Nipple issue

Bodyglide will do the trick. I have not tried the underarmour. It would be like a fat guy wearing spandex, just not right. Also you can grab some pasties from your local nudy bar.

As for the backdoor kiai, I once stunned an opponent with a high kick that let out the blast. A quick smile made him and the rest of the class start giggling. So I punched him. It was still funny.

Icewater said:
Bodyglide will do the trick. I have not tried the underarmour. It would be like a fat guy wearing spandex, just not right. Also you can grab some pasties from your local nudy bar.

As for the backdoor kiai, I once stunned an opponent with a high kick that let out the blast. A quick smile made him and the rest of the class start giggling. So I punched him. It was still funny.

lol did that at a tourny a nice point off it my opponent just looked at me and i kicked her in the head always draws attention when a girl passes gas loudly
Icewater said:
As for the backdoor kiai, I once stunned an opponent with a high kick that let out the blast. A quick smile made him and the rest of the class start giggling. So I punched him. It was still funny.

Backdoor Kiai :rofl: Welcome to MT! :asian:
Go buy some under armour for your friend. It can be very painful, btu can be taken care of just as easily.
bignick said:
They get pissed...
Oh okay. Thanks for checking out the male strip joint for me - didn't know you were such an expert! :ultracool
Icewater said:
I have not tried the underarmour. It would be like a fat guy wearing spandex, just not right.

Fits just fine on this fat guy, and wicks away moisture. Mmmm, cool and comfy.
Sounds like underarmour is the way to go. But what color? I already wear a black gi with black shoes. I guess I go with white. I'm currently a green belt, maybe I'll get a green one now then a brown one.
Thanxs guys
Shaolinwind said:
OMG hehehe, that's hilarious.

I totally support using UNDERARMOR. I always wear it, always always. Even under a tshirt. Bodyglide is good stuff too but the underarmor negates it's usefulness.
Yea, I guess I should be serious on this issue...:uhyeah:
Anyway, I always wear a ribbed "wife-beater"tank top, or a t-shirt under my dobok top, and I've never experienced the nipplage problem. Tell him to try that...:asian:
I realize it's a bit of an expensive solution, but he could get a better quality uniform that's a half size larger than his usual fitted size. One such fellow in my class had a similar problem, and since guys can't wear t-shirts underneath the jacket (only the ladies can), he was starting to go insane after the chafing. Also, the materials used in the better gi's might be less abrasive.

When he needed a new gi, I suggested that he order a size 6, instead of his usual 5.5. The extra room, combined with the fact that he went from a student uniform to a nicer gi (Arazawa Sapphire) removed the chafing problem, and I noticed that he was a LOT less tense during classes.
I have had this issue of "nip chafe" (lol) with swimming with a shirt on. I recommend (as some already have) wearing a rashguard. I seriously wear one every day. they are great.
Grenadier said:
When he needed a new gi, I suggested that he order a size 6, instead of his usual 5.5. The extra room, combined with the fact that he went from a student uniform to a nicer gi (Arazawa Sapphire) removed the chafing problem, and I noticed that he was a LOT less tense during classes.

Odd, it was the extra size in my clothes that created the chafing problem. But then, I was just wearing tshirts, not a gi.
A year ago I had a condition called gynic omastia(sp?). It was a benign tumor in my right nipple that hurt like hell to get punched, I ended up have a mastectomy. They cut off half my nipple and the hair doesn't grow quite right there anymore. You might advise the friend of a friend of yours to go to a doctor to see if that's anything that would stifle his training. It really sucked to get punched in the chest with a tumor in it. It also sucked to bleed from the nipple for 2 months and half it mutilated. But I don't regret the decision (can't feel that niple anymore, the nerves are dead).

I thought this might've been the most appropriate thread to post this message. Sorry for getting off track a little.
I still long for the days when I had 2 full nipples and not one and one dead half of a nipple.........*stares off longingly*

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