I am 99.99% certain god does not exist. If there is any evidence to prove it, I am more then willing to look at it. I basically donÂ’t believe in the supernatural as most people understand it, again I need proof. Again, seriously, not to be insulting but god, ghosts, santa, theyÂ’re all the same to me.
Well, if you don't believe in Santa, I'm going to have to ask you to step outside. You'll have reindeer tracks up your backside by the time we're done, laddy buck.
Atheism and atheists have been mocked here too. Generally it’s a contemptuous attitude whereby we are treated as lost children who need to be shown the “way”.
Not by me.
I donÂ’t treat religion as sacred, at least on this forum; it should be argued/discussed about in the same way we argue about MA, politics and everything else here. This forum is a place where we can debate anything. I enjoy verbal sparring, I hold no animosity towards Bill or anyone else, why would I? Look through my past posts, IÂ’m a libertarian, I recall arguing that while I have no use for religion, I will always defend a persons right to be religious.
Yes, you have said that, but you have also said that what religionists 'need' is to be 'told' about the truth. You say you have no personal animosity, but you do, Ken, you do. You may not believe it about yourself, but it leaks out of your very words. Seriously, man.
In the real world I have never debated or argued with a religious person, ever. I have gone to midnight mass many times, I have organized many dinners where I have always added in the saying of grace, plus many other religious events, because they are important to people who are important to me. I am polite, (the Canadian in me!)! But I have been on numerous occasions been given bibles, been told that people are praying for me, been told I am going to hell, and have been the target of people who try and talk me out of my “false” beliefs. I have never done that to them.
I've been told I'm going to hell by people picketing a porno theater I was going into (hey, I'm a Marine, I likes me the nekkid wimmins, get over it) and I'm a member of the Knights of Columbus that has been scolded for collecting money for 'retarded children' because a) that's not politically correct (sorry, I didn't come up with the name) and b) the KKK is bad (the Knights of Columbus are not *those* knights, thanks) and c) the Pope is the anti-Christ. Yay me, even when I do good I do bad.
I've also argued with a man who insisted on calling Jesus a
'dead Jew on a stick'. Like you, he claimed he was not being insulting, but literal. Didn't Jesus die? Yes. Wasn't he a Jew? Yes. Was he crucified? Yes.
"Then he's a 'dead Jew on a stick', and if you take offense to that, it's your problem and not mine." I get it, I get it. But of course, the intent when using terms like that is to inflame the passions. Get the other guy to lose it and take a swing at you (rhetorically or physically). Win the argument by getting the other guy to go stark raving bonkers on you.
You could call God 'God' or simply deity or creator if the word God is offensive to you. One word, easy to use and remember. But 'invisible man in the sky' is so much more demeaning, so much more delicious, it's hard to pass up, huh? If you can make a religionist's head explode, bonus points! And you can argue that you're only being literal, not insulting. Do you really think anyone believes that of you?
So I've had some experience with people who are general asshats regarding the question of religion, pro and con. Please don't think you're the Lone Ranger here.
Religion? I don't treat discussion of religion as sacred either. I'm perfectly willing to discuss my beliefs and to admit that I have no answers, only beliefs, and that they could be completely wrong. No problem. That's discussion. But some of the terms used, come on, that's not a dispassionate discussion of religion, that's a blatant attempt to get someone's goat.
It's also unfair, because the religionists can't fight back in kind. Atheists know perfectly well that religionists are emotionally invested in their belief systems and have sore spots where they've been repeatedly poked by non-believers over and over again. So instead of saying "Jesus," they say "Dead Jew on a Stick" and stand back and watch the fireworks. What can a religionist call an atheist? A 'Godless Heathen?" Yeah, big whoop.