then said If so many types of kenpo or kempo or other things the only reson was to get them to many 10th dan people and im like that was very sad. Oh boy did I open a pack of worms and even some people telling me stuff like this saying Tracy's Kenpo Is really bad and such. Im like omg just respect and learn dont bash and be rediculess. I am not the best at typing or gramer but im like you dont even need to be able to talk or hear to teach. Just have the information and people that have the will to Pay attention and learn.

26 years ago I got my Kenpo black belt but no Certification and I have been trying to fix this. It really did not bother me till others have issues with it. My Sensi was Mr. Shawn Hatfield at the time he was President of the Society of the Black Lion I really need to know my family tree.

Ty Hatfield (searching)
maybe go on the tracy web site and look on the family tree and see who promoted your instructor and see about getting a cert from them... its not that big of a deal though.. people will show you respect for what you know not a peice of paper but i can understand why you would want it...