NHS implants birth control without consent or knowlege...

I'm bowing out now. It's clear we disagree. The state does not, or should not, in my opinion, have the right to disperse birth control to children without the consent of their parents. The argument in favor essentially seem to center around the notion that teen pregnancy is bad. It is bad. I just do not agree that because it is bad, the state has the right to supersede the rights of the parents. I doubt I'll find myself changing that basic position, and so, goodnight to all.
Option 1: Have the state or someone else (see my posts for who) teach sex ed.

Option 2: Have the parents do it.

Option 3: Have nobody do it.

I dont know about anyone else but IMO, option 3 sucks and option 2 is on the fence, depending on how its done. So, what happens if the parents say, "Nobody is doing it but me.....but I'm not going to, because sex is something that should only be done between 2 people who understand it." Its like taking a gun, putting 1 round in, putting it to your head, pulling the trigger, and hoping that you dont get shot. At some point, you're bound to get your friggin head blown off.
Spurious, pointless, and downright silly.
Whats silly? Noroplant is the #1 brand of implants look at a list of side effects:
[h=3]Cardiovascular[/h]Cardiovascular side effects have included hypertension.
[h=3]Dermatologic[/h]Dermatologic side effects have included acne and other skin disorders.
[h=3]Gastrointestinal[/h]Gastrointestinal side effects have included abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
[h=3]Genitourinary[/h]Genitourinary side effects have included leukorrhea, vaginitis, dysmenorrhea, breast pain, abnormal pap smear and decreased libido. Very common adverse reactions (greater than 1 in 10 users) include uterine/vaginal bleeding (including spotting, irregular bleeding, heavy bleeding, oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea) and ovarian cysts.
[h=3]Nervous system[/h]Nervous system side effects have included headache, dizziness and nervousness.
[h=3]Respiratory[/h]Respiratory side effects have included upper respiratory infection and sinusitis.
[h=3]General[/h]General side effects have included weight gain and fatigue.
[h=3]Psychiatric[/h]Psychiatric side effects have included depression.
[h=3]Musculoskeletal[/h]Musculoskeletal side effects have included back pain.
[h=3]Other[/h]Other side effects have included postmarketing reports of device breakage and angioedema
If she's not willing to talk to you about the contraception in the (rare) event of an adverse reaction, she for SURE isn't going to discuss contraception with you under any other circumstances.
You told your parents everything you did as a child I know I didnt.

In any case, that's but one of many reasons why we routinely talk to minor patients AWAY from their parents.
Not my kids you wont or you would have a major problem on your hands.
And that list of side effects is on adults I would bet there were not many studies done on the use of BC on still developing children.
It is hard for me to see how people are so willing to let a nameless bureaucrat make a decision that affects your children. How did the government bureaucrat decide on which chemical to use? Is it because some politician recieved campaign cash from the drug company and since he sits on the child healthcare committee the decision was based on the size of the campaign donation? How do you know they are applying the right dosage for your child? Do they have access to your child's complete medical history and allergy list? If your child is having sex, perhaps if someone informed the parent they might be able to deal with the situation before they catch an STD or end up at planned parenthood getting an even more intrusive medical procedure that kills your first grandchild. What if your child is having sex with their teacher, and the teacher is the one pressuring the child to get the birth control? Wouldn't you want to know?

How do you know that the government medical person is qualified to be implanting birth control in the first place, or even knows how?
And if you did I would bet your thinking would change. Mine did. I see the world alot differently now then I did when I was kidless.

Actually, my parents talked to me, and I had sex ed in school. My parents weren't clueless....they knew what was going on. So, if I were to go out with friends, to a party, etc, I used the common sense and good solid judgement that they instilled in me.

The thing is...sex is everywhere. I mean, unless you're living in a cave, you can't turn on the tv, without seeing someone kissing, laying in bed, you name it.
It is hard for me to see how people are so willing to let a nameless bureaucrat make a decision that affects your children. How did the government bureaucrat decide on which chemical to use? Is it because some politician recieved campaign cash from the drug company and since he sits on the child healthcare committee the decision was based on the size of the campaign donation? How do you know they are applying the right dosage for your child? Do they have access to your child's complete medical history and allergy list? If your child is having sex, perhaps if someone informed the parent they might be able to deal with the situation before they catch an STD or end up at planned parenthood getting an even more intrusive medical procedure that kills your first grandchild. What if your child is having sex with their teacher, and the teacher is the one pressuring the child to get the birth control? Wouldn't you want to know?

How do you know that the government medical person is qualified to be implanting birth control in the first place, or even knows how?

Actually, when we stop and think about it, the govt/state dictates ALOT of what we do. Unless we want to move to an island and start our own little 'world' a huge portion of what we do in day to day activity, is dictated by someone.

Ok....implanting something...sure, I'll give you that one. Probably not the best thing, but handing out birthcontrol, teaching sex ed....nope, nothing wrong with that. Once again, I repeat...I dont give a rats *** who does it...as long as someone is doing it!!!! But its something that needs to be done. Sex is real, sex happens. As long as you dont mind supporting your kids kid while they finish school, but I'm sorry...seeing some 14 or 15yo kid trying to raise a kid....laughable at best.
Texas wanted to shoot teens up with a fast tracked vaccine after the governors buddies who sold it made big contributions to his war chest. It was only after big public outcry that they decided to not use the girls as lab rats. **** happens in the US too.
Whats silly?

