Henso said:
If you review the balance of my posts, you will notice that I have been advocating that people of your grade (Sandan, I think) and mine, should be allowed to run training groups, so as to make available the teachings of the Bujinkan to all who are interested.
That is true. I'm actually not too concerned with the issue of whether or not people like us should be allowed to run a training group. Hatsumi soke has authorized those under godan to run groups when supervised by a shidoshi, which I am.
I do have to confess, my only reason for starting the group was a selfish one. In order to progress in my own training, I needed to stop fighting the invisible assailants between trips to train with my teacher. Bodies are much better for hitting and throwing than air. I've also heard that soke has said something to the effect that he doesn't care if the Bujinkan gets any bigger.
Given that I have taken on the reponsibilty of being a leader, I take it seriously and do my best to give those who train with me the best training I can.
The so what?, is that others, many who unlike me are critics of Hatsumi Sensei, use the substance of your observation as proofs of their various arguements against everything Sensei has accomplished.
This may not come as a suprise but I don't really care what the critics of Hatsumi soke say or don't say. He doesn't seem to be too concerned so why should I? These people don't affect me or my training. If anyone doesn't like what I teach or think that I'm not skilled enough to be a teacher, it doesn't phase me. My door opens both ways and anyone is free to leave as they please. Hence my use of the term "so what?"
Additionally, if you review some of the early comments of Nimravus, whom you quoted above, you will notice that he stated that:"Given the lack of quality assurance in the Bujinkan, I'd rather not take my chances." Which is almost the same setiment as yours quoted above, except the "So what?" is given at the end.
I don't remember everything Nimravus says nor do I agree with everything he says. I don't claim to not have opinions about the skill levels of various high level ranks but I don't dis them on a public forum whether they are named or unnamed. I am very selective about who I do or don't train with, and my "quality assurance" is to not train with those I don't consider to be good.
Essentially what I have been trying to say, is that I agree with your statement realting to the basics, and at the same time have heard many echo Nimravus' point which responds to your "So what?" My suggestion, and I hope you will take the time to note that I noted that globally, this was not my responsibility, was at attempt to reconcile these two points.
I did have several issues (too strong a word?) with your posts. The first being that you were talking down the rank of people who were promoted to their rank by soke. I'm not trying discredit your loyalty and all that as I don't know you. In my opinion when you say that somone is not worthy of the rank that they have then you are ultimately pointing fingers at the person who gave them their rank.
Another thing that irked me (better word?) was your use of definites when talking about how things should be.
"I personnly think that a shodan be required to have substantive knowlegde of the nine Ryuha, and the ability to name and demonstrate certain waza from those where the knowledge is publically available."
In the above quote, your setting a standard that is higher than the one set by soke. The implication that I get is that soke's standard is not good enough. I will say as a disclaimer that we do use a syllabus that is based on the TCJ although full mastery of that not a necessary requirment for protion to shodan (TC for kyuu)
"As I said in a previous comment, whatever they may think their rank is, it is in fact not. These types of practices do mock the efforts of the dedicated and deserving, and I am in agreement with you that something ought to be done about it."
For me that was some strong language. Who are you to say that someone is not the rank that they have. It goes to my point of saying that a person is the rank that they have a menkyo for. If I don't think they are good I avoid them. If the system is good enough for soke why does something have to be done about it?
As concerns the matter of challenging individuals ranks, you will notice that I very deliberately mentioned no a single person, as your observation that I quoted above, general and not specific.
True, you didn't name names but I'm sure that you have a few people in mind. My issue was with the general criticsicm you had for people granted rank by soke that you didn't feel they were deserving of. If you were only knocking those below godan (not promoted by soke or the shihan) then I apologize.
[qoute]In addition to this, the idea that a reflection upon a matter to which we have come to the same intial conclusion, should digress to challenging me to physiaclly challenge others, coupled with accusing me of having missed the boat on the purpose of our training, lends the lie to the very arugement you are making.[/quote]
Maybe you have missed the boat or maybe you haven't. I don't know. I really don't know anything about you other than what I have read here. I'm sure that you are aware that I used the term "it seems", in other words my opinion. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. That is the danger of posting on an online forum.
I didn't realize that I was "challenging" you. I was paraphrasing soke and trying to, however badly, point out that carrying on about the suckiness factor of various people (named or unnamed) on a public forum is not the "Bujinkan" way to deal with it.
Surely we can have an adult conversation where no indivduals are named and nobody's loyalty is questioned, especially not when so many of us have come to the same fundamental conclusion regarding the skill question.
It sounds I'm being accused of not being "adult" in my conversation. I haven't questioned loyalty, I've questioned perspective and criticism of those promoted by soke.
This is the last I have to say on this matter.
Now that is truly the adult way to have a conversation. The cyberspace equivalent of taking your ball and going home.
Like I said, you may be the greatest, most loyal, best-hearted person in the Bujinkan. I'm going by the postings here. You said what you had to say and I said what I did. Don't get all pissy because I came on strong over some of the things you said.
Anyways, sometimes I can't help posting the way that I do. Its in my nature. Just ask Kreth.