Non Korean born Masters and KKW Certs

Master Dan

Master Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
In April I talked with several non Korean born Masters that were having no problems sending in applications for Dan ranks for thier students. But since the reorganization of KKW I would like to hear if any of you are having success at this currently.

The latest text in April before the reorganization said that you would in the futer need the approval of a panel or regional/national GM to approve your recomendation?

Please respond I and other masters would like your opinions.

Out of respet I have always passed all my certifications through my GM of 37 years even giving him 100% of testing fees. Since he died a year ago February I have considered going direct or out of respect and tradition continuing with his son who is also my good freind. Also our NW association also issues a very nice duplicate Jidowan Cert I like very much.

Regarding upset over the KKW new logo certs I have a person who is one of the leading world experts in custom hand made one of a kind certificates very ornate a true work of art you want to frame can be designed to your specifications ranging $50 to $200 each.

I intend to use these as a duplicate of the concurent KKW cert for myself and students as they advance for those who can afford it.

Thank you for your time
In April I talked with several non Korean born Masters that were having no problems sending in applications for Dan ranks for thier students. But since the reorganization of KKW I would like to hear if any of you are having success at this currently.

The latest text in April before the reorganization said that you would in the futer need the approval of a panel or regional/national GM to approve your recomendation?

I know Master George Petrotta is having no problems -

Have you tried emailing Lee, Hyung-Sun at and asking them if there's a problem with the applications.

Regarding upset over the KKW new logo certs I have a person who is one of the leading world experts in custom hand made one of a kind certificates very ornate a true work of art you want to frame can be designed to your specifications ranging $50 to $200 each.

I wouldn't recommend that - you can be sanctioned by the Kukkiwon, specifically because of Section 19, subsection 3 "Issuing Dan certificates by the name of own instructors or Member National Federation themselves".

Of course, if you feel you're getting no joy from the Kukkiwon you may feel you want to stop using them completely, but then things might be worse if one of your students does want a Kukkiwon certificate.
KKW stopped accepting applications by mail a while back. You must do it online if you're eligible to or through an Org like USTC/USAT/USNTF.

Can't remember the exact date they stopped accepting them by mail. But it was earlier this year.

Also, I haven't had any problem with any I did. I did the last ones in July.

I'm speaking U.S. only, but I have not had a problem or anyothers I have spoken too. The new system is way faster and they even tell you when the ship them now. Its all on thier (KKW) site.
KKW stopped accepting applications by mail a while back. You must do it online if you're eligible to or through an Org like USTC/USAT/USNTF.

Can't remember the exact date they stopped accepting them by mail. But it was earlier this year.

Also, I haven't had any problem with any I did. I did the last ones in July.

I'm speaking U.S. only, but I have not had a problem or anyothers I have spoken too. The new system is way faster and they even tell you when the ship them now. Its all on thier (KKW) site.
d1jinx is correct. Follow what he has stated. We also have had no issues.
I know Master George Petrotta is having no problems -

Have you tried emailing Lee, Hyung-Sun at and asking them if there's a problem with the applications.

I wouldn't recommend that - you can be sanctioned by the Kukkiwon, specifically because of Section 19, subsection 3 "Issuing Dan certificates by the name of own instructors or Member National Federation themselves".

Of course, if you feel you're getting no joy from the Kukkiwon you may feel you want to stop using them completely, but then things might be worse if one of your students does want a Kukkiwon certificate.

Oh no I understand the above section quite well. That is why I find it interesting that USAT is issuing Dans and Skip Dans of thier own? I am only talking about taking the original KKW cert they issue and making an artistic represenation of the same document with full recognition of KKW and all information purely for personal beauty in your own home or dojang right next to the actual KKW certificate.

I am life long for KKW so was my GM and his son the above suggestion is done by many that also issue a duplicate certificate realted to thier Kwan which is displayed side by side with the KKW certificate. I only offered the original option for those who may be unhappy with the new logo make a traditional artistic interpretation duplicate not issue rank under your own name.

Thank you for the information above
Wow great information: I liked the Master George Petrotta website link you posted very good information. I have contacted them wait to see what they suggest for me personally and my current Dan recomends. If this works well for my needs then Other masters may follow as well.

My best freind and I are also considering joining the

A Korean Christian martial arts group in Korea which touts some pretty impressive members.

Thank You
Wow great information: I liked the Master George Petrotta website link you posted very good information. I have contacted them wait to see what they suggest for me personally and my current Dan recomends. If this works well for my needs then Other masters may follow as well.

My best freind and I are also considering joining the

A Korean Christian martial arts group in Korea which touts some pretty impressive members.

Thank You

Thats fine, but why wouldn't you want to do it yourself for less?
I am not a fan of submitting my applications electronically and continue to send them snail mail. The Kukkiwon gets them, gives me a phone call and gets them back to me in about a month and one-half, depending on their process date. They are still doing a decent job and this was as late as last month.

