I was originally trained by a 2 time national champion. I won a few smaller tournaments myself. But that was a long long time ago. But I've been watching Cobra Kai And Johhny inspired me to get my fat, middle-aged butt back into it. I used to be able to kick above my head, but now I can barely kick waist high without hurting myself. I also have nowhere near the stamina I used to.
So here's my question. If I get back into classes and try to get my second black belt in whatever, that's literally going to kill me at this point. Obviously I should start doing my stretches again, but what else can I do to try to get back into good enough shape for classes? I'm broke and can't afford both class and a gym, so it has to be stuff I can do at home. Can anyone recommend some exercises? Especially anything that helps endurance. I'm not going to go to some joke of a
McDojo and I know I can't make it through class in my current condition.
Wish I could just 80's training montage this, but unfortunately I think I need actual advice at this point.