hello im new here


White Belt
hey everyone. i just joined a couple days ago because i saw the wealth of information contained on this site. i hope to contribute some knowledge as well. my main focus is on chinese martial arts. im currently without a school/sifu since i just moved to indianapolis, indiana. im originally from the east coast of pennsylvania which is where i started my studies. the styles of martial arts i have trained in are chen style tai chi, jiulong baguazhang, and "traditional" wing chun (william cheung method). i have also trained extensively in jian(chinese straightsword. however, i will never limit myself by only studying systems from a certain country. im open to all martial arts as they all have valuable content. i have looked into schools here in indy and have found a 7 star praying mantis school and a combination aikido/taichi school. those are the two i have been looking at. we'll see what happens. if anyone is from indianapolis and has a suggestion thats not listed in the yellow pages please let me know. my teachers in pennsylvania were both based out of their garages. they did not advertise in the phone book. well anyway, thanks in advance and i hope to have some in depth conversations within this community.
I`m fairly new here myself. Glad to have you around. I`m originally from Ohio, but Indy or Pennsylvania would be close enough to home to enjoy when I`m feeling homesick.
Hi mrchan,

You're going to make us blush, man! "Wealth of information" indeed... Well, we try, you know. Welcome aboard!
Welcome to Martial Talk! I'm in the NW Chicago burbs and trained in Chinese Martial Arts. I can ask my Sifu if he knows of anything worthwhile in the Indy area. Best of luck finding a new school. :asian:

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