Ninutsu Frank Dux!!!

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Hi i ve bin training for a lot of years in the art of BUJINKAN BUDO TAIJUTSU and also in TEW RYU NINJITSU martial sience!
SHOTOKAN karate and jiu jitsu!

What i think is that the bujinkan don't have the right to claim the name of ninjutsu or 'make a lot of use of the word ninja!

The bujinkan art is made out of nine schools and only three of those schools are NINJA or NINPO schools the rest is JU JUTSU, the bujinkan practitioners with its teachers are training most of the time JU JUTSU the japanese are NOT teaching much of those NINJA schools or ninja stuff!

What people think but what is totaly wrong is that BUJINKAN is NINJUTSU this is clearly not the case BUJINKAN and ninjutsu ARE NOT THE SAME!

BUJINKAN is not even training schools as such they only use the flow of a certain school to practise and perform some techniques, so when HATSUMI say's we are training this year TAKAGI YOSHIN RYU (the theme of 2002) we only use the flow and the way of moving they do in the TAKAGI YOSHIN RYU my teacher is very very good at BUJINKAN and his name is SVEN ERIC BOGSAETER 13 th dan BUJINKAN BUDO TAIJUTSU!
He is not very often talking about ninjutsu because his words are i am not graded in ninjutsu but in the art of BUJINKAN BUDO TAIJUTSU nothing more and nothing less!

Now enough about BUJINKAN!


A lot of people very much from BUJINKAN and GENBUKAN are critizising about the treuth surrounding MR FRANK DUX!
Mr FRANK DUX has an own life and an own story, my opinion is that mr FRANK DUX is not getting the credits and respect he deserves!
He is a master of the KOGA YAMABUSHI FU YA NINJUTSU and Fought different fights there are videotapes of this fights in black and white and they are kept in the safe of mr DUX his LAWYER MIKE FRANKLE""

Mr FRank Dux has studied the art of the NINJA (koga yamabushi ninjutsu) by master sensei SENZO TANAKA, but he wasn't the only one there is another person who learned this style art and way of the ninja living in america and he is JAPANESE (for the tradition freaks)
His name is HARUNAKA HOSHINO it was family of Mr TANAKA!
You can find him on the internet on the search engines, HOSHINO also has a student and that is the ENGLISH man STEVEN BARLAAM 4 th dan KOGA YAMABUSHI FU YA NINJUTSU!
E-mail sensei HOSHINO for further questions surrounding DUX!
Dux had also a student his name is RICk TEW he made the traditional art more modern to this times and it WORKS so i train it!
And those **** that people say about Ö dux has hit (following the media) through bulletproof glass thatswhy he is fake!

At first that story is made by the media and wasn't true!
It happend al different but a lot of people just believe that and take it for the treuth!

Second: A family member is a technical engineer and he told me even if you have bulletproof glass and you have a strong force that you can direct on a bigg surface, the force is coming on the glass with a ring or a nuckle even BULLETPROOF GLASS breaks!
Believe what you want.
Styles are not important tradition means nothing if you only know all this THEN you get layed down in 30 seconds in a real fight!
It is al about attitude and confidence!


Please check out the new video's from JUAn HOMBRE and the traditional KOGA RYU NINJUTSU!
WOW. Frank Dux and Dux Ryu stuff is not fake, you learn something new every day.

And he really was a Government Agent too, see, all of the people that proved he was B.S., they're really B.S.! :rolleyes:

By the way, is "Ninutsu" a Castration Art? :D
Originally posted by KOGA-NINJA
A lot of people very much from BUJINKAN and GENBUKAN are critizising about the treuth surrounding MR FRANK DUX!
Mr FRANK DUX has an own life and an own story, my opinion is that mr FRANK DUX is not getting the credits and respect he deserves!

Maybe if he didn't lie about the things he's done and the places he's been then more people would take Frank Dux more seriously. Maybe the guy can do some stuff but he's a liar about his history and has puffed up his creditials more than a pillow in your bed.

C'mon Gou, it's not unusual for Martial Artists to lie like mattresses about their history.

There's well-respected (ability-wise) martial artist that many people here have stated they have learned much from who has a questionable history as well.

