And the moon could actually be made of green cheese, and the 12 men who walked on it are all liars. As are everyone else involved in the moon landings.
Dude, it's simple. You're never going to have 100% positive proof, for lots of reasons. Frank Dux's claims have a lot of holes, which others have pointed out at length and ad nauseum.:deadhorse Nobody's going to satisfy you one way or the other; you're "doing your own research", but apparently have no standard to assess what you find. You don't seem to want to consider what anyone else says, no matter where they're coming from.
I'm stumped on what you're looking for.
What are you talking about? I didn't even know the name Fujita seiko until this website. I DO consider what others say, and then I go research it. I'm still researching. And if Seiko is discredited, it certainly would NOT help Frank's case. You may have researched this, and if you have, Then you know Seiko learned from a band of Yamabushi that originally did not want to teach him, but agreed because he persisted. That kind of falls in with "sneaky hermit", does it not?
I didn't even think of it that way until you posted. How are you going to say I don't take into consideration what anyone else says, when your words helped me talk about something I couldn't put my foot on? Elf Tengu actually has been a big help to my research as well. I've thanked him numerous times.
The only one I've for the most part ignored is cryozombie because he doesn't care, and has said as much.
My standard for history is the same one I had in college: cast nets, gather info, form hypotheses, test those hypotheses, do more research, leave no stone unturned, assess credibility, seek corroboration.
It's not a quick process, and it does a researcher no good to have preconceptions. Because I never went with the main stream oppinion, and I didn't go with Frank's oppinion, I've been able to find things I wouldn't have thought to look for otherwise. But of course I took both sides into consideration or I wouldn't have had a starting point.
Two examples:
1. Anti-Dux Camp: There never was a Kushinige Tanaka.
I found a Kushinige Tanaka.
2. Pro-Dux Camp: Ian Flemming based his character "Tiger Tanaka" on Kushinige Tanaka.
Everything I've found says that character was based on Torao "Tiger" Saito.
But yet I take into consideration what others say on both sides of the fence. That doesn't mean I go along with it. History is not cut and dry, if you're looking for the big picture. If you are looking for the quick answer so you can go about your life that's easy, but it's not history.
But I won't settle for one camp or another because (aside from the fact I haven't been in boy scouts for many years) what people keep giving me keeps bringing up more questions. Since i am curious, and I do not have a life, I plan on exploring it.
But the reason your stumped on what I'm looking for is because there's no one thing I'm looking for. I don't have anything to prove to anybody, and the reason I began researching into this history is pure curiosity, and it's aside from my training. And in the process I'm learning about X-kan, koga, kempeitai, russia, britian, and America.
Honestly, man I just like learning. Frankly I like this history BECAUSE there are so many puzzles. this stuff Will take YEARS to go through! My two big distractions in life are martial arts and history. What am I looking for? anything I can find. What's the harm?