I think you may have misread. or Im misreading you. Hes saying the media edited out all the (majority opinion) soldiers saying they would vote McCain and showed the others. Giving the impression that the majority of soldiers want Obama or Clinton.
Anyone who spends time around service mebers knows that they are almost overwellmingly conservative.
The mainstream media is in the tank for the DNC, they are activly helping the DNC by underreproting the failures of the current Congress,who are doing all they can to make things worse and their buddies in the media will spin it all on Bush and the preivious Repub controlled Congress. (Who sure as Hell do share in the blaime.)
The media is out to get Obama elected so the Dems can execute their plan to get us all on the Govt. teet and then we will need the DNC.
Bread and Circuses, they have the media (except for Fox, who is alot less in the tank for Conservatives than their critics say) and they are about to dole out the bread (Govt Healthcare, more entitlements, open arms to illegals) if/when they take control.
I dont have alot of faith in the Repubicans either, they had control, they could have actually given us more efficient goverment and done some serious things to crush islamic facist, but they chose to argue about Terry Schivo (stepping on the Conservative belief in State's rights) and Steroids in sports.
I had a client who is a big Repub lobbyist and politico and he said "Yeah but the evangelicals love that stuff." when I voiced my concerns, i told him they just pissed off their real base, working stiffs who love their country, want the terrorist beat down along with any M.E. nation that opposses us violently, instead they go for a special intrest.
God I want a real third Party, or a Libertarian who actually stands a chance.
Fight our wars, kill our enemies, make our domestic goverment efficient (not sure if small goverment can work, but efficient goverment can), keep our taxes low and put Americans first before al others, that's my platform.