I do Aikido and you can't tell me that the stories floated about Ueshiba Morihei are all true :)

Damn you! You KNOW he could shoot lightning out of his ***.

Now don't hold out on us. Who is this questionable person? Is it me?

Ah ha ha ha!:rofl:
Yeah, I knew about the lightning, but it's the part about being the Reincarnation of Bodhi Dharma, Jesus Christ, Mohammad, and L. Ron Hubbard that I don't believe.

Cuz we all know that Hubbard was born way after O Sensei!

As for naming names, my flame retardant suit is in the cleaners so I think I'll refrain. But thanks for the invite. :erg:

Originally posted by Rubber Ducky
C'mon Gou, it's not unusual for Martial Artists to lie like mattresses about their history.

There's well-respected (ability-wise) martial artist that many people here have stated they have learned much from who has a questionable history as well.

I do Aikido and you can't tell me that the stories floated about Ueshiba Morihei are all true :)

Sir, i don't mean to interfere with anything here. Yet i cannot in good faith believe that any individual could down another martial artist when they do not know who and what they are really about! We all claim to be about the martial way, practice this way as we may see fit and prove to only ourselves how high and mighty that we are! I think here that there is a presumption of guilty before it can be proven! Is this not bias; yet the dictionary says that ignoring is a sign of intelligence! I guess you can't believe the definition of a word also! I stand enough pain hitting steel with my hands 3 days or more a week than coming to a forum of supposedly, well respected martial arts practitioners, teachers, historians and students to experience negative bias without actual fact! Yet, even if fact did exist to prove the point in question, should it not be expressed in private first and not blurted out like a child crying for attention? Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Chiduce, could you translate that into English for me?

I didn't name any names, nor did I make any overt implications. I did this on purpose.

My point was that the instances of inflated and fabricated "histories" of martial arts and martial arts instructors/founders are legion. This does not always reflect on the skill of the martial artist in question.

%$#@ the martial way. The martial way can kiss my @ss.

Seriously, who is to tell anyone else what the martial way should be about?

You float your own boat and I'll worry about how seaworthy mine is.

That's what i think.
my teacher is very very good at BUJINKAN and his name is SVEN ERIC BOGSAETER 13 th dan BUJINKAN BUDO TAIJUTSU!

Then you must know Peter Carlsson, eh?

Where, exactly, did you say your dojo was located?
Originally posted by Dennis_Mahon
Where, exactly, did you say your dojo was located?

You'll never find him. He's a ninja. They're sneaky.
Originally posted by GouRonin

You'll never find him. He's a ninja. They're sneaky.

Careful Gou, I think I hear some guitars wailing...could be a Ninja just waiting to FLIP OUT!


Sven Eric is very good at what he does. He's part of the Shi Tenno, which are four people from Europe/UK that are the models of how things should be done in the Bujinkan.

Gou -- If you have anything of value to add, I'd be glad to hear it. If not...I wouldn't.

Koga Ninja -- If you do your homework on Frank Dux and "Koga ryu", you would soon discover how true it is that it is not in any way traditional or legitemate Ninpo. I'm glad you enjoy your training with Koga ryu....I really am....however that doesn't mean that you aren't being had.

If you enjoy it, by all means have a good time with the training. Yet getting on a board with people that have done their homework on these topics is pretty counter-productive.
Originally posted by Rubber Ducky
Careful Gou, I think I hear some guitars wailing...could be a Ninja just waiting to FLIP OUT!

**running away**
One should have respect for martial arts however time will always tell who is a fraud and who isnt.
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the site and I'm just trying to find out more information on Ninpo, as my knowledge of the art only extends to a few books by Steven Hayes. I love martial arts, but as far as Ninjutsu goes, there isn't much info out there, atleast I haven't found much. I did run into a few guys that studied "Tew-ryu"at the DragonFest convention, and they were able to tell me a little bit more about Ninpo. "Tew-ryu" sounds like a great style, but my personal fascination is with more traditional styles as they told me this was not Tew-ryu's history.

You guys sound really knowledgable of the art, and I apologize if I sound a little ignorant, due to lack of knowledge. Could anyone recommend a good source of information/history on some traditional Ninpo? I hope to study this art in the future, but I first want to know what's available to me. Thanks in advance. :asian:
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