New Profile Fields

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
Added these. The list is far from complete, but I tried to cover the most common ones. Some are doubled up due to similarities and software limitations.

These are searchable through the Advanced Member Search function from the member list page. As folks fill in the blanks, more people will come up.


Cultural Systems
Please select which cultural systems you are either interested in, have trained in or train in currently.
African Martial Arts
American Martial Arts
Chinese Martial Arts
European Martial Arts
Filipino Martial Arts
Indochinese Martial Arts
Japanese Martial Arts
Korean Martial Arts
Okinawan Martial Arts
Western Martial Arts

Systems Studied / Interested
A short check list of systems and styles that you are interested in or have trained in.
BJJ / MMA / Grappling / Wrestling Boxing
Choy Lay Fut
Eagle Claw
Hung Gar
Hwa Rang Do
Iaido / Kendo / Kenjutsu
Kempo / Kenpo
Krav Maga
Kuk Sool Won
Muay Thai
Northern Mantis
Southern Mantis
Tae Kwon Do
Tang Soo Do
Wing Chun
I had to cut a lot out to meet the 32 item limit.

If I've missed one, post it here. When I reach enough to add another section, I'll do that.
I would like to suggest that Kuk Sool Won be changed to simply Kuk Sool, Kuk Sool Won is specific to a very particular branch of the Kuk Sool art, that of In Hyuk Suh's and is trademarked and thus should be properly displayed with the (TM). There are many ex-kuk sool won folks that are no longer KSW but are Kuk Sool because of politics etc. Also Kuk Sool Won was originally Kuk Sool Hapkido, there are many folks that follow this lineage still, including In Hyuk Suhs brother In Sun Seo of the World Kido Association, GM Rudy Timmerman's NKMAA org, and his art Kong Shin Bup (TM) have roots to Kuk Sool Hapkido, and Kuk Sool Won however they would fall under Kuk Sool not KSW. Kuk Sool Kwan based out of canada was founded by Kim Woo Tak and his efforts predate those of In Hyuk Suh...these too would be Kuk Sool not Kuk Sool Won.
It could be summed up in comparison to simply listing American Kenpo instead of Kenpo folks like Ryukyu Kempo, Ryu Te, etc. etc. would all be excluded..
I just checked it out and that is a good addition to the site. I do think everyone should be reminded not to just check every martial art listed. I think this option will work better if everyone checks only the arts they are genuinely interested in.
I had to fight the urge myself not to check every "Cultural System." I only checked what I have actually trained in or what I am very interested in.

I updated mine.

I updated mine too - thanks for adding this!
It does seem a little odd that there are three different (and really mostly interchangeable) names for the FMA plus one particular style, all those different Chinese systems, five from Korea (of which, if we're being honest, Hapkido, Kuk Sul and Hwarang Do should be lumped together), but nothing for Malaysia, Indonesia or the Southern Phillipines.
As far as it goes - if you'll permit one more gripe - there's a serious inaccuracy in the overall forum layout.

"Indochina" properly refers only to the former French possessions of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Sometimes Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia and Burma get lumped in as well. So "Indochinese" martial arts would include Bando, Muay Thai, Cuong Nu (sp?), Krabi Krabong and so on if you wanted to stretch a point. They would not include the Inodnesia, most of Malaysia, the Southern Phillipines and Brunei. They are, once again, orphaned as is the entire Indian subcontinent.

If you you were up for some reorganization I'd say put the martial traditions of Indonchina, Thailand and Burma under one heading, perhaps with a Muay Thai sub-heading. Create a different one for the subcontinent and the greater Malay world including the Muslim parts of the Phillipines, maybe called "South and Southeast Asian". Or enlarge it to include all of PI.
As far as it goes - if you'll permit one more gripe - there's a serious inaccuracy in the overall forum layout.

"Indochina" properly refers only to the former French possessions of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Sometimes Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia and Burma get lumped in as well. So "Indochinese" martial arts would include Bando, Muay Thai, Cuong Nu (sp?), Krabi Krabong and so on if you wanted to stretch a point. They would not include the Inodnesia, most of Malaysia, the Southern Phillipines and Brunei. They are, once again, orphaned as is the entire Indian subcontinent.

AS a Nam vet I know I might seem ancient to some of you but the above is quite corresct.

Had an rare an intresting expereince tonight. The only thing I am a master of is avoidng fights even in extreme cases one way or the other.

But in this biker bar I frequent, being an overeducated biker trash myself, I was "attacked".

I use quotes because the guy apparently thought he was a MA person I suppose, maybe he was as his attack showed elements of chinese styles.

I admit I was liitle bit over the limit alcohol wise when he "attacked", and I assume he did so becasue at that bar they mostly are freinds and know I am member of the Black Belt Hall of Fame.

I'm tgelling this as I recall it occurying but who can really say in deal like this, he through several shots sort of over had "claw style at my face and head. His hands were open and his strikes vertical and circilaur like it some Chinese styles.

I spun three or four of these off and realized then I was also calmly talking to the guy while he was attacking me. The reflexively I struck a light Iron Palm to his chest which knocked him back a bit and away from me but no more than that. I had no intention of doing him any injury as I felt no real threat to my safety.

People I am 60 years old and hardly need this nonsense, but it was interesting as I said. Then he attacked again and even more furiously, I relaized this was as hard and fast as he could manage and he was trying to tag me hard.

I found it a casual experience to spin his strikes away and I remember saying to him clamly "Come on kid stop this ****". Then I notriced his shirt had been somehow ripped off his body.

Then he did leave shortly after those words and he left the bar. I was a little perplexed and as I turned around most everyone in the bar was staring at me.

Like I said I had too much to drink and had even called my wife to come get me as I did not want to risk a DUI riding my bike back.

The people at the bar mostly my friends acted like they had seen something extraordinary. To me it was nothing almost.

One buddy said "Dam man he was crazy he was throwing everything he had at you he was out for blood and a rep, and you were *** talking to him like nothing was happening while he was trying to get you !"

I began to wondr myself who had a better realer vision and point of view on what had just happend? Was I so drunk I did not notice his intensity? Or were the onlookers just used to seeding sloopy bar room brawlers?

I do feel positive that I dealt with it this way though. I mean not really hitting him hard or trying to do any damge or real violence to him.

I never really got 'enaged" in the 'fight' if that was what it really was in sense. I have not been in anything remotely like this childihness in like 23 years too.

What if I was a fraction slower or hesitated instead of flowing, would he have actually injured me? At the time I felt no real threat though. I can see how this could get me in trouble sometime too perhaps.