Then idea that it's better for a girl who cannot discuss contraceptives with her parents be subjected to an unplanned pregnancy and/or an STD is silly.

You told your parents everything you did as a child I know I didnt.

Nope. But I knew how to avoid STDs and unwanted pregnancies, and had access to contraceptives. I even knew why teenage sex could be considered a bad idea, and why it might be wiser to keep it in my pants.

Not my kids you wont or you would have a major problem on your hands.

There's a rational, well thought out response if I've ever seen one. You always try to control every conversation your child has, or only with Evil Medical Establishment?
And if you did I would bet your thinking would change. Mine did. I see the world alot differently now then I did when I was kidless.

Actually, I have three kids. A son and two daughters. All of them learned how babies are made at home. They also learned how NOT to make them. One chose to become sexual active at 16. She knew how to avoid STDs and unwanted conception, and she did so. I put her on the pill and made sure she had access to condoms. Eight years later, she will have her first child later this month. And THAT child will also be educated. Not kept in the dark.

You know which kids I see in the ER with STDs, unplanned pregnancies, and "secret" pregnancies with no prenatal care? I'll give you a hint. As a rule, it's not the ones who were never educated and never given the chance to protect themselves.

Oh, and to whomever left me the negative unsigned rep, my kids would disagree with you. But then, they know the difference between "your" and "you're" too.
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Look up Dr earl bradley from delaware. Im on my cell and can't post the link and you will se why my kids don't see doctors dentists or anyone else alone. That was my nieces doctor.
AAlso nowhere did I say I was against teaching children about sex or even providing BC im against not tell a parent. Thankfully my childrens school is not even allowed to give a kid aspirin without calling a parent first
AAlso nowhere did I say I was against teaching children about sex or even providing BC im against not tell a parent. Thankfully my childrens school is not even allowed to give a kid aspirin without calling a parent first

And, once again, the school didn't provide anything to these kids. The National Health Service did. They went to their health care provider, asked for (I've not seen it suggested that these girls were given contraceptive implants against their will) contraception, and were given it. By people who are licensed to provide these medications. Same as your daughter could do, by going to HER health care provider or planned parenthood.

Just trying to keep the conversation about the actual issue posted...
Look up Dr earl bradley from delaware. Im on my cell and can't post the link and you will se why my kids don't see doctors dentists or anyone else alone. That was my nieces doctor.

While he truely seems to be a vile and reprehensible individual, do you REALLY think it's rational to paint the entire medical world with the pervert brush because of his actions? I guess you probably think all Catholilc priests are pedophiles too? And of course, all presidents are philanderers? All professional golfers are cheating horn dogs? When I was 17, I was mugged and stabbed by a black man. Would that justify my opinion that all black men are dangerous strong arm thieves (a view I do NOT hold, I want to make clear)?

I'm leaving the thread now. Have a nice day, and a nice life.
And that's wrong as well. Under 18 is my child and im responsible for her so ithe need to be aware of medical issues and procedures. Besides they said 13 year olds were given them and in this state its illegal for a 13 year old to have sex. Also the implant does nothing to prevent STDs and encourages kids not to use condoms.

And, once again, the school didn't provide anything to these kids. The National Health Service did. They went to their health care provider, asked for (I've not seen it suggested that these girls were given contraceptive implants against their will) contraception, and were given it. By people who are licensed to provide these medications. Same as your daughter could do, by going to HER health care provider or planned parenthood.

Just trying to keep the conversation about the actual issue posted...
It's good to know the government is ready to take care of your kids for you. They always get it right, never use untested drugs, and always have your kids best interest at heart, regardless of your wishes as their parents.
While he truely seems to be a vile and reprehensible individual, do you REALLY think it's rational to paint the entire medical world with the pervert brush because of his actions? I guess you probably think all Catholilc priests are pedophiles too? And of course, all presidents are philanderers? All professional golfers are cheating horn dogs? When I was 17, I was mugged and stabbed by a black man. Would that justify my opinion that all black men are dangerous strong arm thieves (a view I do NOT hold, I want to make clear)?

I'm leaving the thread now. Have a nice day, and a nice life.

No all doctors are not perverts but i also wont let my kids alone with adults i dont trust. That includes doctors. My wife is PTA president and a school volunteer so shes at the school all the time. I coach the kids sports teams. And my wife is the girl scouts troop leader.
The girls that are getting these injections are sadly girls who are already having sex, may already have a child and have parents who don't give a damn so someone has to look out for them. Many of you are assuming that the childrens parents actually are that bothered, the school's stated that letters were sent out to parents who could have said no even if their daughters said yes. One mother is complaining! The 'state' has a duty of care seeing as no one else cares much about them it's the best they get. In an ideal world it wouldn't be like this but unless we want these girls to have half a dozen kids by 6 different fathers what else would you suggest the 'state' does? It's fine getting all moral about it but when the parents don't take responsibilty someone has to, this may not have been the best way to deal with it but someone at least is trying to do something for these girls so instead of seeing government conspiracies and big brother come down off the moral high horse and see it for what it is, an attempt, a poor one maybe but an attempt at least to solve what is a heart wrenching problem.
Tez, I don't see it as the 'State's business to tell anyone what they can or can't do, and I certainly don't think the State should be doing things to people without their knowledge or consent. If I were to find out someone did this to me, my wife or my kids I guarantee that someone would be going home in a bag and police involvement would be certain.

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