Mike Tyson was terrific. In his prime one of the greatest boxing champions of all time.
But Mike Tyson's anger did not make him a champion. Mike Tyson's anger was a big factor in his undoing.
Four things ruined Mike Tyson. Robin Givens, Don King, Mike Tyson's anger, and Evander The Real Deal Holyfield.
Mike Tyson was one of the most difficult competitors to face in the ring, but not because of anger. It was because of boxing skill. People forget, and in
@Diagen's case, probably doesn't realize in the first place, Mike Tyson had incredible boxing skill. Trained by Cus D'Amato and Teddy Atlas, Iron Mike had some of the greatest skill in slipping, bobbing and weaving that the boxing world had ever seen.
It's difficult to explain slipping, bobbing and weaving to someone who doesn't know how to fight and who's never trained, so I won't try.
Mike's anger was at himself and the circumstances he was constantly embroiled in. It ruined his career. Looking back at the first Holyfield fight, this was at a time when Mike Tyson was paying more attention to outside businesses than to fighting Holyfield - who was given little chance to win by all the boxing pundits.
Then Holyfield whooped his ash.
Tyson actually trained hard for the rematch - which he didn't do for their first fight. And the reason he ended up biting Holyfield was not due to anger. It was due to the realization, in the early rounds, that he couldn't beat Holyfield. So he had to do something to get out of there. Something to take the attention away from him about to get his ash kicked yet again.
Poor Mike. I feel bad for all he went through. The fight game is hard, real hard, it can be unforgiving.
But I tell you what, I really, really like Mike Tyson reinventing himself later in his life. And I wish him all the best. It must have been difficult being Mike Tyson in those early years. And he was so young, just a kid.