Not dissapointed in Wing Chun


3rd Black Belt
I have found a Wing Chun teacher, and I must say I am impressed. I was trapped, battle punched, and many other things that I dont know the term for yet but they didnt feel to good. It was almost like he knew what I was going to do before I did it, and at the end I was all wore out and he was not even the slightest bit tired. He said it was because I was trying to muscle him to much and was not relaxing, I would come in strong, then he would loose sensitivity and roll into me with punches, using my force to wind up his own punches. I was very tired at the end.
I felt like I have missed out on this training my whole life, I also kind of felt like I wasted all my life training in karate when I should have been in Wing Chun.
Strange isnt it! I love Wing Chung though even since I've been doing it, its such a flowing and personal art. From my own personal opinion after doing Wing Chung, I didnt like the idea of Kata's and patterns anymore, even though I think that the forms in Wing Chung are great. Glad you found a decent instructor my friend, but as you said to me your orginal training "karate" isnt a waste of time, just take what you want and discard the rest lol!

Glad you found a decent guy!

wait till youve been in it awhile, and get put doing san sau with a newbie. The look on their faces is priceless, just blown away at how structure can just dominate brute force.
DeLamar.J said:
, I also kind of felt like I wasted all my life training in karate when I should have been in Wing Chun.

a karate guy that came to our wing chun class said the same thing hehe. My wing chun teacher on the other hand who is also a certified teacher in ishin ryu karate says that once you hit the very high echelons of karate it becomes very similiar to wing chun.

If I may ask, who is the Sifu you found? I only ask because I noticed you live in Akron. Are you going to begin learning WC?

Oh, and don't become too frustrated with your previous training. Without it, you may not have been able to recognize the value of Wing Chun. It sounds as if you have a strong background in Karate that has server you well. Maybe now you're wanting something else and perhaps you've found it.