And in some countries, the suggestions that I and Bill made, that you found repulsive, are how those governments and government agencies handle similar problems. Some just kill the kids outright. Neither my or his suggestions were serious ones to the problem here. I get the feeling you thought they were, given the ire I'm seeing you vent here.
You asked my suggestion on what to do.
Hold the parents accountable.
Remove the children from those homes if that proves undoable.
But is this 'unaccountable' parents, or parents who say 'no' and the kids say 'yes' so this agency sided with the minor children over their parents?
Who decides what's best for your kids Tez? You or some agency?
In the US, we're allowed to homeschool our kids in some places. Germany doesn't like that and mandates all kids go through the government schools. I saw a case where they took the kids from a family by force who wanted to teach them at home. In Germany, the government thinks they know best. I disagree with that, so I'll never try to raise a family in Germany.
You asked how should the authorities handle these kids.
Hold the parents accountable.
Remove the children from those homes if that proves undoable.
But who says the authorities know better than the parents?
Part of this argument revolves around how the actions or lack there in of these parents offends you (and us).
But who are any of us to tell any of them how to raise their kids?
"It's parents job to bring their children up properly however we know not all parents do."
I agree, but define "Properly".
We know that parenting isn't the concern of the government but we also know that some parents renege on their responsibilites.
I agree. But define "responsibilities"
We know that children shouldn't be having sex until the age of consent, 16 in the UK, later would be better still, it should be part of a loving relationship however we also know it doesn't always work like that.
I agree, but I know people who were responsible at 14, and some who still aren't in their 80's. Age is a number, responsible is not.
We know that we have children who ae having babies at far too early an age."
I know. I agree. I don't like it either.
But here's the solutions:
1- educate them on safe sex methods and encourage their usage of them.
2- help them develop good self esteem, a positive self image and strong backbone to help resist pressure.
3- drug them
4- sterilize them
5- kill them
I disagree with 4 & 5. I agree with 1 & 2. 3 should be by informed choice by someone able to legally consent.
You and I will agree I think on 1,2,4 & 5.
We will disagree on who that someone able to consent is on #3.
I believe we are in much closer accord than it seems on a casual read.