Many years ago I was a devoted member of a “Crap Fu Do” school. I mean this place was so McDojo that I’m surprised that the instructor didn’t ask if we wanted fries and a shake at the end of each punch or kick instead of sounding of with a vigorous KIA. Anyways, after a couple of years I started getting disillusioned (yeah I know. It took me awhile to figure it out) and I found a Wing Chun school. The teacher was athletically gifted, he was quick strong, and precise. It would have been a great place to train but it was so disorganized. He would show up, teach us something, and then leave. Most times he just never was there and left the teaching up to the students. In the few months I trained there I learned various parts of the first two forms mixed in with each other, kicking drills, punching drills, and moving drills. At that time I was used to the regimented training from my other school that I decided to stick with that a while longer and I gave up on the Wing Chun.
Fast forward to a year or so later. I hadnÂ’t been doing any martial art training in quite awhile being disappointed with my previous experiences. One night I was out at a bar with some friends and some guy decided he wanted to become a problem. He walked up to me and started trying to push his way around. He got in my face and I pushed him back He threw a left hook at me. Now at this point my years of training should have kicked in. I should have been doing some pretty awesome Mr. Myagi moves and some killer Chuck Norris kicks, but what I did do was I turned as in Chum Kiu, Bong Soed his punch with my right arm and shot my fingers out as in Siu Nim Toa. My fingers stabbed him in the throat and effectively ended the fight. I want to point this out though. My bong soa wouldnÂ’t be considered the best choice or aesthetically correct but it worked. I didnÂ’t have complete control of the force at which my hand made contact with the guysÂ’ throat and it could have been a lot worse had he been even a little bit closer.
But what gets me the most is the fact that even with years of dedicated training none of those techniques (lack of a better word) flowed from me in a reflex motion. It was the couple of months of unorganized training from Wing Chun.