Not sure the form creator followed any logic or not

Kung Fu Wang

Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
The 108 moves Yang Taiji form has one right leg "outside crescent kick". I assume the left leg "outside crescent kick" is not in the form because the form creator might assume that students could reverse the form themselves. But what I don't understand is why the "inside crescent kick" is not in the form. We may assume that if the form creator understood the "outside crescent kick", he should also understand the "inside crescent kick". Why did he include one but not the other?

What's your opinion on this?
Not knowing this form, or any other form of Yang Taiji, or any other Chinese style, it's hard to have an opinion. Maybe already having put in 108 moves, the creator thought that 109 was just too damn long.

Maybe that move is already represented in another form. Most forms I know about have some kind of theme such as moving to the outside, grab and kick, low attacks, joint moves, etc. Perhaps that move somehow didn't fit in with the theme.

As I said, not intimately knowing all the style's forms, it's really impossible to second guess the Master's intention. It could well be he was going to include it, but his wife came out shouting, "Stop that jumping around, get in here right now and take out the trash!"
- The "outside crescent kick" is similar to "hook kick".
- The "inside crescent kick" is similar to "roundhouse kick".

When you train circular kick, if you train inside-out, there is no reason that you don't train outside-in.

It's also like if you train footwork that go clockwise, there is no reason that you don't train footwork that go counter-clockwise.
I saw the movements and I see it right, the posture he made is made only for that kick, because you need to rotate the body for the next movements, he combines hard and soft, straight and rotational movements, is what I think.
At 0.28 - 0.31, you can see both "jumping outside crescent kick" and "jumping inside crescent kick".

The jumping

- outside crescent kick has both right outside crescent kick and left inside crescent kick.
- inside crescent kick has both left outside crescent kick and right inside crescent kick.

It's well balanced. The form creator for this video has better logic.

At 0.28 - 0.31, you can see both "jumping outside crescent kick" and "jumping inside crescent kick".

For me it wasnt good, he hasnt balance when doing the kicks and no force, maybe for practice the kicks yes but not for combat, I see that he need to separate the movements and combine with other form between the two jumping kicks and continue with the same form after the second jumping kick, you can do continuous kicks but you need to fall in the correct posture for throw another kick, even if you see it weird, you dont have to do all the forms of a kick only the most fitting. :)
The 108 moves Yang Taiji form has one right leg "outside crescent kick". I assume the left leg "outside crescent kick" is not in the form because the form creator might assume that students could reverse the form themselves. But what I don't understand is why the "inside crescent kick" is not in the form. We may assume that if the form creator understood the "outside crescent kick", he should also understand the "inside crescent kick". Why did he include one but not the other?

What's your opinion on this?
First, Speaking as one with over 30 year in Yang style, although I do not think you meant it this way, I find the title somewhat insulting and borderline style bashing.

There is also no triangle choke or figure four leg lock either..... was that illogical for the time period in China. Shuaijiao has very few, if any kicks or punches, was that illogical on the part of whoever came up with it?

But to the point. Is there an inside crescent in Chen style? Now there might be, I only learned an old Chen form that was supposed to predate the division of the style into Laojia Yilu and Laojia Erlu. And I learned Laojia Yilu and Chen Zhenglei's short form. I don't remember one, but it has been awhile. Yang comes from Chen style. But then I don't remeber an inside creseant in Wu or Sun styles either, but those came after Yang

I trained an inside crescent many years ago, when I use to practice a lot of kicks on a heavy bag. At least for me it had less power and that an outside crescent.

This is pure speculation on my part, when the forms were made, fighting was a bit different, the chance of facing a Jian, a Dao, a spear, or a staff was much more likely then than it is now It seems to me an an inside crescent can potentially leave you fairly vulnerable. You were not there, you do not know the logic behind it, and for that matter you do not even know the original form of Yang as it came from Yang Luchan, or what was practiced by Yang Banhou, Yang Jianhou or Yang Shouhou. Or for that matter what was originally done by Yang Chengfu..... and to be honest, no one really does, many claim then do, but what I know about Chen and the things Yang Chengfu removed, I doubt they do either, save one guy I saw do a form in China that was allegedly from Banhou.... he may have the form.
In 108 moves Yang Taiji form, the punching skill is well balance.

- straight (vital punch).
- hook punch (striking tiger, twin peaks to the ears).
- uppercut (snake extend tone).
- hammer fist (turn around hammer).

One may expect the kicking skill will be well balance as well.
In 108 moves Yang Taiji form, the punching skill is well balance.

- straight (vital punch).
- hook punch (striking tiger, twin peaks to the ears).
- uppercut (snake extend tone).
- hammer fist (turn around hammer).

One may expect the kicking skill will be well balance as well.

I disagree. You my expect it, but they appear to have seen no need for it over 200 years ago. And as I said, you have no way of knowing what was in the form Pre Yang Chengfu. However you can get some idea based on Chen style and even possibly Zhaobao.

I see no need to call then illogical, as you did, based on what you expect.

Frankly I just see this as another of your attacks against Yang Style.

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