My questions are more along the lines of what is "normal". A little background: My son started TKD 2.5 yrs ago at the age of 5. He is currently a 2nd gup with about 1.5 yrs to go until he may be ready to test for BB. I just started myself about 6 mo. ago. When my son started the school was a lot smaller, class size for junior class was about 15-20 students and 3-5 BB's instructing/helping. Well over the past few years their business has grown. The Junior classes now can have up to 45 students but with only 1-2 BBs helping and maybe some pooms(Jr. BBs). A lot of the BBs that helped moved out of the area and such. They just expect the BBs to help with Jr classes. I believe the main instructor for the class is paid but the other BBs are just expected to show up and help. Is the the basic idea in TKD? Is it the norm to expect it of your BBs to give their time to the school? They are moving into a larger school soon, which they really need. I really like the owners and the school but it is like they grew too fast. A lot of the younger students are forming bad habits because there are not enough eyes on the floor to correct the mistakes when they happen. What is the normal instructor/student ratio for a junior class? How much time are BBs expected to put into "Teaching time"? Just wanting to know what we may be in for down the road 
