Hi, I figured id post here with my questions then reviving my dead newbi advice thread in general talk. I Mentioned in general talk that im considering 3 martial arts for fitness and self defense. 1.mma.2tkd and 3. TSD.
Right now im split between TSD and MMA. I have found very good schools for both styles of fighting and now i have to decide which one im going to do. I know its not the style that matters but the mindset and training behind it. Specificly training with selfdefense in mind vs other aspects.
Ok having said all that, can anyone give me a kind of general overview of TSD. How similar is it to TKD? My father did TKD and swears by it, would he recognize any of it? How solid are the moves as far as self defense is concerned? Its not overely kickcentric is it, does it include any hand work? Does it do anything for ground fighting, or how to avoid it or get off the ground should i end up there??
How effective are the blocking and other defensive techniques? The mma instructor i talked to favors passive defense, instead of physically blocking incoming attacks. He said he watched a man at a match break his arm blocking a kick. Does TSD have many takedowns and throws? Does it have any techniques and training for dealing with attackers who get in close, out of kick range. I guess clinch is the term im looking for here. Basicly very cose range.
How well does TSD handle punching and developing punching power.(see my post in general talk to see why im concerned about that)
IS there a pro and con of going the TSD route vs the MMA route. In your opinion what tools what TSD give me that mma wont. (tools wise)
Right now im kinda enamored with mma. When i talked to the mma coach and gave him senarios and what not he was able to give me a difinative response to each, and why it was in his opinion better then a traditional art. That includes the stuff about active vs passive blocking/incoming attack defense. Also he mentioned very close range attacks, that are to close for kicking. Saying that most tma dont have a good response for very close range attacks.
Im not trying to bash TSD, im wanting to learn. I may be enamored with MMA right now, but I wont total count out TSD. I want to keep my options open and maybe find some information here that could help change my mind.
So TSD people, what does TSD bring to the table over mma? I look forward to the discussion, honestly. I find my self intriged by the cousin to TKD.
Right now im split between TSD and MMA. I have found very good schools for both styles of fighting and now i have to decide which one im going to do. I know its not the style that matters but the mindset and training behind it. Specificly training with selfdefense in mind vs other aspects.
Ok having said all that, can anyone give me a kind of general overview of TSD. How similar is it to TKD? My father did TKD and swears by it, would he recognize any of it? How solid are the moves as far as self defense is concerned? Its not overely kickcentric is it, does it include any hand work? Does it do anything for ground fighting, or how to avoid it or get off the ground should i end up there??
How effective are the blocking and other defensive techniques? The mma instructor i talked to favors passive defense, instead of physically blocking incoming attacks. He said he watched a man at a match break his arm blocking a kick. Does TSD have many takedowns and throws? Does it have any techniques and training for dealing with attackers who get in close, out of kick range. I guess clinch is the term im looking for here. Basicly very cose range.
How well does TSD handle punching and developing punching power.(see my post in general talk to see why im concerned about that)
IS there a pro and con of going the TSD route vs the MMA route. In your opinion what tools what TSD give me that mma wont. (tools wise)
Right now im kinda enamored with mma. When i talked to the mma coach and gave him senarios and what not he was able to give me a difinative response to each, and why it was in his opinion better then a traditional art. That includes the stuff about active vs passive blocking/incoming attack defense. Also he mentioned very close range attacks, that are to close for kicking. Saying that most tma dont have a good response for very close range attacks.
Im not trying to bash TSD, im wanting to learn. I may be enamored with MMA right now, but I wont total count out TSD. I want to keep my options open and maybe find some information here that could help change my mind.
So TSD people, what does TSD bring to the table over mma? I look forward to the discussion, honestly. I find my self intriged by the cousin to TKD.