NHS implants birth control without consent or knowlege...

Ballen is no ones pet blade 96. He seems a really decent sort from what I have read of his posts. Stands up and takes the abuse, that is something you can respect...
hehe I just call him your little pet because he is so much like you. :)

or maybe i can call you two The Twins. x
The other thing that is forgotten is that this is also the media reporting, the newpaper reports a parent as saying they didn't know, it makes a good story. At the moment we have a very big enquiry going on by the Parliamentary Standards commitee (all party on not governmental) into the press so far we've had the press hacking into peoples phones inlcuding a dead murdered teenage girl, police bribes, harrassment of peoples children ( JK Rowling had her young daughter approached at the school gates and a note left by a reporter in her schoolbag) hacking into peoples emails, false and made up stories etc etc so are we really to believe a report by one of the newspapers concerned that parents really didn't know or shouldn't we reserve a certain amount of cynacism here and actually not take what is reported by them as gospel?

These type of stories send a frisson of excitement down certain types of people's spines, we have the right wing types who want to show how awful socialism is meaning the government takes over everywhere only of course in this case it isn't socialism, it's the Tories. When parents read this there's usually two thoughts sometimes they run together sometimes it's the parent being self congratulatory, 'I taught my children how to behave so this won't happen to us', these parents are maybe right, maybe not. Indignation is felt on behalf of the poor innocent parents who had their children forcibly given contraceptives, sitting at computers saying how awful it all is. However we also have the social workers, the charity workers who are the ones who are having to pick up the pieces when it all goes wrong. It's fine saying the government should do this, not that, it's parents responsiblity, it's this it's that but the bottom line is that while everyone is taking political sides and coming up with fine rhetoric about freedom these girls are falling through the cracks and ending up in situations we in the end will pay for in more ways than money.




Interesting views from the press.
All that's fine and good tez and if the new story was a fake then shame on them and reporter should be fired. But in reality people do fall thru the cracks its life it sucks but you can't help everyone. If these girls are so uncared for and parentless then the state has legal ways to remove them and help them. Shooting them up with medication and saying have a nice life we will see you in five years for your next dose is not the answer. And the doctors saying well we don't need to let parents know this 13 year old seems pretty smart she can decide for herself just don't cut it either.
All that's fine and good tez and if the new story was a fake then shame on them and reporter should be fired. But in reality people do fall thru the cracks its life it sucks but you can't help everyone. If these girls are so uncared for and parentless then the state has legal ways to remove them and help them. Shooting them up with medication and saying have a nice life we will see you in five years for your next dose is not the answer. And the doctors saying well we don't need to let parents know this 13 year old seems pretty smart she can decide for herself just don't cut it either.

I didn't say the story was fake at all, I was saying that it's just as likely the newspaper sought out the parents and presented the story in a sensationlist manner.

However if the girls are taken into care, ( if they weren't there already) that defeats those who say that the state should have no say or have to pay for these children and that it's the parents responsibilty. It's still going back on the state and the tax payer.

We don't know that they were given this contraceptive implant and left to their own devices, in fact the truth is we know next to nothing about these girls, everything is supposition, knowing the way things work here I can make educated guesses about the whys and wherefores but the fact remains theres a lot of assuming going on.

One of the foundations of our society here is that everyone can and should be helped, of course people fall through the cracks but it seems that the authorities are damned if they do and damned if they don't, if they don't try to do something about a rising number of underage pregnancies, we bear the financial and social cost of looking after them and their babies, if they do something, whatever it is, is going to be wrong. The authorities set up clinics for teenagers, offering advice first, contraception second. Under age sex isn't accepted without comment or care but if it's inevitable then the teenagers have to be able to use measures which encourage safe sex, safe from infections not just pregnancy. Yes we want teenagers not to have sex but we also have to be pragmatic about it. these girls asked for contraception they were forced into it, they chose also not to tell their parents, something that's between their parents and them not really our business.

The truth is as has already been pointed out, people want the government out of their business...until they need the government to be in it!
Blade 96 I like your signature, "You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine," however...if you blow out their candle, yours in fact would shine more and brighter, so...
Id rather they go buy them like I did and feel embarrassed at the gas station just cause its a feeling you never forget but most school already have condoms anyway.

So that said, I'm also assuming that you'd be willing to talk to you child about sex, and the proper use of the condoms?
So that said, I'm also assuming that you'd be willing to talk to you child about sex, and the proper use of the condoms?

NO thats what internet porn is for.

Of course I will as a parent its your job to prepare and teach your children. I hope and Pray they will make good choices. That and being a cop I plan to scare the boyfriends of my daughters into keeping their pants on
NO thats what internet porn is for.

Of course I will as a parent its your job to prepare and teach your children. I hope and Pray they will make good choices. That and being a cop I plan to scare the boyfriends of my daughters into keeping their pants on

What if it's your daughters who do the chasing? To think that boys are the only ones who pressure their girlfriends for sex would be to underestimate girls, boys aren't the only ones with hormones and when a girl wants to have sex she'll be much more 'cold blooded' about getting it, choosing the hapless lad she'd decided she'll have and chase him down until he's got her just where she wants him! :) How many of you actually think you chose your girlfriends?
NO thats what internet porn is for.

LMFAO!!! Thats true...however, that'd be teaching them on the non-use of them. :D

Of course I will as a parent its your job to prepare and teach your children. I hope and Pray they will make good choices. That and being a cop I plan to scare the boyfriends of my daughters into keeping their pants on

Thank you. :)
What if it's your daughters who do the chasing? To think that boys are the only ones who pressure their girlfriends for sex would be to underestimate girls, boys aren't the only ones with hormones and when a girl wants to have sex she'll be much more 'cold blooded' about getting it, choosing the hapless lad she'd decided she'll have and chase him down until he's got her just where she wants him! :) How many of you actually think you chose your girlfriends?

I was a teenage boy I don't think its possible for any creature on earth to think about sex more then that. But either way me sitting in my Gi polishing and cleaning guns while giving the boy an evil stare is my plane to keep him in check even if she is pressuring him.
I was a teenage boy I don't think its possible for any creature on earth to think about sex more then that. But either way me sitting in my Gi polishing and cleaning guns while giving the boy an evil stare is my plane to keep him in check even if she is pressuring him.

MUAHAHAHAHAHA. Good luck with that!

BTW, I got Beach front property in Nevada and a Bridge I can let you have for cheap....
MUAHAHAHAHAHA. Good luck with that!

BTW, I got Beach front property in Nevada and a Bridge I can let you have for cheap....

Shhhhhhhhhhhh don't mess with my plan. Part 2of is to show him my extensive collection of GPS trackers and micro button cameras and body wires
Tell him you volunteer at the local animal shelter neutering animals and that the technique works just as well with guys who disrespect your daughter...
Tell him you volunteer at the local animal shelter neutering animals and that the technique works just as well with guys who disrespect your daughter...

I dunno.....does the health plan cover tweezers and Mercurochrome? :D
My dad worked on the simple principle of holding the miscreant fellow, that was pressuring my sister, off the floor by his throat until he got the idea that it was better to wait :angel:. Then there was me ...

... even so, the elder of my two sisters was only eighteen when she had her first, which just goes to prove that you can only hold back the tide so long.

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