I am not a fan of submitting my applications electronically and continue to send them snail mail. The Kukkiwon gets them, gives me a phone call and gets them back to me in about a month and one-half, depending on their process date. They are still doing a decent job and this was as late as last month.


I still may go direct just have not done it yet. One thing for sure I need to pay extra for a protected envelope there is no home delivery in Bush Alaska only P.O. Box and they tend to abuse mail unless in a box or large enough so that they put a slip in your box to pick up at the conter?
They have been coming back to me in a Kukkiwon light cardboard flat mailer via a courier service versus regular mail (still have to sign for both). Usually they make it in good shape, but last batch just a little folder at a corner.

I can imagine things are a bit different that far north!
They have been coming back to me in a Kukkiwon light cardboard flat mailer via a courier service versus regular mail (still have to sign for both). Usually they make it in good shape, but last batch just a little folder at a corner.

I can imagine things are a bit different that far north!

We have UPS and FedX but the delivery times do not apply like 2nd day Priority mail depending takes 5-7 days. Ship to a vilage regular mail Parcel post it can take 6-8 weeks for a letter or boxesAlot of Asian martial art suppliers will not sell to Alaska because they do not understand that large boxes don'g get cramed in a small P.O. Box they hold it and give you a notice slip to pick it up. Many online orders like Wamart and especially the Home Shopping network come very fast and for free but other items on Ebay cost you more in shipping that the item maybe $90 for a $50 dollar item. Shipping like building material cost around $1.00 a pound average. Nothing comes here by road there are none its all Air or Barge when the Ocean Ice breaks up maybe May but smom times June.

When summer comes 24 hour daylight you do all you can every nice day kids play outside till 4 am in spring hits 20 above people start wearing shorts going crazy on snow machines racing across water. We have a town snow machine race about 17 miles a lap and then the Nome to Golvin race round trip very fast several crashes Black Hawk helecopters help with rescue to hospital.

In March we are the end of the Iditarod Dog Race 1,200 miles lots of fun for a week the fire station sets off the alarm every time a team aproaches dogs race to finish right down our main street.
Thanks; it is fairly different up there from the southern states!! Funny, I was just looking at a job in Kotzebue and visited their local web-site. The site brought home some of those differences.
I am not a fan of submitting my applications electronically and continue to send them snail mail. The Kukkiwon gets them, gives me a phone call and gets them back to me in about a month and one-half, depending on their process date. They are still doing a decent job and this was as late as last month.


If you time it right, you can have certs in hand in about 2 weeks when done electronically. And its EASY. For 2nd and up, most are already in the system including pictures. All you need is their DAN #.

but to each thier own.
Thanks; it is fairly different up there from the southern states!! Funny, I was just looking at a job in Kotzebue and visited their local web-site. The site brought home some of those differences.

What kind of job? Kotz is one of the places I have lived and taught. There is only 3 miles of road in the summer. In the winter an ice road opens up across the ocean bay for 40 miles so you can get to several villages.

very expensive to live, great fishing and hunting, great place to live if you have snow machines, boat and or plane. You need to have lots of money for toys. Very sweet people but one of the worst for deaths and suicides. A beautiful girl 21 died just two weeks after we arrived there kicked out of the hotel next to where we worked. she just walked a few feet out the back door and died of exposure. She had just finished rehab worked at the boys and girls club what a waste but a common story.

PM me if you get serious.
That is why I find it interesting that USAT is issuing Dans and Skip Dans of thier own?

I agree, that is odd and I hope USAT get stamped on by the Kukkiwon as an example. However, the problem is, if the Kukkiwon stops processing dans for the USA, surely USA would petition the WTF to start issuing certificates as it's in the WTF Kyorugi rules that it has to be a WTF or Kukkiwon Dan grade. There's already rifts between the WTF and Kukkiwon (as I understand it).

I am only talking about taking the original KKW cert they issue and making an artistic represenation of the same document with full recognition of KKW and all information purely for personal beauty in your own home or dojang right next to the actual KKW certificate.

You might get away with it. To be honest, most people would't know the difference and if you're up front/only do it if the student asks for it, I can't see it being a big problem - particularly as the details can be checked online (so if a student takes it to another school and forgets that it's the interpretation, the instructor may call it a fake but checking it online will prove they're the rank they say).
You might get away with it. To be honest, most people would't know the difference and if you're up front/only do it if the student asks for it, I can't see it being a big problem - particularly as the details can be checked online (so if a student takes it to another school and forgets that it's the interpretation, the instructor may call it a fake but checking it online will prove they're the rank they say).[/quote]

Again the custom cert is only a piece of Art for home enjoyment not to be used as a reference but includes the KKW information so it cannot said the owner of it is embelishing on credible registration. Yung students would not do this it would only be for those older or mature adult bb that understand its just a personal celebration of thier accomplishment done by a famous artist in recognition of thier KKW advancement.

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