I'll vouch for Tang Soo Do as well. Sounds like I was in almost *exactly* the same place as you Jalec (metaphorically speaking, I'm on the other side of the pond

). I started way way overweight, working in IT and having always wanted to learn a MA and get back into shape.
I'm still not skinny by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm a long way towards getting there. My fitness is back up, as is my strength and flexibility. The added things you can take from it are excellent too, the things you don't initially go along for. Socially I couldn't hope to meet a nicer bunch, your self-esteem and confidence grow, it's just good all-round. But it does take effort and pushing past that 'OMG I think I'm going to die or pass out, why am I doing this!?' stage - which you'll get more than once
If your closest TSD Dojang is half as hardworking as ours and the others I know of, you'll be shedding pounds in no time and loving it! Just don't let the day or two after the first lesson put you off. I literally couldn't get out of my seat the next day or lift my arms above shoulder height; now I live for that kind of ache
(it's addictive, beware!!!
