New to MA!

My wife's uncle teaches Judo at that school. The place I goto is East Coast Karate Institute. They have a website. Just google it.
Very nice! I like the site for the school you attend. good information there. Question for you. Do they allow people to come in and watch? get a feel for the instructor and the school.
I would think so. They have an area where you can sit and watch. When I first went there I met with the head instructor at the Edgemont site. He introduced himself, etc and then went through a 20 minute intro class. Some basic stuff. Then you goto a class or two to determine if you like it. The instructor will explain it to you.
I'll vouch for Tang Soo Do as well. Sounds like I was in almost *exactly* the same place as you Jalec (metaphorically speaking, I'm on the other side of the pond :)). I started way way overweight, working in IT and having always wanted to learn a MA and get back into shape.

I'm still not skinny by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm a long way towards getting there. My fitness is back up, as is my strength and flexibility. The added things you can take from it are excellent too, the things you don't initially go along for. Socially I couldn't hope to meet a nicer bunch, your self-esteem and confidence grow, it's just good all-round. But it does take effort and pushing past that 'OMG I think I'm going to die or pass out, why am I doing this!?' stage - which you'll get more than once ;)

If your closest TSD Dojang is half as hardworking as ours and the others I know of, you'll be shedding pounds in no time and loving it! Just don't let the day or two after the first lesson put you off. I literally couldn't get out of my seat the next day or lift my arms above shoulder height; now I live for that kind of ache :D

(it's addictive, beware!!! :D :D)
Haha that sounds awesome. As of tomorrow night me and a few friends will be trying out the Beginner Krav Maga Class. We met the owner last thursday and watched a class or to. i have to admin im impressed with the place so far. Not to jump on a whim i would like to check out your Tang So Do place DAP. maybe you'll see me and my 6 friends(litterally we walked into Premier Martial Arts with 7 people thursday night).
hi i am 6foot4 and 240 im 24. i was 280 when i started training. cardio is important. i have played lots of sports as a kid. i would start by walking and move up to jogging. eating right is also key. my girlfriend calls me rabbit and grass eater but i feel and look great. it was hard for me at first but u can do anything u set your mind to. striking exercices on the heavy bag is also great for conditioning set a timer and show no mercy. sit ups are good to. i can also jog and sit up for free in my own time out of the of luck to you

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